Post regarding loan extension
So a couple get a loan from a subprime lender in say 2009
In 2011 one of the couple goes to the subprime lender and pays off the loan with a new loan leaving some cash over
They sign the form say 27 Feb and then the form is taken away for the partner to sign on the 28 Feb - or not as the case may be
The partner that signs on the 28 Feb says it is not their signature - doesn't match Driving licence or passport signature (which match each other)
The couple split up in 2012, and have both been paying a set amount each month (the interest has been put to 0%)
Question is how do they prove they didn't sign (they were not the one as the borrower - they are listed as joint borrower)
How can you get a hand writing expert and what weight does it carry?
So a couple get a loan from a subprime lender in say 2009
In 2011 one of the couple goes to the subprime lender and pays off the loan with a new loan leaving some cash over
They sign the form say 27 Feb and then the form is taken away for the partner to sign on the 28 Feb - or not as the case may be
The partner that signs on the 28 Feb says it is not their signature - doesn't match Driving licence or passport signature (which match each other)
The couple split up in 2012, and have both been paying a set amount each month (the interest has been put to 0%)
Question is how do they prove they didn't sign (they were not the one as the borrower - they are listed as joint borrower)
How can you get a hand writing expert and what weight does it carry?