Fahmeena is 30 years old. She can’t walk or talk and has an estimated mental age of about 3 years old.
She likes to be called Princess Meena - link. Here she is:
She has been assessed by the berks at ATOS and, following the report, the DWP "Decision Maker" has concluded that she is fit for work. Her sister, Farzana - twitter link - would like suggestions for jobs Meena could do.
Meena has Profound Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD), brain damage, Cerebral Palsy, can’t talk, can’t walk, has a mental age of 3, is incontinent and likes wearing pink and Minnie the Mouse headbands as well as making sh!tbombs.
Please share widely - and submit job ideas via Twitter, using the hashtag #JobsforMeena.
Perhaps her delight in making sh!tbombs might make her an ideal Tory politician?
Fahmeena is 30 years old. She can’t walk or talk and has an estimated mental age of about 3 years old.
She likes to be called Princess Meena - link. Here she is:
Meena has Profound Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD), brain damage, Cerebral Palsy, can’t talk, can’t walk, has a mental age of 3, is incontinent and likes wearing pink and Minnie the Mouse headbands as well as making sh!tbombs.
Please share widely - and submit job ideas via Twitter, using the hashtag #JobsforMeena.
Perhaps her delight in making sh!tbombs might make her an ideal Tory politician?