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Hi please help Boots and RLP

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  • Hi please help Boots and RLP

    myself and my partner got caught shoplifting £130 of make up for her wringly I know and we’ve admitted this, we got arrested and spent 12 hours in police cells whilst our flat was searched. We have been put on a thing called PathFinder and we was not charged by the police and they said once the course was finished 4 months in total there will be no evidence of what happens. BOOTS are the store who have all the items back in same condition they left the store in, but claiming they are unsellable so want money to cover that cost and cost of employing a security guard too we have had 2 letters so far I’ve contated them via email stating I want proof they are unsellable and a breakdown of costs which the amount relates to in which they said they can’t do that as the costs would be more than they want and would suit me to pay now before amount becomes bigger.
    Yes we was wrong to steal NEVER again but a few points to put across it was our first time doing anything like this, my partner suffered a miscarriage 3 months ago we are both on antidepressants due to depression, also my ex gives me lists of nasty emails regarding not paying enough money to my kids which in fact I do so both our head were all over the place.
    ive read other posts and all state IGNORE letters? Is this still the situation?
    They state they need to employe a security guard due to thefts but that’s like saying I joined the Royal Marines but wouldn’t go to war? I get paid to do a job and one of those WAS to go to war for this country 3 times? So RLP please don’t say something so stupid.

    help very much appreciated thank you in advance
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  • #2
    security guards payments are within their budget and tax allowed as expences, ignore ignore ignore you owe them nothing! get on with your life


    • #3
      Hi and welcome.

      That letter requesting money.... was it from Boots or a firm called Retail Loss Prevention (RLP)?
      It is very unusual for Boots to write directly to a shoplifter.

      They cannot claim for their security guard costs, as he was only doing ehat he is paid to do.
      If the goods were saleable they cannot claim for those.
      If the goods were not saleable, they can only claim what they cost Boots, not the full retail price.

      If it was RLP who wrote to you it's a pity you wrote back to them as they will believe they have hooked someone who will give in to their demands.
      If it is RLP I would suggest a final letter to them telling them you think their demands are extravagant, you are aware of the Oxford case and do not intend corresponding further and they should cease sending their letters.

      You can read about the Oxford case here.http://legalbeagles.info/forums/foru...gment-09-05-12
      Basically they took a couple of shoplifters to court and lost.
      They haven't been back to court since.


      • #4
        I think the Oxford case was Boots. I think they learnt from that experience, after being slapped down by the judge, that it really is not worth taking things to court when there has been no loss.


        • #5
          Thanks guys it was RLP who wrote to us and I only replied back as I wanted a total breakdown of cost to prove that security guard was doing more that his job description entailed also proof that the products couldn’t go back on sale in which the answer to that was NO, also we have been banned from EVERY Boots store but a solicitor stated if we went in and paid for items there is nothing they can do about it so does anyone know about that? And thank you again


          • #6
            lesson learnt - ignore


            • #7
              buy something then contract completed


              • #8
                If you enter a boots store you are trespassing, and if you refuse to leave when asked the police can be called to assist.(but not arrest you)
                If no damage has been done there would be no point in suing you.
                If whilst trespassing you concluded contract (ie buy something) the contract is valid, but you can still be turfed out


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