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Bon voyage sapphire.

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  • Bon voyage sapphire.

    Tomorrow,,our Sapphy goes off on her travels to the other side of the world,a long awaited and deserved jollyday.

    Safe journey my lovely,,enjoy every moment of it,you deserve it (and so does OH ,but not as much as you cos you're a girlie,and we are special,,(waiting for the backlash lol) )

    Will miss you gazillions,but am amused because I know what Singapore etc have heading their way.

    Loves you loads and a little bit ,my friend

    N + family +the cats

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  • #2
    Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

    I checked the BA flight status this morning from the flight details you gave me last night - for tomorrows flight and so far it is scheduled to go on time..... so start the packing hun and leave plenty of room for all the goodies that you will buy in Hongkong and a space for me lol.

    You can check in on line this evening 24 hours before the flight so all you have to do is a bag drop off tomorrow.

    Have a smashing time hun and leave yourself enough time to get to the airport as more snow is heading our way today.

    You will need loads of sun tan cream it is very hot in Australia right now. Have a great time and a safe journey and have a great adventure.



    • #3
      Re: Bon voyage sapphire.



      • #4
        Re: Bon voyage sapphire.


        • #5
          Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

          deleted by me,,was checking me name


          • #6
            Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

            have a fantastic time, be so safe and enjoy every second there!


            Love from all in Yorks <3


            • #7
              Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

              ooh ooh bring me back a KOALIE BEAR,,,,not a stuffed one a REAL KOALIE,,and I shall name him BASIL


              • #8
                Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

                Have a safe journey! xx
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

                  Originally posted by Inca View Post
                  ooh ooh bring me back a KOALIE BEAR,,,,not a stuffed one a REAL KOALIE,,and I shall name him BASIL
                  Didnt have you as a John Cleese fan Inca


                  • #10
                    Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

                    Originally posted by Hurricane Puffrose View Post
                    Didnt have you as a John Cleese fan Inca
                    I am,,,hugely,,but my thinking isn't that deep hun..I meant BASIL as in BASIL BRUSH (cos of the furry ears)...don't ask me to explain,,you know how my deranged mind ticks at times msl:


                    • #11
                      Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

                      Awww thanks Inca for starting this thread and thank you all for you're lovely wishes.

                      Ok here's my itinery

                      20 Jan, Fly to Hong Kong staying at http://www.harbour-plaza.com/kowloon/Index-en.htm
                      24 Jan, Fly to Perth, then onto Melbourne
                      9 - 12 Jan Sydney staying at http://www.parkroyalhotels.com/en/ho...lish_2011_prdh
                      plus in between we're nipping to the gold coast hopefully
                      25 Jan, Fly to London via Singapore
                      26 Jan, home and look forward to jet lag.


                      • #12
                        Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

                        the jet lag is nowhere near as bad coming East to West - in fact you fell positively energised


                        • #13
                          Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

                          YAY!!! ME CAN STALK YOU ALL AROUND THE GLOBE NOW msl:


                          • #14
                            Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

                            I went down under last year, I wish I was going again! Stopped in Bangkok on the way there, definitely a place to see, the architecture is out of this world.

                            The flights are long, but well worth it to escape the British winter!


                            • #15
                              Re: Bon voyage sapphire.

                              Best wishes from me, too, Sapphire. Have a thoroughly good 'un.


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