Morning all, first post for me, any help would be appreciated to fend off this aggressive monster Council. A friend was using my car, doing me a favour and was forced to stop in a yellow junction box. I receive the penalty notice, no problem, traffic offence committed, liability accepted, i sent the reduced rate which reached them after the deadline. They reply with another penalty, which i was expecting but their date for returning for the second penalty and reduced rate was mixed up and incorrect/unclear. I pay the reduced penalty. They reply saying i had missed the deadline and imposed a further penalty and i replied by saying that i am not paying any more, that i have now paid in full and that their incorrect date was a contributing factor in missing their deadline and invited them to accept payment had been made in full. They refused and i received a threat from the Traffic Enforcement Centre, County Court Business Centre, Northampton with no way of appealing, so i ignored it as there were no other options. There is no court stamp anywhere on the document !
I have today received a Notice of Enforcement from Merton Enforcement Agents with an additional fee of £75 as a compliance stage fee and a threat of taking my possessions and charging me for that operation, plus, the previous penalty which i refused to pay. Again, no court stamp or anything other than the County Court Business Centre address, presumably to generate a picture of officialdom !! Surely there are official notices they are legally obliged to serve before sending bailiffs ! any help would be most gratefully received. Thanks
I have today received a Notice of Enforcement from Merton Enforcement Agents with an additional fee of £75 as a compliance stage fee and a threat of taking my possessions and charging me for that operation, plus, the previous penalty which i refused to pay. Again, no court stamp or anything other than the County Court Business Centre address, presumably to generate a picture of officialdom !! Surely there are official notices they are legally obliged to serve before sending bailiffs ! any help would be most gratefully received. Thanks