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If you were Prime Minister you would ................

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  • If you were Prime Minister you would ................

    Ok I spotted this otr and have nicked it for over here, I thought it might spark off a lively, intelligent debate, or not if the alchies start posting msl:


  • #2
    Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................
    1. Sterilise anyone deemed unfit to be a parent
    2. Bring back national service for anyone aged 16-21 caught committing any crime (including females)
    3. Castrate anyone caught for any sexual offence
    4. Tattoo "I'm a paedophile" across their foreheads
    5. Make smoking compulsory for all
    6. Abolish MoP's expenses
    7. Limit banks profits to £50 a year (between them)
    8. Make Cets hometown an income tax free zone to stop him bloody moaning!!!!


    • #3
      Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

      This is a similar thread to one on consumeractiongroup. It's got lively over there


      • #4
        Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

        Notwithstanding that Prime Minister is not enough for me, here is what I would do.

        Government Spending

        All senior civil servants to be targeted on 5% pa cost reduction in administrative overhead across their department, every year for the next 10 years. If they can't do it, bring in business heads who can.

        Freeze hiring across the civil service until attrition reduces headcount by 35%.

        Stop paying for the trappings of power for senior government officials except on state business. e.g. PM to pay realistic rent on apartment in 10 Downing Street, no longer provide chauffeur driven cars except to highest level who require security escorts.

        All government cars to be standard family saloons manufactured in Britain.

        Reduce government property holdings in London by 30% by moving functions to areas of high unemployment.


        Immediately reduce income tax by 2 percentage points across all bands and VAT back to 15%.

        Target to tax income between 10k and 30k at 15% and the rest at 30%, regardless of source (income or capital gains).

        Simplify allowances so that only claims against it are for pension contributions and health insurance.

        Most people will be better off with fewer allowances and it should be a 1 page tax return for everyone.

        Fuel tax to be pegged to volume of fuel, not cost, so independent of oil price.

        Taxation of transportation to be ring fenced at 33% for private transport infrastructure, 33% for public transport infrastructure, and 33% for general treasury use.

        Renationalise rail industry, but keep business management.

        First £100k of company profits exempt from corporation tax to encourage smaller businesses.


        Outlaw strikes for transport and emergency service workers.

        Remove all speed cameras and disband camera partnerships.

        Require IAM-style advanced test pass for driving cars over 1 litre engine capacity or 85mph top speed.

        Abolish 20mph limits on through roads; raise motorway speed limits to more realistic speeds.

        Return of education of children in road safety and cycling proficiency.

        Require third-party liability insurance for cyclists.


        Tax break for public health insurance.

        Bring in business focussed management to NHS and remove political interference - target on cost savings and service delivery.

        Local Government

        Scrap it. It is not needed as it's just a service industry - outsource it all.

        Local government does nothing that can't be done better as a business contracted on cost and service standards. The only possible exception is planning. New applications will be reviewed anonymously in a different part of the country by three boards and the majority decision wins - no appeal.

        Welsh and Scottish Assemblies

        To be abolished unless the Welsh and Scots are prepared to pay extra taxes to fund them.

        Referendum to be held on this issue.


        If you can't pay your way, you don't get to stay. Tougher standards for asylum seekers. No government funding of schemes to support immigrant communities (e.g., leaflets in Urdu).

        Introduce US style tests of language and cultural understanding for permanent residency.


        End charitable status of purely religious organisations. Charitable status only applies to money they redistribute to the poor outside of the church.

        End religious education in schools.

        Make anyone who refuses optimal treatment (e.g., blood transfusions) on religious grounds have to pay the full cost of their alternative treatment.

        Make it illegal to refuse proper treatment for children.

        Prisons and punishment

        Reintroduce death penalty for most serious crimes (mass murder, multiple rapists, etc).

        Automatic doubling of penalty for repeat offenders (e.g., if sentenced to 1 month for stealing, the minimum sentence if you are found guilty of a similar crime again will be 2 months).


        Withdraw from EU.


