Hello Legal Beagles,
Ive just joined your website which looks to be just the thing for Joe publics like me!
Ive been prompted to look for clear advice following receiving a parking charge notice from MET Parking Services for an infringement at a McDonalds restaurant back in January. I overstayed the 90 minute allotted time (overstaying my welcome by 15 mins).
Ive had email corres with the Restaurant owner and McDonalds UK and both have washed their hands of the matter. SO over the last couple of months I've been in direct corres with MET Parking Services to dispute the PCN. Im not denying the infringement, although having said that I did not see the signs which MET have told me are prominently displayed around the carpark.
I am basically disputing the penalty as I feel it is completely unjustified and dont want to be stung to the tune of £100!
MET have rejected my appeal advising that I either pay up or raise a further appeal to POPLA. MET have now given me a POPLA code to pursue this. Im wondering how I should go about this or is there another route Id be better advised to take?
Best regards
Ive just joined your website which looks to be just the thing for Joe publics like me!
Ive been prompted to look for clear advice following receiving a parking charge notice from MET Parking Services for an infringement at a McDonalds restaurant back in January. I overstayed the 90 minute allotted time (overstaying my welcome by 15 mins).
Ive had email corres with the Restaurant owner and McDonalds UK and both have washed their hands of the matter. SO over the last couple of months I've been in direct corres with MET Parking Services to dispute the PCN. Im not denying the infringement, although having said that I did not see the signs which MET have told me are prominently displayed around the carpark.
I am basically disputing the penalty as I feel it is completely unjustified and dont want to be stung to the tune of £100!
MET have rejected my appeal advising that I either pay up or raise a further appeal to POPLA. MET have now given me a POPLA code to pursue this. Im wondering how I should go about this or is there another route Id be better advised to take?
Best regards