You can add a short signature to your posts if you wish ( you can see an example at the bottom of this post )
1: Click SETTINGS in the top bar ( )
2: Open the ACCOUNT tab by clicking on the word, ACCOUNT.
3: Select ' Edit Signature '
This opens a pop up box where you can edit your signature.
You can click on the COG icon to open the full editing tools
Then click SAVE once you're happy with it.
Please do not include any commercial or spam links in your signature - these will be removed by Site Team.
1: Click SETTINGS in the top bar ( )
2: Open the ACCOUNT tab by clicking on the word, ACCOUNT.
3: Select ' Edit Signature '
This opens a pop up box where you can edit your signature.
You can click on the COG icon to open the full editing tools
Then click SAVE once you're happy with it.
Please do not include any commercial or spam links in your signature - these will be removed by Site Team.