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Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

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  • Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

    Hello peoples,,

    As you know already,I am the youngest of 6 children born to a shortarse Matriarch Mum and ex policeman Dad,Dad didn't live at home with all of us,but we saw him all the time,he came back to live at the house when I was 12,for reasons I can't reveal.

    Now,,picture the house,typical mid terrace,3 up,2 down,bathroom downstairs off kitchen (like that would be allowed nowadays) Actually,,thinking about it,the toilet was outside next to the coal shed and the walls knocked through to make a bathroom with a loo INSIDE !!,,We also had one of those loos where the cistern was 10ft in the air,,oh how the rich lived !!!
    For a while my older sisters had the front room as their bedroom,not enough room upstairs and they didn't want to share with the younger ones. If they had a boyfriend round me and my sister K used to stand on windowsill in front garden and annoy them till they gave us 2 bob to bugger off lmao
    I decided very early on that I didn't like sharing my bedroom with K,,I wanted to be near Mum,so bless her heart,Mum exchanged her big double bed for 2 singles and I moved in,and believe it or not I've never had my own bedroom since,always shared with someone (one time it was a bloody big dog!!)

    So,time marches on,,the older siblings get married and moved out,the house became more roomy,and lo and behold,,Dad comes back,,but not to the marital bed (that had long gone) but to the middle bedroom,so my brother was in the back bedroom Dad in the middle and yet again K made the front room a bedroom.
    We also had pets,,in particular our GSD Kim,beast of a boy,slept on my bed like a farting giant !! And our sleek slender black male cat,,RINGO (don't ask,,stupid name).
    One weekend Lorraine was staying at ours,she was expecting and her husband was working away,Mum had had one her 'Van Gogh' moments and decided to paint the dining room,which was also the living room.So she slapped up her usual toxic concoction bought on the 'ask no questions'side of life.Stunk to high heaven but freshened up the walls (we all had fume fever but were told to stick heads out the window!)
    So,,this Saturday night,,we all went to bed,,G in his back bedroom,Dad in middle,me Mum and the farting dog in the front bedroom and K downstairs with Lorraine as her lodger. Ringo the cat maraudering somewhere.

    About 2am a very very dishevelled Lorraine comes storming into our room like a banshee,,long black hair all askew looking like Worzel Gummidge on acid !! Mum leapt out of bed thinking she was in labour,Lorraine charging round bedroom trying to get away from Mum who (as a midwife) was trying to grab her ankles and get her to brace for delivery,,Dad comes belting in,,vest and pants courtesy of Marks & Spencer (not a sight ANY child should witness,,I'm scarred,,I tell you).
    Finally K appears in the mayhem and screams STOOOOOOOOOPPPPPP!!! which shocked everyone into silence.
    Lorraine then explains her dilemma,,,she couldn't sleep with K,,cos she snores,she couldn't sleep with Dad or G for OBVIOUS reasons ,,she couldn't sleep in our room cos the dog kept farting and making her feel sick,,and she couldn't sleep on the sofa,,,,,,cos RINGO,,,our big black MALE cat had just had 4 kittens on it!!!!

    Never a dull moment in our house
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  • #2
    Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

    Oh how I'd have loved to have lived in a house like that. I was an only child, in a big house with parents that were both more interested in their careers, but there was love and toys/holidays etc in abundance.


    • #3
      Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

      [QUOTE=sapphire;292374]Oh how I'd have loved to have lived in a house like that. I was an only child, in a big house with parents that were both more interested in their careers, but there was love and toys/holidays etc in abundance.[/QUOTEI wish you had lived with us too,,you get my humour.. We weren't skint,we weren't well off,,we just gloried on,,God knows how Mum made it work tbh. But plenty of laughs (and tears,it wasn't all like The Waltons,,sometimes it was like WWF)


      • #4
        Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

        Brilliant story, Inca - and I sure didn't see the punch-line coming. Poor Lorraine !!!


        • #5
          Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

          Originally posted by Bill-K View Post
          Brilliant story, Inca - and I sure didn't see the punch-line coming. Poor Lorraine !!!
          Bill,,I don't honestly think we had a sane animal in all the years I lived at home,,Simon the budgie became Simone after laying an egg,,and we all know what happened to Bungle But,,despite everything,I wouldn't change coming from a big family for a second x


          • #6
            Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

            Heres one for ya.. all true I swear!

            When I was with Aiden, we lived in his dad's pub in Kilburn (Dublin in London).
            One night I was sat at the bar, all 17 years old of me, being very grown up with me coke (that his dad had slipped a sneaky bicardi in to) and in he came yelling "MAM! DA!! Old Joe McGuinty is going crackers in his flat! DA!! call the man wit' the van!" and went flying out again screaming "MR MCGUINTY! MR MCGUINTY, YOU'LL HURT SOMEONE!"

            We went in to the street and there was a man of about 70 doing a war dance in his window, leaping up and down and yelling obscenities, and every so often throwing a saucepan, or kettle, or plate out the window and on to the road below (Kilburn is VERY busy).

