What you need to do, is write a letter to cabot asking for the consumer credit agreement that you signed, then send sainsburys a letter. requesting a subject acess request you may have to pay £10 say to cabot by law you are legally going to pay £1 because you were in financial hardship Sainsburys should have helped you with this but they have not as they, are after the money, contact the financial ombudsman and make a complaint against Sainsburys also in your letter to sainsburys write down that was there any ppi on the account of the loan, as you have defaulted on the loan it will have affected your credit file put a notice of correction on your credit file, do not pay more than £1 a month until this is all sorted then go back with the agreement with sainsburys and ask them for goodwill gestures, and get compensation from the financial ombudsman for the inconvenience caused, what did you use the loan for?. when you get on track with sainsburys find out how much is owed and any compensation, pay it toward's the loan, and get a goodwill gesture, against cabot for the inconvenience that has happened.
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And by law £1 is the minimum you can pay!.
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And by law £1 is the minimum you can pay!.