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separation and jointly owned property

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  • separation and jointly owned property

    New to the forum and am hoping to get some advice for a very difficult situation for me, but probably a very common one. My ex-partner left our family home and our 2 young children 12 years ago and although he contributed to the mortgage initially, stopped paying maintenance and mortgage in 2009. I was then a paediatric nurse working 12.5 hour shifts and my ex-partner was helpful with childcare when we first parted company but stopped this help in 2009. In 2010 I had to leave my specialist job due to lack of childcare and changed the mortgage to interest only. I went through CSA for child maintenance but because my ex-partner was self employed we were awarded only a minor amount. 12 years down the line and now my youngest child has turned 18 and has started at University my ex partner suddenly expects me to buy him out or sell the property. The property is a family home to my daughter 20 and my son when he comes home from university for 4 months of the year. I have recently increased my hours as a school nurse but still do not earn enough to get a mortgage on my own. The first house we owned was in my name only and I put an original deposit down of £6000 which I have evidence of. All of this went towards our current house which we bought in 2003. My ex-partner left in 2006. I have also had to spend a lot of money over the years to bring the dilapidated house he left us in, to a habitable standard. He was always a bully and had an alcohol problem when we were together. In his recent messages, which are of a harassing nature, I can tell that he is going to take this to unreasonable lengths to get what he wants. Looking for any help or advice as I really would like to keep the family home going so that I can keep supporting both children until they are themselves settled or at least until my son finishes his education.
    Thank you in advance. This whole situation is making me feel really ill.
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