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International trading and terms of business

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  • International trading and terms of business

    Good afternoon,

    I have a small recruitment business and have recently signed a large company. I have another waiting in the wings for next week and I am concerned.

    I'm confused about whether I'm entitled to payment if say a VP of the company has signed my terms.

    The sprawling nature of the company meant I was liaising with a Senior Director who refered me to procurement who in turn sent my terms to be signed by the VP of UK.

    This Senior Director has a team across EMEA and in to Russia and he is based in the UK BUT his subordinates are not.

    After seven weeks of chasing procurement to ensure I was covered to resource outside the UK and be paid, procurement told me I was not.

    During the conversation and email trail it was not explained that I needed to be on a Master List. All this aside.... I was close to making a placement and then there was a management structure change so nothing happened.

    How do I make sure that my terms of business are adhered to and that I don't get shafted by huge companies??

    (I realise the responsibility to ask questions lies with me).

    Do I need to alter my Terms of Business to account for these eventualities??? My fear is that my invoice could be bureaucracied away because of internal policy.

    Where do I ask for advice on this?

    Is it as simple as "You have signed.... you're liable"?

    Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
    Re: International trading and terms of business

    Do you have clauses in your Terms of Business that detail:

    1. payment of invoices and the terms thereof i.e. how many days to pay and if interest will be charged for non-payment after that time
    2. that by signing the document the company agrees to be bound by its terms which will include payment

    If so then you are ensuring you can be as covered as possible to get an invoices you submit paid.
    If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

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    • #3
      Re: International trading and terms of business

      I would add a clause about which jurisdiction you want the contract to be covered by.


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