Hi all, wonder if someone can give me some advice. I have recently returned my lease car. When they came to collect the car the guy did a report on the state of the car. There were various things noted, all of which I agreed with....and one of them was a hole in the carpet where my foot after four years had worn through it.
Arval have since written to me asking for £770 for the repair to the carpet. The car was a Kia Sportage. When I took delivery of the car at the start of the lease it did not come with any car mats and for whatever reason I didn't buy any. I still do not understand how a company can provide nearly £30k worth of car and not provide car mats if they believe necessary.
I've written back to Arval disputing the claim, stating that the car was never supplied with car mats, so if they expected the carpet to be protected then surely they would provide some mats, especially as it was such an expensive car.
They are saying that I signed the lease agreement and I am liable for the damage. The clause that they are pointing to is as follows:
2.1.3 At the end of the Contract Term (or on early termination of this Agreement or late return of the Vehicle) the Hirer will make the Vehicle available for collection. On behalf of ARVAL a representative will complete an initial report on the mechanical and bodywork condition of the Vehicle including its milometer reading. The Hirer or its representative will sign a copy of that report. If the Hirer or representative fails or unreasonably refuses to sign such report ARVAL reserves the right to make such charges pursuant to this Agreement as it shall reasonably think fit. ARVAL shall invoice the Hirer for the cost of repairs (whether or not carried out) to a Vehicle returned to ARVAL that is subject to damage which, in accordance with the BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear Guide for the Contract Hire Industry, would constitute unfair wear and tear and/ or for any diminution of the value of the Vehicle resulting from a previous repair to the Vehicle. All invoices for unfair wear and tear charges must be paid by the Hirer in accordance with Clause 3 of this Agreement.
I had understood that I would be liable for the mechanical and bodywork of the car as per the agreement above but had assumed (and I guess wrongly) that the BVRLA reference was referring to the mechanical and bodywork condition...not everything else.
I think £770 is unreasonable and have asked for a copy of the quote / estimate.
Can you please help, I have several questions.....
1. Do you agree that the way that it is written above it could be reasonably assumed that the BVRLA guide was referring to mechanical and bodywork condition?
2. If no to the number 1, do I have the right to get quotes myself for the repair of the carpet if I am liable for the damage?
3. Do you think that the fact that they did not provide carpet mats means that they are liable for some or all of the repair costs?
4. Anything else you can think of that could help to go back to ARVAL with....please?
5. Also, I have been in constant dialogue with their team and collections team (they raised an invoice) and now I have received a letter from Burlington Group advising that they have been instructed to recover the unpaid debt and that unless I pay they may issue legal proceedings against me. Is this correct? Surely the amount is in dispute as I have been in constant dialogue with them....please help, this is all getting me down....
Sorry to write so much and thank you in advance for reading.....
Arval have since written to me asking for £770 for the repair to the carpet. The car was a Kia Sportage. When I took delivery of the car at the start of the lease it did not come with any car mats and for whatever reason I didn't buy any. I still do not understand how a company can provide nearly £30k worth of car and not provide car mats if they believe necessary.
I've written back to Arval disputing the claim, stating that the car was never supplied with car mats, so if they expected the carpet to be protected then surely they would provide some mats, especially as it was such an expensive car.
They are saying that I signed the lease agreement and I am liable for the damage. The clause that they are pointing to is as follows:
2.1.3 At the end of the Contract Term (or on early termination of this Agreement or late return of the Vehicle) the Hirer will make the Vehicle available for collection. On behalf of ARVAL a representative will complete an initial report on the mechanical and bodywork condition of the Vehicle including its milometer reading. The Hirer or its representative will sign a copy of that report. If the Hirer or representative fails or unreasonably refuses to sign such report ARVAL reserves the right to make such charges pursuant to this Agreement as it shall reasonably think fit. ARVAL shall invoice the Hirer for the cost of repairs (whether or not carried out) to a Vehicle returned to ARVAL that is subject to damage which, in accordance with the BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear Guide for the Contract Hire Industry, would constitute unfair wear and tear and/ or for any diminution of the value of the Vehicle resulting from a previous repair to the Vehicle. All invoices for unfair wear and tear charges must be paid by the Hirer in accordance with Clause 3 of this Agreement.
I had understood that I would be liable for the mechanical and bodywork of the car as per the agreement above but had assumed (and I guess wrongly) that the BVRLA reference was referring to the mechanical and bodywork condition...not everything else.
I think £770 is unreasonable and have asked for a copy of the quote / estimate.
Can you please help, I have several questions.....
1. Do you agree that the way that it is written above it could be reasonably assumed that the BVRLA guide was referring to mechanical and bodywork condition?
2. If no to the number 1, do I have the right to get quotes myself for the repair of the carpet if I am liable for the damage?
3. Do you think that the fact that they did not provide carpet mats means that they are liable for some or all of the repair costs?
4. Anything else you can think of that could help to go back to ARVAL with....please?
5. Also, I have been in constant dialogue with their team and collections team (they raised an invoice) and now I have received a letter from Burlington Group advising that they have been instructed to recover the unpaid debt and that unless I pay they may issue legal proceedings against me. Is this correct? Surely the amount is in dispute as I have been in constant dialogue with them....please help, this is all getting me down....
Sorry to write so much and thank you in advance for reading.....