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A long tale - other site bullies and praise to lb !!!

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  • A long tale - other site bullies and praise to lb !!!

    I just wondered what other people's thoughts are about Legal Beagles compared to other forums/sites:

    I'm a happy sort, I get on with things, I have problems in life and past like everyone else, I am no angel but I wouldnt hurt anyone or anything and my conscience ways heavy if I even think for a moment I could have offended someone. We all get things wrong and say things in the wrong way, things that we dont mean to hurt but they come out the wrong way, we all do it, I think, and we all have bad moods and we snap, but most of us realise this and apologise ......... I do all of the latter like most people.

    As I said, I'm a happy person, I hate bad feeling and lies and so on ........ and I am having a bad time at the moment with an ongoing court case - it's disrupted everything and life has turned upside down, and if it wasnt for this site - I'd have had a breakdown. I know areas of the law, I know a good amount of politics (albeit more american ........ ok ok give me a break ) but I really was desperate for help with this case. Immediately as I posted my thread, I had instant help, Des, Amethyst, Mike770, Charitynjw, EXC, Debt Camel, Crazy Council (and if I've missed anyone Im sorry) .......... people who are strangers, they dont know me but instantly took me at face value (ok, icon on the screen value) - but how nice is that ? really????? I was just overwhelmed.

    I am starting my own business, it should have been up and running but this case has got in the way, I was ill and for a short time I had to claim, but as I've always worked it was hard to claim and I stopped, luckily I am supported by my OH. I am lucky. I'm a year behind on everything. Everything became a total mess, not a sob story, because I'm healthy and this will hopefully soon be over but it has indeed thrown life out and while you can get through a lot of things in life, most of which in my case have been my own bad judgement, it's hard getting through a case like this as it's based on someone's lies. Anyway - my case isnt my point in this thread ......... Prior to finding LB's I searched other sites, legal, tenants, landlords, gov etc - lots of them. One in particular was so so horrible to me, that I felt dealing with the court case was easier .............. what an experience! a horrible one. I talk a lot, GUILTY ! I make mistakes of trying to explain everything in one hit so it saves the reader asking for more info, I dont know this part of law very well, although I am getting to know it now and I hope I can help others in the future from my own experience....but I felt that explaining things in it's entirity would possibly make something jump out at the reader, a more knowledgeable and more experienced person than me, something clearly that the other party in my court case did wrong - instead, I had an awful time from some members, only a few, who really really went for me for writing a long post. Yes it was long and I apologised in advance for the length, but it is a long case and we also dont all talk the same or write the same way. Luckily in that particular instance a site moderator sent me a message of apology for the members behaviour and was indeed very mannerable (? is that a word? :o) ) ............ I let it go, you have to.

    I looked at other threads those particular people had previously posted too and they had done the same to other new posters. I had noticed this on forum after forum, the moderators are not to blame, it seems that the older members claim the sites as theirs, like an 'old boys club' (I mean that only in a term of phrase not against men themselves chaps) - lots of newbies being spoken to so inappropriately it's unbelievable and the poor moderators cant be here there and everywhere. It really hurts when you're having a bad time, when someone from behind a pc screen jumps at you and when you're having a poo time, I think you can become even more sensitive, like the world is against you. I didnt have a piece of advice, just abuse on length of post, no advice whatsoever.

    I then found Legal Beagles. Oh my word .................. not just what a difference, but worlds apart. It's amazing, it's like an unsaid rule, you come on here you damn well behave yourself. Of course there's bound to have been instances of rudeness or people who have been told off but from my posts, I have been shown nothing but total 100% respect .......... even though I rattle on, because I've been panicking. On top of that people have given me their knowledge, their time, opinions, and the list goes on. They didnt have to. I've been wrapped up in my own case but I've been starting to look at other threads too, and never not once have I come across rudeness, isnt it amazing ?????????

    I mentioned I wasnt earning because I cant afford at this state a solicitor or legal advice, I knew when this began it was all on my shoulders, but what LB's have done for me and for others goes beyond gratification. I paid immediately because I cant afford a solicitor but I also couldnt accept help for free, not the type of help I was receiving for my case/problem.

    I have said thank you over and over in my thread, but I think I just wanted to write this up to share it with others, to highlight to others like me how wonderful these more experienced members are, to highlight to the experienced members themselves how fantastic they are and to say a whooping big thank you for not being like the ignorant bullies on other sites. I know a lot of you know one another after years of being on here, and you'll sometimes know what each background is, but for relatively new people like me, I dont know who's helping me, I dont know your problems and struggles, all I know is you are a different breed of person on here than other sites, you help strangers like me with problems that you give up your time to do .......... you're not hiding behind screens bullying the small person to boost your egoes, you're wonderful and honest and I think youre amazing

    I dont know if anyone wants to comment and share their experience of bullying from other sites or nastiness, or even just say how great these people are on here - but please comment if you can and have time, so the experienced members on here know that us less knowledgeable, and less experienced appreciate them, not just for their help and knowledge, but for their unconditional, non-judgemental kindness towards people they dont know, people like me who've been desperate x

    BIG THANKS LB'S - YOU'RE AMAZING ! ALL OF YOU XXX:stars: :cheer2: :high5: :first: :yo: :grouphug:
    "Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self esteem and personal satisfaction" Margaret Thatcher

    "When somebody challenges you, fight back, be brutal, be tough” Donald Trump

    "I fought for the underdog for a level playing field" Judge Jeanine Pirro

    "There's a natural law of Karma that vindictive people who go out of their way to hurt others will end up broke and alone" Sylvester Stallone


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  • #2
    Re: A long tale - other site bullies and praise to lb !!!

    LB has a lot of different members some can offer advice some ask questions that help posters to get advice and some offer support as long as you can put up with some dire sense of humour from some you will get on with every one .
    Most people form judgements before they read all the facts its a Human thing we all seem to have the same view point that no matter who you are you deserve a chance to defend any actions against you as well as fight for your rights.


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