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Totally ashamed of myself!

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  • Totally ashamed of myself!

    Dear LB ...... today whilst out shopping in my local TK maxx buying expensive Christmas decorations, I pick up two tops that were in the sale costing £3 and one costing £7???!!! And while walking round I pulled the tags off. God only knows WHY?! I feel such a c€$t! I went and paid for my decorations and said to the girl on the checkout that the tops were mine I was going to change them but have decided to keep them now. Knowing I hadn’t paid for them! It’s not an excuse but I’m not feeling myself as I’m not keeping my antidepressant down at the moment as I’m having sickness due to stress, I’m on a very high dose. I seriously don’t know what on earth came over me?! As I paid for the other bits the cashier took a call, and said, YES I KNOW! I paid for my bits and went to walk out, where the security lady was waiting for me and said “are these yours? I’ve just watched you pull the tags of them!” I was so ashamed (as I should be!) and said yes I did I’m so sorry. She said “your lucky you didn’t walk out the shop!” Took them of me and I left ...... ran to the car and got out as fast as I could. I have spent the whole day in bits/tears. I have two beautiful babies....... why on earth did I try and get out with £10 worth of stuff?! I paid for the rest of my bits (that I can’t stand to look at and are bagged to go to the charity shop) with my cash card. I have phone the bank to see if they could get my address, they said no, I’m now terrified (I know. As I should be) the cctv in the car park will get my reg etc and report me. I’m in bits, can’t bring myself to look in the mirror and I know this sounds over the top but the way they done it and made me feel, rightly or wrongly I feel I could walk off a bridge. If my other half or work colleges ever found out my life wouldn’t be worth living. If today has taught me anything ...... it’s not to judge. I can’t even look my children in the eye and I’m so scared of what may happen now. Can anyone offer any advice?
    Tank you LB
    Tags: None

  • #2
    hi there.
    I would guess that nothing is going to happen.
    The amount is so small, TKMAX lost nothing, they didn't take your name and address and so aren't going to trawl through hours of CCTV to see if they can spot which car you got into!.

    In view of your circumstances, keep the items you purchased, relax and enjoy Christmas with your family.
    Nobody is going to come after you.


    • #3
      Nobody is here to judge you. You are going through hell and have acknowledged what you did was wrong.

      Withdrawal from antidepressants makes you do odd things, I have a close friend who drove her children to her parents house, asked her mum to watch them, went home and cooked dinner like she had no kids!

      For us to help you further, I'm going to need to ask you some questions.

      First, did they take any personal details? Name? Address etc?
      Did you get told that any further action would occur?

      Please don't do anything rash, everyone makes mistakes and at present you are very fragile. I am going to tag des8 jaguarsuk Amethyst Kati to come in and help, they are good people and won't judge you either.

      Please just check in to let me know you are ok, if you start to feel worse PLEASE speak to someone, either by posting here or if you prefer to hear a voice, The Samaritans are on 116 123.

      Hang in there sweetie!
      PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

      "If you ever feel alone, remember, I am just the other side of the rainbow, or just south of the North Star. Whichever is closer." - A.J Murphy. 17/3/1974 - 16/03/1997 (RIP babe <3)


      • #4
        Thank you for taking the time to reply! X Such a stupid, stupid, greedy thing to do!
        Thanks again x


        • #5
          Originally posted by slainte caragh View Post
          Nobody is here to judge you. You are going through hell and have acknowledged what you did was wrong.

          Withdrawal from antidepressants makes you do odd things, I have a close friend who drove her children to her parents house, asked her mum to watch them, went home and cooked dinner like she had no kids!

          For us to help you further, I'm going to need to ask you some questions.

          First, did they take any personal details? Name? Address etc?
          Did you get told that any further action would occur?

          Please don't do anything rash, everyone makes mistakes and at present you are very fragile. I am going to tag des8 jaguarsuk Amethyst Kati to come in and help, they are good people and won't judge you either.

          Please just check in to let me know you are ok, if you start to feel worse PLEASE speak to someone, either by posting here or if you prefer to hear a voice, The Samaritans are on 116 123.

          Hang in there sweetie!
          Thank you so much! I’ve wanted to tell someone what I’ve done all day. I’m not a child I’m 36 years of age. I live close to the TXMax and I’m out of my mind someone, somehow is going to find out?! The security lady didn’t ask my name, address anything. I didn’t get taken to a room or have to sign any paper work ...... she just told me I should count myself lucky!!!! Obviously I do! But can’t think of anything else.
          I can’t tell you how greatful I am to talk to someone. Thank you! X


          • #6
            That sounds like Security Guard speak for "Merry Christmas, get outta here!"

            Now, you've already done me a favour by letting me know you are ok, do me another one. Stop punishing yourself!

            Enjoy your Christmas and the kids! Use this experience as a lesson when they get older!

            much love <3

            PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

            "If you ever feel alone, remember, I am just the other side of the rainbow, or just south of the North Star. Whichever is closer." - A.J Murphy. 17/3/1974 - 16/03/1997 (RIP babe <3)


            • #7
              Just checking in to see how you are feeling today Dolly2323 .

              Even if you don't need legal advice, there is always someone here if you need to talk <3

              Callie <3
              PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

              "If you ever feel alone, remember, I am just the other side of the rainbow, or just south of the North Star. Whichever is closer." - A.J Murphy. 17/3/1974 - 16/03/1997 (RIP babe <3)


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