        • #5
          Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

          I would....

          Make prison sentances fit the crime, and there would be no en-suite rooms in prison, I would make them go back to 4 a cell, bucket to pee in and no tv or any other luxuries.

          Bring in chain gangs, dress the crims up in lovely pink boilersuits and make the do the digging up on the roads, cleaning graffiti etc.

          Cut benefits for the 'won't works', but have a benefits system in place for people that really need it. If benefits are really cut then they would have no choice but to go out to work, and failing that, make them work for their benefits (street cleaning etc)

          Close the borders, while we get a stock of what is going on in this country, deport all foreign crims that are serving time here, find and deport all illegals, you want to come here, then you have to do it properly, through the proper methods....... back of a truck from France is not the correct way!

          Give control of the hospitals back to the medics and not tier after tier of managers, proper matrons that rule the wards with a rod of iron, staff that change into clean uniforms at work (and not travel in on a bus in them).

          Start instilling some discipline in schools, and start teaching kids respect and responsibility.

          Cut the endless red tape for the Police, and have the courts back the police up, there's no point them arresting a career car theif if all he gets is a £10 fine.

          Stop messing about with education, league tables and crap like that and stop reducing education to the lowest common demoniator so that no kid fails, if a kid is failing then they need pulling up and extra help. And while we are on education, instead of teaching the kids how to pass exams, start teaching them the actual subject.

          I think that's all for now, I will no doubt be back with more when I have had a thunk.

          One other thing, quit with all the crap about climate change, if we are to cut down on the stuff we throw out, then it has to start at the top with all the packaging we have to buy, there is no need for all of it. Climate change has been happening for zillions of years, taxing the **** out of us will not stop it happening, so I would abolish all the new taxes brought in to combat climate change.

          Bring back weekly bin collections (and no bugs in the bins),
          Last edited by Delta; 7th November 2007, 16:45:PM.


          • #6
            Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

            I would kill myself


            • #7
              Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

              sh*g the prime ministers wife?


              • #8
                Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

                Originally posted by stevokenevo View Post
                sh*g the prime ministers wife?
                It is slightly more believable seeing as it's Mrs Brown, but had it have been 'The Joker' that is Cherie Blair then you'd surely need to be paid huge sums of money.


                • #9
                  Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

                  Originally posted by Amy View Post
                  It is slightly more believable seeing as it's Mrs Brown, but had it have been 'The Joker' that is Cherie Blair then you'd surely need to be paid huge sums of money.
                  Although im supposed to be older and wiser, i reckon i would have done it for about

                  A tenner? :fireworks:


                  • #10
                    Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

                    Question for men apparently since Steve won't tell me. What does YHYH stand for?


                    • #11
                      Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

                      Dont get me started on this, i devised a whole manifesto years ago whilst bored on nights for when the revolution comes


                      • #12
                        Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

                        The problem is that, this goverment has wasted to much cash on hair brained schemes, and can no longer afford to pay for the upgrades, the NHS, Education, The boarder police, the MOD, to name a few, so the question is, How do you raise the money to improve public services etc, without borrowing more money from the Yanks, or World bank (the Yanks)?
                        1) pull out of the European Union, we pay £11 billion a year (£24 million a week) to be part of the club, and get naff all back, apart from the criminals, and finger pointing, and stupid rules & port blockades from the French.
                        2) stop giving the £9 billion a year in foreign aid.
                        3) send the 10,000 foreign prisoners back to their country of origin, as it costs the tax payer £30,000 a year per prisoner, a total of £3 billion a year.
                        4) stop immigration all together, until we have solved the problem with the current system, Boot out all the illegals, and reform the welfare system, and get rid of all the lazy feckers who cannot be bothered, saving of approx £12 billion a year.

                        so from the above 4 steps, this would give the country approx £35 Billion a year to improve the country.

