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YouTube Video in your Profile

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  • YouTube Video in your Profile

    1: Click USERCP

    2: Click Edit Your Details

    3: Scroll to bottom

    4: In Youtube ID field enter the ''GchM06lJ8ak'' bit of the youtube link you want to add.

    5: In Youtube Title enter the title of your video.

    6: In autoplay type ''&autoplay=1" if you want your video to autoplay when someone visit your profile.

    7: That's it, visit your profile to test it out.

    Example of it in action is on AMETHYST's PROFILE

    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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  • #2
    Re: YouTube Video in your Profile

    Cool thats clever stuff ta Ame adds a bit of life to the profile nice one


    • #3
      Re: YouTube Video in your Profile

      Originally posted by TANZARELLI View Post
      Cool thats clever stuff ta Ame adds a bit of life to the profile nice one
      Only if you have any left in you chuck pmsl


      • #4
        Re: YouTube Video in your Profile

        I can't see a video!


        • #5
          Re: YouTube Video in your Profile

          Cool, nice extra

          got my vid up


          • #6
            Re: YouTube Video in your Profile

            Right mines having a bit of David Gray check out the drumming in it.


            • #7
              Re: YouTube Video in your Profile

              easy for some, not so easy for the mentally challenged amongst us. erm I mean me.
              Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


              • #8
                Re: YouTube Video in your Profile

                And just for a change--I've posted a bit of opera!--LOL


                • #9
                  Re: YouTube Video in your Profile

                  Originally posted by TANZARELLI View Post
                  Right mines having a bit of David Gray check out the drumming in it.
                  Nice one Tanz


                  • #10
                    Re: YouTube Video in your Profile

                    Originally posted by PKea View Post
                    Cool, nice extra

                    got my vid up
                    Gene Hunt--love it Pkea


                    • #11
                      Re: YouTube Video in your Profile

                      Originally posted by Happyolddog View Post
                      easy for some, not so easy for the mentally challenged amongst us. erm I mean me.
                      HOD find a youtube link you want and post it up I will break the link down for you and let you know what bits to add where using Ame's how too guide mate.

                      If I can do it then so can you mate.


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