Hi All;
New to the forum and could really do with some help.
Have had a private lease car with vw finance since June 2017, missed two payments at the beginning and forgot about them due to some stress that was going on. Payments being taken monthly since then.
In January 2018, going through my papers realised this and contacted VW expressing that I hadn’t been aware, apologised and that I was suffering hardship at the time but wanted confirmation of what was outstanding, where to pay, and that I would make that payment as soon as I could.
Since then, have had a lot going on personally, was continuing to make the monthly payments as usual and forgot. That was until someone from Burlington’s arrived last Monday to collect the car. Have to say, Burlington’s have been very nice in this whole process.
They told me that I had been sent a default notice in late January (after I contacted them) and that the agreement had been terminated.
i contacted Vw and explained that I had never received any notice and that I was happy to settle any amount owed - their response to this was simply the agreement had been terminated and nothing I could do and the car had to be returned.
My question is, should I return the car voluntarily with Burlington’s, and fight the issue of not receiving the notice after, or refuse to return the car voluntarily and deal with the situation that way - I assume by vw taking the matter to court.
I’m not trying to pull a fast one or steal the car, I simply want to pay what is owed and not have my credit score damaged by this.
Sincerely need your help...many thanks
New to the forum and could really do with some help.
Have had a private lease car with vw finance since June 2017, missed two payments at the beginning and forgot about them due to some stress that was going on. Payments being taken monthly since then.
In January 2018, going through my papers realised this and contacted VW expressing that I hadn’t been aware, apologised and that I was suffering hardship at the time but wanted confirmation of what was outstanding, where to pay, and that I would make that payment as soon as I could.
Since then, have had a lot going on personally, was continuing to make the monthly payments as usual and forgot. That was until someone from Burlington’s arrived last Monday to collect the car. Have to say, Burlington’s have been very nice in this whole process.
They told me that I had been sent a default notice in late January (after I contacted them) and that the agreement had been terminated.
i contacted Vw and explained that I had never received any notice and that I was happy to settle any amount owed - their response to this was simply the agreement had been terminated and nothing I could do and the car had to be returned.
My question is, should I return the car voluntarily with Burlington’s, and fight the issue of not receiving the notice after, or refuse to return the car voluntarily and deal with the situation that way - I assume by vw taking the matter to court.
I’m not trying to pull a fast one or steal the car, I simply want to pay what is owed and not have my credit score damaged by this.
Sincerely need your help...many thanks