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Hints and Tips for keeping warm !

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  • Hints and Tips for keeping warm !

    Here's a thread for your hints and tips for keeping warm during this cold snap. Ok it might seem like we are all saying the same thing, but if we all post up our ideas maybe someone may come up with something new and help each other.

  • #2
    Re: Hints and Tips for keeping warm !

    If you have no or little heating or your heating is just not very efficient then its time to be sensible and try to stay warm.

    Ok lets start with sleeping, there is nothing worse than being cold in the sack. So forget the naughty nighties, or sexy pj's, this is serious its time to wrap up warm for bed.
    Try to keep your extremities warm, so socks, gloves and maybe a wooly hat will make a massive difference and keep in the body heat.
    Jogging bottoms and an old jumper will keep you warm too.


    • #3
      Re: Hints and Tips for keeping warm !

      For work, if you go out, take a flask of hot drink, some food, a blanket and probably a radio with batteries just in case.
      Wear two pairs of socks and definitely wear something on your head as heat escapes quickly from that(the basics of science is that heat rises ).


      • #4
        Re: Hints and Tips for keeping warm !

        try to have plenty of hot drinks to keep you warm. and wear layers of clothes.
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        • #5
          Re: Hints and Tips for keeping warm !

          I cant sleep in clothes, i just get tangled up cause i'm a bit of a fidget. Anyway, my house is bloody freezing as I have electric heating and a prepayment meter lol. i wear socks and jammys when i get into bed then get undressed once i warmed the bed up a bit, without getting back out lol. Have a duvet, two blankets and a comforter, and my hot water bottle, and usually the kids as well so thats night time sorted. In the day i just wear tights under jeans and layers, drink lots of coffee, and go for walks (even tho is cold out its warmer to be walking than sitting and gets the blood pumping a bit more).

          Worst thing about the house being so cold is the washing up, the kitchens sooooo cold I get shivvery and can't concentrate, so I've started only doing the washing up while i'm cooking dinner - so i have the oven/hob on a bit warms up the kitchen enough to bear standing in to do the washing up. (Wearing socks and slippers also help in there)

          Also my curtains stay shut pretty much permanently in Winter, help keep the heat in, and if it gets really cold will put a heavy curtain across the door. I also make sure my front door is locked and the handle up so it seals it properly.

          I also have lots of STUFF around, furniture close together, lots of the kids soft toys about, blankets and cushions on sofas etc, and I turn the light on in my fireplace (so it looks like its on but isnt) all helps it FEEL warm even if it actually isnt.

          I try and keep the thermostat over 14 degrees as much as possible now, (so I cant see my breath in the air is a good indicator its not too cold) keeping a consistent low temprature is cheaper than letting it get down to 6 or 7 then bumping it up to 22 on pay day lol. Generally I have heating on for two hours in morning and two hours at school home time.

          o also - dont put furniture in front of your radiators - I try keep mine as clear as possible now allow the heat into the room rather than into the back of a sofa or cupboard. And don't hang all ur washing over the radiators either, if you do put it on one of those hanging things that clip n the side of the radiator so its not stopping the heat rising up into the room.

          and also if you do have decent heating, put bowls of water by/on radiators - helps stop you getting stuffed up.

          bit of a ramble, but never know what will help other peeps do you.
          Last edited by Amethyst; 6th January 2010, 01:11:AM.

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          • #6
            Re: Hints and Tips for keeping warm !

            definitely layers, as has been said. Wear tights under your jeans, amazing the diffrence they make even though they are only thin. Gloves and a hat if you go out are a must, if you haven't got gloves then old socks will do (as long as you haven't actually got to do anything which involves using your fingers lol). If you can't afford to have the heating on, then wear layers in the house and try to move about to get the circulation going. Snuggle up to someone, even if its only the dog or the cat!
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            • #7
              Re: Hints and Tips for keeping warm !

              For work I wear:....

              knee high socks and a thick pair of socks
              double thickness sports training top
              thermal tshirt
              lightweight jumper
              Heavy weight jumper
              waterproof fleece lined jacket.

              Some of my SU's now wear leggings under their jeans as well (even the men) One of the guys told me when he was really struggling he used to wrap his legs in newspaper then put his jeans on over it -maybe not so practical but amazingly warm! (yes I just had to try it)

              Ive started wearing my leggings under my jeans at home now as well it makes a massive difference compared to tights. (my boiler is on the blink so ive not had it warmer than 15.)

              I also got several old scabby blankets off freecycle and use them to stop the draughts under the doors.

              When Im in the living room I have an old duvet on the sofa which really helps.

              I have had my curtains shut for about 3 weeks now, I swear it keeps heat in and cold out!
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              • #8
                Re: Hints and Tips for keeping warm !

                Soak unwanted furniture in petrol and paraffin wax, relocate them to the most central part of the house (for maximum heat distribution) , retire to a safe distance and light with match. Hey Presto!!! your home is now toasty for hours.
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                • #9
                  Re: Hints and Tips for keeping warm !

                  And if your radiators are under the windows, when you have the curtains closed, make sure you tuck them behind the radiators. This will keep the heat in the room rather than directing it onto the window and out. Heat is lost through glass so make sure you have curtains across and french windows or patio doors too.
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