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3 Days as Prime Minister!

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  • 3 Days as Prime Minister!

    With everything going on in the UK today with the passing of Maggie T and the actions of the previous Labour government and the current Coalition government, I sat and thought about something I posted on another forum over a year ago, before all these benefit reforms were introduced, and wondered what I would do if I was Prime Minister for 3 days. With around 2.5 million unemployed people that are capable of work but are on benefits through either no fault of their own or just dossers that have never worked and/or never intend to work, how would you solve this one problem to get Britain working again?
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  • #2
    Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

    As I posted yesterday re Walkers crisps going awol http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news...eyside-1781770 I am sure it wont be long before the rest of the Walkers works follows.

    It states the ingredients will be collected from here taken to hungry made into crisps and then sent back here.

    Along with the jobs gone and the potential of even more going, plus the loss to the local community and the benefits that will be paid to these people, some of who will have no hope of getting re employed. Would it not make sense for the government to do what ever it took to help companies stay here. This is only a small example there is loads of work that we should be doing being done abroad and also foreign labour being used when we should be doing it ourselves.
    I may have no idea what I am talking about really, may have things totally wrong I do think though the rules laid down to us by the EU in some cases have helped our work places close.
    I also feel being part of a big bunch of Bananas (the EU) half of which have gone bad can only lead to the rest of the bunch us included going the same way.
    Last edited by enaid; 16th April 2013, 05:33:AM.


    • #3
      Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

      I would sit on my rear for two days and then resign as I would get money in the first year after resignation and I would keep my pension .

      Enaid, just a quick comment really. The rules from the EU would have to remain in place for all firms dealing with the EU if we were outside since the products would have to conform to EU standards or they could not be sold there.
      "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
      (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


      • #4
        Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

        Originally posted by leclerc View Post
        I would sit on my rear for two days and then resign as I would get money in the first year after resignation and I would keep my pension .

        Enaid, just a quick comment really. The rules from the EU would have to remain in place for all firms dealing with the EU if we were outside since the products would have to conform to EU standards or they could not be sold there.
        Well why we trying to sell stuff to places can't afford it lol


        • #5
          Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

          if i was the PM i would make it a requirement to have worked for at least 3 months before benefits would be paid, and then it would be for a 3 month period only... if someone with years of work behind them was made redundant and on a "Noormal" wage (under 20k) they would be entitled to benefits without quibble.

          Parents would receive help with costs on the understanding at least one of them worked.

          money would be saved with immediate effect by removing all TVs dvds and computer games in prisions, and have courses on computer programming, engineering etc replacing them, therefore giving lags something to do other than commit crime. Obviously the petty crims would also be put to work clearing laybys of litter, putting down sandbags in flooded areas and cleaning graffitti off walls

          Old Age Pensioners would have a Minister of Care whos team would go round, make tea, cook a decent meal, turn the heating up (as there would be a Vunerable Package for the old/disabled) and generally make sure they saw another human being.

          Landlords who had a property unlet or uninhabitable for over a certain time would have the option, do it up or sell it up!!

          Job centres would be staffed by people who had been unemployed and knew what it was like, and would focus on finding you employment rather than benefits (thats what the overstuffed shirts in the DWP are for) and the whole send you on a course to learn how to make a CV thing would be stopped. Thats what the job centre is for!!


          • #6
            Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

            Make the banks lend to small businesses as is promised but they are certainly not doing so at the moment

            Give tax relief to those who do not have children

            Once a person reaches the age of 65 (and they've worked and paid in for xxx years) then there will be no gas, electric, water rates or council tax

            Put a cap on the amount of rent that can be charged according to the area

            Put a cap on the benefits you can receive according to the area

            Sort this problem with driving whilst on the phone/drink, drug driving/no insurance etc out for good, ie zero tolerance for all of those, take the car and crush it, plus a ban and heavy fine

            More later


            • #7
              Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

              just thought of a few more

              Make it compulsary that all Teacher Training was done in the 6 weeks hols. No more 6 weeks off and the first 3 days of school are "Teacher Training", they've had 6 weeks for that!

              Cut politicians wages to UNDER 30k and make them live on it, then raise the firemen, nurses and cops!

              Make it illegal for a pub to serve alcohol to a driver. (simples)

              review standards of care in hospitals/care homes and replace the ones that cant be arsed and put in people who actually care

              Ban/cap the costs of school uniforms. £80 for a teenagers uniform is ridiculous!

              if the price of oil goes down, and enforced cut on the price of petrol.

              Profit related discounts to energy suppliers

              oooh im a bloody genius..

