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Lowell chasing MY old debt

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  • Lowell chasing MY old debt

    IN 2011 I had loan from Provident for 600 pounds 6 years past I have received a letter asking for the money I have send them Limitation Act 1980, they reply with contract may 2011 and print out of payment that they say I have made in 2013 I did not make any payment 2012 or 2013 so I send them a letter asking for

    "I would like very much to solve this please answer my question, you sent me print out of paymnt I don't recognise ?

    Which Bank account I used to make a payment to you in 2012 and 2013 ?, I have only one account with Barclays and no payment has been made from this account to you "

    they reply to me with this

    "We are unable to provide you with bank details for the payments that were received by Provident Personal Credit.

    The payments shown on the statement from 2012 are ‘Debt Collection Agency Payments’. This means that you did not make payments directly to Provident, but to a debt collection agency that were acting on their behalf.

    We would be unable to confirm how you made the payments to the debt collection agency."

    I have reply to this

    "You have contacted me about the account with the above reference number, which you claim I owe. I do not admit any liability for your claim.

    You sent me contract older than 6 years and no proof of payments within the 6 years, please provide me with a bank detail that I used to make a payment to you or any Debt Collection Agency Payments I have made within the last 6 years ? as I has told you I did not make any payment the last 6 years to any body regarding the account no 0000000000

    + the letter Under the Limitation Act 1980 Section 5:

    Your accounts remain on hold for 27 days to give you time to get back to us.

    Tags: None

  • #2
    simple = challenge them to show who paid an amount/ actual amount./ How cheques made out from/postal order/cash payment prove method and by whom? dates etc

    their problem :- We would be unable to confirm how you made the payments to the debt collection agency

    somewhat of a last ditch letter no doubt ,,, ahhhhhh


    • #3
      Agree with MIKE77.


      • #4
        thank you I will do that


        • #5
          just had anther reply from them I will copy

          Good Afternoon,

          Thank you for your email.

          The Limitation Act and your account
          We’ve noted your comments, however, your accounts are not statute barred under the Limitation Act 1980.

          This is because under the Limitation Act 1980 a debt is enforceable for 6 years from the date of your last payment.

          Provident have informed us that a payment of £5.00 was received on 10th April 2013.
          BT have informed us that a payment of £5.00 was received on 1st March 2013.

          As previously advised, we are unable to confirm the payment method used to make these payments.

          Time to consider our response
          We understand you may need some time before discussing your accounts because of your circumstances.

          You don’t need to do anything else at this stage. We’ll contact you to let you know the next steps on your accounts.


          • #6
            The onus on them is to prove this, without it they haven't a leg to stand on.


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