            Aiden ran to the building, and with the aid of a wheelie bin and sheer adreniline he shinned up the wall like a rat up a drainpipe!

            By now Raving Irishman has got every tea towel he owned and is throwing them out the window yelling "HALF PRICE SALE! ONLY 2 BOB FOR A TOWEL!! COME AND GET YOUR DISHCLOTHS!"

            Our hero goes in throw the window (dodging random items as he goes, and leans out the window and yells "Babe, hes gone doolally!! Go to the Turf Accountant (bookies) and get his son!!"

            As this is said, Raving Irishman appears at the window and begins firing ever pair of knickers his wife owns out the window! I thought we had a parachute convention!
            Bessies Bloomers everywhere!!

            I run off and come back with said embarressed son, who is standing at the door calling "Daddy! stop throwing Mammys drawers out the window will yer??"

            The police are called, but Bessie gets there first, and larrops hubby with assorted items, including a rolling pin!

            The cause of this freak show? His wife had gone to the shop and the potatos had burnt, and it was the saucepan's fault!

            The sight of a sprightly old man in his trousers, string vest, and sunday hat, being chased down Kilburn High Road by a big fat Irish woman in a laura ashley dress, with a head scarf on and a pair of chintz bloomers in her hand will haunt me forever!!


            • #7
              Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

              Sounds like an episode of "Mrs Brown's Boys", Puff. That programme has me helpless. I can remember going to Kilburn many times when I was with the Met. Most Saturday nights we would get a call on the main set in the area car or van to attend something or other, in Kilburn, along with other units from other divisions.
              Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


              • #8
                Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

                Imagine Mrs Brown but the size of a small rhino!!


                • #9
                  Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

                  We all reckon Mrs Browns Boys was based on our family,,it's seriously near the mark lol


                  • #10
                    Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

                    Now that would be funny.
                    Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                    • #11
                      Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

                      ​My Mum was 4'10,,and as stout as Mrs Brown,,wore the same types of cardigan,,and protected her little chicks with as much passion,,hence we all adored her x


                      • #12
                        Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

                        I've told this story before, its somewhere hidden in the depths of this site from when we started, I know Di (Enaid) thought it hysterical, oh and its bloody embarrassing so here goes.

                        We have quite a nice sized garden, years ago my OH decided that he wanted to dig a pond, so on August Bank Holiday myself, himself and our next door neighbour (Rosie) set too (my mum was there, making the tea, doing food etc), digging the biggest hole you've ever seen (12 ft x 18 ft), on the Monday we are at around 4 feet deep, I'm in the hole still digging away and hubby and Rosie decided to nip to homebase to get a couple of things.
                        I'm dig, dig, digging away and get a pain in my stomach and then the rumbling begins, uh oh I thought I need to go do a poo, I tried to get out of the hole, but its too deep and keep sliding back in, I shout for my mum but she's deaf and can't hear me from the kitchen, so there's nothing else for it, I have to drop the drawers and have a dump right there in the middle of the hole, I can't tell you what a relief it was, until I heard giggles, next door had a climbing frame and the kids were up there playing and had called their father to witness it.
                        They still have the pictures and delight in showing them to people when we all get together at parties, I have threatened them that if they end up on facebook I will kill them slowly.


                        • #13
                          Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

                          Talk about being in a hole! Lol!
                          Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                          • #14
                            Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

                            Up to your neck in it !!!


                            • #15
                              Re: Saturday night was NOT allright.....................

                              OMG Sapphy,,you sure you aint related to me? My eldest sister P is a snob,,not just a snob,but a proper 'I say La-di-dah' snob,,but she forgets...we were there back in her 'day'
                              Off we go,on Dads social club annual beanfeast down to Sarrrrrrfend (Southend),,cos of our accent Cockneys think we talk like Farmers and farmers think we talk like Cockneys !!

                              I digress,,so we're on the coaches,,men in one,,crates of beer being slid up and down between the seats and a quicky snifter of whisky (for their constitution)
                              Coach 2 contained women and kids,including ALL my family,Mum etc..P and Lorraine busy doing their eye makeup (ready for Dad to tell em to get that fecking war paint off lol.
                              So,,P gets tummy ache,,farting and stinking coach out,and Mum demanded coach stops to allow the rat that had crawled up P's arse and died to be deposited before it killed us all,,I swear the air was toxic green
                              So P and a few others get out and dive for the gorse bushes by side of road (forgetting there is a jalopey full of blokes parked in front of us..Pauline,back turned to coach, squats down,,does what she has to do,And all Hell breaks loose,,people were literally needing oxygen and not because of the stench but in her haste she had squatted behind the most sparse,small bush she could find,right in front of Dads coach,so they were treated to the sight of my sisters Lillywhite English arse doing a dump Shergar would have been proud of and she was totally oblivious to her floorshow!!....She has never lived it down,,and will make sure she never does


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