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All Bank Charges refunded in Balham!

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  • All Bank Charges refunded in Balham!

    A bank robber goes into a high street branch in Balham-complete with mask, gun & holdall for the cash.

    He says to the bank clerk " I want all my Penalty Charges" back from my current account in cash NOW!

    The bank clerk says "Here's £5,050 for the last 6 years".

    The robber says " I'm not accepting this Statute Barred rubbish-I want it from 1985--NOW!"

    He says "Ok---Here's another £3,050"

    The robber says "And I want Contractual Interest as well and "8% in the alternative"-NOW!"

    The bank clerk says "What alternative??

    The robber says " The alternative is I shoot you--NOW!!

    The bank clerk says "Ok--Here's another £4,050"

    The robber is well chuffed as he didn't need to fill in an N1 or have to pay court fees and especially as it was not Stayed!!

    As he is loading all the money into the holdall, his mask falls off temporarily, but he soon puts it back on when he has zipped up the holdall.

    There's a queue of four people behind him though, so he says to the first person " Did you see my face?"

    "Yes, I did " says the lady, -- so he shoots her dead!

    He asks the second guy "Did you see my face?" --

    "Yes, I did " says the guy -- so he shoots him dead!

    He asks the third guy "Did you see my face?" --

    The guy says---"No, I was daydreaming--but my wife behind me saw it!!!"

  • #2
    Re: All Bank Charges refunded in Balham!


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    • #3
      Re: All Bank Charges refunded in Balham!

      lmao :rofl:


      • #4
        Re: All Bank Charges refunded in Balham!



        • #5
          Re: All Bank Charges refunded in Balham!

          Pmsl...how on earth did you find this from nearly 8 yrs ago Skintmember..lol

          Thnx for giving me "reputation"..lol


          • #6
            Re: All Bank Charges refunded in Balham!

            Lol I told you I'm a little slow....
            Thank You


            • #7
              Re: All Bank Charges refunded in Balham!



              • #8
                Re: All Bank Charges refunded in Balham!

                Never give up, Never surrender.


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