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Court claim following vehicle accident

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  • Court claim following vehicle accident

    Last October, my son whilst riding his Moped had an accident and clipped the bumper of a parked vehicle. The owner called the police who were happy to leave the scene as my son was legal (tax & insurance). subsequently my husband offered to pay for the damage as it was minimal rather than go through insurance but didn't get a response back. We assumed he had dropped it entirely as didn't hear anything else about the incident.

    This was until last week when my son received a County Court claim form whereby the owner of the vehicle is pursuing him for 51 days credit car hire totalling £12,099!! (probably 12 times the value of his entire car). He is also claiming impecuniosity, not sure that is relevant? Need advice as to how to respond and what the possible outcome could be given my son is 17 and has no form of income.

    Thanks in advance
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  • #2
    Hand this to your sons insurers immediately. What the heck was he hiring for that price?


    • #3
      May be worth confirming the police incident number to the insurers too and any photos, if he took any.
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