              OH and I would make it complusary for parents to supervise their kids in shops etc. My kids dont run amok, why should anyone elses?


              • #8
                Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

                Its already illegal to serve someone who is or appears to be drunk, or is or who appears to be under age, amazingly you never hear of any licencees being nicked for either of those.


                • #9
                  Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

                  yeh its wrong.

                  When I was a barmaid, my boss used to have a keyboard, and if anyone pulled up in a car we had to ask for the car keys before we were allowed to serve them booze, simple system, car keys and reg were put together and the owner came and collected them the next day, and if they said it was inconvienent, well then its coke for you then mate


                  • #10
                    Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

                    In my pub I had a playpen in the corner, if the regulars played up they had a half hour in the playpen, you be amazed how well they took it.


                    • #11
                      Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

                      I am quite surprised! I thought there would have been a lot more comments here considering that so many people had so much to say about everything Maggie T did when she was in power. Easy to criticise someone that did so much for Great Britain, especially after they die 23 years after leaving office, yet hard to actually come up with anything that would make Britain Great again. Many issues are hindering the advancement of this country and the unemployment situation is only the tip of the iceberg when you look at other aspects like raising fuel prices, congested road system and the cost of everything in the shops continuing to rise and that is on top of energy prices rising all in the name of profit for the big corporations. So, the big question, what would I do in 3 days that would make a difference. Britain is supposed to be Great and it could be again if we concentrated just on this country for a change instead of trying to sort the world's problems out so my first step would be to cut all Foreign Aid for a minimum of 5 years, cut immigration and close the borders, if it means scrapping the Human Rights Act and upsetting the Europeans to do this, then so be it, tough doodoo! I would then create a new Government run company that would have a start up capital obtained through cutting Foreign Aid and abolishing unemployment benefits, all legitimate disabled people would be assessed and provided with whatever is needed to make their lives as fulfilling as possible for them without the pressure of having to worry about how they are going to pay for their needs. This company would then be responsible for providing some form of employment for everyone that is physically able to work. How would I do this? Easy, to start with I would invest in building huge distribution and customs centres close to the coastal access points around the country where every product or resource is imported into this country and then shipped to where it is needed by building a new canal network across the country, that would remove all foreign registered, non-road tax paying lorry drivers from our road network, the only lorries allowed on our road network will be the ones that carry perishable food stuff to the areas that need it, everything else would be transported on the canal network. Also, I would invest in building electric cars, and the charging points needed to keep everyone moving using renewable energy sources, across the country and then legislating that all drivers under 25 years and any new driver of any age have to drive an electric car with no exceptions, and then phase out all petrol and diesel cars until everyone drives electric, no more being held to ransom by the oil producing countries! Invest more in innovation and manufacturing and improve the education system so that future generations are taught how to think not what to think and make them believe that the future is truly in their own hands instead of some faceless corporation that uses them as slaves on a barely liveable wage. With zero unemployment and a lower tax bill all round people would have money in their own pockets and be able to choose how and where to spend it which will create more local employment and more self respect in every generation. There are ways to progress and make Britain great again but it's up to us to make it happen not sit around waiting for someone else to do it for us! That's all for now, so come on people let us hear more about what you would do that Maggie didn't! Oh, yes, and I would take the bank that we own 84% of and demand repayment within 12 months or I would repossess the bank and nationalise it properly, using it to invest in more British companies!


                      • #12
                        Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

                        Ian we've got a couple of 'Maggie' threads on the go




                        Also please can you do me a favour and put some paragraphs in your replies, I was going boss eyed trying to read your reply hun.


                        • #13
                          Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

                          Originally posted by Sapphire View Post
                          Ian we've got a couple of 'Maggie' threads on the go




                          Also please can you do me a favour and put some paragraphs in your replies, I was going boss eyed trying to read your reply hun.
                          Sorry, the enter button doesn't seem to work when i'm writing a post so I have to use extra spacing between sentences. I have seen the Maggie threads and my post isn't specifically about Maggie, good or bad, it's about what others would do if they could be Prime Minister for just 3 days and had to make all the decisions. Would they have a clue what to do? Would they get everything right or wrong? Or would they sit around and wait for someone else to do it for them?


                          • #14
                            Re: 3 Days as Prime Minister!

                            My first task would be to shut the borders.
                            I would challenge the unemployed (who wanted to participate) to check all the passports and visas of foreign nationals residing here,,if they're illegal I would have them removed within 24 hours,,none of this airyfairy 'bail to sign at immigration once a week' No discrimination at all,,be they white,black,green or polkadot purple or speak Martian,,if they aint meant to be here,,send them back.
                            I'd bring back Capital Punishment

                            more to come................


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