                        Year 1 improve the NHS.
                        Year 2 improve the Education service & a pay rise for the Emergency services.
                        Year 3 give the Oap's a decent living, reduce income tax, road tax.
                        Once we have improved the country for every Britton, we will have enough room in our prisons to lock up peadophiles, and the little feckers who out steeling cars and mugging people. We would be able to reduce the cost of running a business, helping to improve British Industry.
                        On a 10 year plan, we could improve 20 fold.
                        Or I could just win your votes, say stuff ya all, and improve me own life, and retire to the Carribean.
                        Well done Labour


                        • #13
                          Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

                          OK my turn.

                          No 'free' abodes for Govt officials - let them pay rent like everyone else.

                          All persons that are Unemployed and are not seen to be seeking gainful employment, to be given 20 hours a week 'voluntary work' cleaning the streets, parks etc.

                          Give tax breaks to 'Childfree couples'.

                          Stop healthcare tourists - no NI number no treatment.

                          Bring in an age range for drivers ie 17-21 up to 1 Litre car, up 25 2 Litres and so on.
                          Also over 70's to re-take a basic test every 2-3 years.

                          Bring in school buses and encourage mums to stop driving their kids to school.

                          Make the 3 R's (Reading, writing and arithmetic) Mandatory, also educate youngsters how to behave properly at a dinner table, in a restaurant, in company etc etc. Basic education in respect and how to speak properly, not the mumble that most of them do.
                          Encourage cycling proficiency tests and the use of the cycle.

                          A ban of those stupid caps that the boys all seem to wan't to wear ffs.

                          Mandatory recyling for people with gardens, everyone to be given a compost bin and a wormery and instructions how to use them. You'd be amazed how much rubbish you can recycle.

                          If Wales and Scotland are so adamant that they want to be separated from us, then we stop subsiding them totally and let them get on with it.

                          Close the borders, we are full up.

                          Sorry peeps - Stop Child benefit as they say in America 'If you can't feed them don't breed them'.

                          Reintroduce death penalty for most serious crimes (mass murder, multiple rapists, etc).

                          Education to carry on till 18 and if you don't do further education then its into the Forces you go for 18 months.

                          All Call Centres to be based in the UK and manned by people who can speak proper English.

                          Thats it for now no doubt I'll think of more later.



                          • #14
                            Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

                            :slap:1) Make footballers work for a normal salary. Then see how many of them would really do it for the "love of the sport" and not just the money. Bet there wouldn't be enough left to make up a team

                            2) Scrap all award shows for overpaid actors. Most of them get paid a forune to read a script and then expect a bloody oscar.

                            3)Clear all roundabouts of trees, bushes, and other foliage so that we can at least see what is coming round them before pulling out, thus reducing the amount of guesswork and subsequent accidents.

                            4)Make it illegal to wear a hoodie and a baseball cap together to stop groups of yobs looking like they are attending a Daffy Duck convention.

                            5)To be able to go up to customers in starbucks/costa and all those other pretentious coffee shops, and slap them to bring them to their senses for paying £3 for a paper cup of lukewarm weak coffee.

                            You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead. - Stan Laurel


                            • #15
                              Re: If you were Prime Minister you would ................

                              Originally posted by Buzz View Post
                              :slap:1) Make footballers work for a normal salary. Then see how many of them would really do it for the "love of the sport" and not just the money. Bet there wouldn't be enough left to make up a team I would play football for the same wages im on :okay:beats manual labour

                              2) Scrap all award shows for overpaid actors. Most of them get paid a forune to read a script and then expect a bloody oscar.

                              3)Clear all roundabouts of trees, bushes, and other foliage so that we can at least see what is coming round them before pulling out, thus reducing the amount of guesswork and subsequent accidents. now, this one i kind of know about, they leave these 'obstructions' to try and slow down the flow, or make people more cautious. Your really not ment to guess anyway :loopy:

                              4)Make it illegal to wear a hoodie and a baseball cap together to stop groups of yobs looking like they are attending a Daffy Duck convention.

                              5)To be able to go up to customers in starbucks/costa and all those other pretentious coffee shops, and slap them to bring them to their senses for paying £3 for a paper cup of lukewarm weak coffee.



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