I became a council joint tenant in 1990 with Derby council with my ex husband. My marriage broke down and I officially moved out of my marital home late 2002. I notified Derby council I had left and wanted to relinquish my half of the tenancy in 2003 by posting a letter through the local housing office letter box ( no receipt obtained)
Forward 14 years, I have remarried and held sole and joint council tenancies with two different councils. My husband and I decide to excersise our Right To Buy and I give details of my previous social housing to obtain our discount.
We later got confirmation that we could buy and a surveyor valued our house.. Ok your thinking what's the problem????
A month ago I recieved a letter from the Right To Buy team stating that they could not proceed at this time as I am currently still a tenant with Derby council. I asked the Right To buy team ..How? It's illegal to have two tenancies? Wouldn't my previous landlord of checked with Derby before allowing me to have another home?
So, I call Derby who confirm I am still a tenant, I explained everything to them but they deny having any correspondence from me relinquishing my tenancy. The only way I could do this is to terminate the tenancy with them, which I did. This meant my ex husband had to ask to keep his home and sign a new tenancy on the Derby property.
This is is where it gets weird, when my husband had his interview with Derby they stated they HAD found the letter and she would do everything to help him keep his home as it was a clerical error... ( he got to keep the house with a new secure tenancy)
FABULOUS !! ?? No, when I called Derby ( before they agreed to let my ex husband stay) the housing officer denied she had said the letter has been found!!
My Right To Buy application has now gone to the councils lega
dept to decide where they go now..
Any advice on how I now play this??
Forward 14 years, I have remarried and held sole and joint council tenancies with two different councils. My husband and I decide to excersise our Right To Buy and I give details of my previous social housing to obtain our discount.
We later got confirmation that we could buy and a surveyor valued our house.. Ok your thinking what's the problem????
A month ago I recieved a letter from the Right To Buy team stating that they could not proceed at this time as I am currently still a tenant with Derby council. I asked the Right To buy team ..How? It's illegal to have two tenancies? Wouldn't my previous landlord of checked with Derby before allowing me to have another home?
So, I call Derby who confirm I am still a tenant, I explained everything to them but they deny having any correspondence from me relinquishing my tenancy. The only way I could do this is to terminate the tenancy with them, which I did. This meant my ex husband had to ask to keep his home and sign a new tenancy on the Derby property.
This is is where it gets weird, when my husband had his interview with Derby they stated they HAD found the letter and she would do everything to help him keep his home as it was a clerical error... ( he got to keep the house with a new secure tenancy)
FABULOUS !! ?? No, when I called Derby ( before they agreed to let my ex husband stay) the housing officer denied she had said the letter has been found!!
My Right To Buy application has now gone to the councils lega
dept to decide where they go now..
Any advice on how I now play this??