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Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

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  • Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

    OK.....i really need to start to cook more..but this girl cant boil an egg so go easy. (pk thinks i send all my time asleep...lol)

    I need easy plainish easy to follow recipies...nothing to fancy.

    Thanks in advance

    Last edited by mistie; 23rd August 2007, 19:59:PM. Reason: blonde mo

  • #2
    Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

    get a few eggs and beat the hell out of them add a pinch of salt and some pepper then fry and serve.


    • #3
      Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

      Put water in kettle, put kettle on to boil.

      Take foil lid off Pot Noodle, when kettle boils, pour hot water into noodle tub, allow to sit, then stir and serve.


      • #4
        Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

        pmsl delta....im not that bad....i can make shepards pie thats it...

        so along those lines please this is a proper thread not just one for a laugh......please i need help....lol


        • #5
          Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

          Breakfast Recipes

          1)Tip cornflakes into bowl, add milk and sweeten with sugar (to taste)

          2) Put 2 slices of bread (brown or white or 1 of each) into toaster and press button, when toast pops up take from toaster and spread with topping(s) of your choice [popular toppings are butter, jam, marmalade]

          3) Walk to butty shop, order whatever you fancy from their menu, read paper while you wait, eat breakfast that you have ordered

          Lunch Recipes

          1) Open sandwich box and eat what loving wife/husband/partner has prepared

          2) Go to butty shop and repeat process as for breakfast

          Tea Recipes

          1) Eat what loving wife/husband/partner has prepared

          2) Call at chip/kebab/curry/takeaway shop on way home from work

          3) Order home delivery from Kebab/curry takeaway.

          Please note you can rearrange these to suit, dependnat on the time you get out of bed


          • #6
            Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

            Come on guys, we can do better than that.
            Mistie, essential ingredient is a can of tomatoes, and just add what you feel you like and boil some pasta up. Mix the two together and it will be either amazing or really bad.


            • #7
              Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

              Hamburger Stroganoff

              1 lb. ground beef
              1 chopped onion
              Large blob of margarine
              2 tbsp. flour
              1 tsp. garlic salt
              1/4 tsp. pepper
              1 can cream of chicken soup
              1 c. dairy sour cream
              2 c. hot cooked noodles
              8 oz. mushroom pieces (optional)

              In large skillet, brown ground beef. Drain off most of fat. Stir in onions and
              margarine and continue browning until onion is tender. Stir in flour, garlic salt,
              pepper, and mushrooms. Cook 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
              Stir in soup. Simmer uncovered 10 minutes. Stir in sour cream. Heat through.
              Serve over noodles. Serves 6.


              • #8
                Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

                Ok, lets get serious, I am currently working my way through the Chicken Tonight and Sausage Tonight sauces.

                For the chicken, all you need to do is pan fry the chicken pieces (use ones without bones), fry them long enough to brown them and then stick them in a casserole dish, bung the sauce in and bung in oven for required time.

                Sausages, again shallow fry them, when cooked, casserole dish/sauce/oven as before.

                I usually serve them with some potatoes and veg (we have brocoli/cauli and carrots, him has carrot and swede julienne)

                Another good one is the packet sauces, I think they are crosse and blackwell, my family go mad for the tuna and pasta bake, I do it without the sweetcorn, and it goes down a scream here, and very easy to make, just follow the destructions on the back


                • #9
                  Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

                  lol natties sounds like me most nights

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                  • #10
                    Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

                    My top secret recipie for beans on toast.

                    Open tin of beans (preferably heinz)
                    empty tin to plastic bowl
                    put bowl in microwave and wack on full power for 3 mins
                    put bread in toaster
                    take toast out of toaster and put on plate
                    spread butter/margerine on toast
                    pour beans over toast


                    • #11
                      Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

                      Here's an impressive sweet for after dinner, and even better its CHEAP, EASY AND ALCOHOLIC.

                      Pack of Chocolate Chip Cookies
                      Large tub of Double Cream
                      Glass of Sherry, Cointreau, Drambuie, Tia Maria whatever takes yer fancy, I always use sweet sherry.

                      On the day before, whist up half the cream till its thick.

                      Dip a cookie into the sherry and put cream on it, then dip another cookie and sandwich together, add more cream and so on and on.
                      You can form this into lines a circle or a mound what ever, just make sure its all together.
                      Cover with cling film losely and put in fridge overnight.
                      NEXT DAY:
                      Whisk up remaining cream till thick and spread all over the cookie cake (yes remove the cling film first).
                      Put back into fridge until you are ready to eat it.

                      ENJOY and think of me when you are eating it.



                      • #12
                        Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

                        chicken and mushroom in white wine sauce

                        this one is real easy and a firm family favorite in my house

                        bring to the boil a large pan of water.. add 1 - 2 chicken stock cubes
                        into that place skinless chicken breasts (i usually use 4 but you can adjust this to suit) bring back to the boil and allow to simmer for 20 mins

                        when done finely dice 1 onion and chop mushrooms (again i do this for four so use your judgement here) fry them off in a little oil (olive oil works best)
                        remove chicken from pan and break into pieces (carefull now it will be hot..lol)

                        in another pan add a large dollop of butter/marg heat gently untill melted. gradually add plain flour until a thick paste is formed , then slowly add in the chicken stock stirring constantly to make a sauce.
                        add half a glass of white wine (of your choice) bung in the chicken, onions and mushrooms...season with a little chicken seaonsing. leave to simmer stirring occasionaly while you cook rice to serve

                        hope you like
                        (you can just fry the chicken first and make up stock sepratly... but i like the meat tender)

                        ps if you find the sauce is too thin.. mix a little cornflour with stock... or water and bung it in to thicken
                        Last edited by Tempty; 24th August 2007, 13:37:PM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!


                          1 jar Bolognese Sauce
                          1lb - 1.5lb Minced Beef
                          2 or 3 Bovril/Oxo Cubes [optional]
                          1 Onion
                          2 packets Cheese Sauce
                          1 packet Lasagne Pasta

                          Fry minced beef and onion until meat is sealed. Stir in the oxo cubes to give an extra beefy flavour. Add bolognese sauce and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. If required, add a little water.

                          Make cheese sauce as per instructions on packet. Pyt a layer of minced beef in the bottom of a dish, then a layer of pasta, followed by a layer of cheese sauce. Continue util last layer of pasta, then top it with the last of the cheese sauce. Sprinkle a little grated cheese on top if you like.

                          Bake in centre of oven 180c for 40 mins.


                          • #14
                            Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

                            Last edited by Happyolddog; 25th August 2007, 10:47:AM. Reason: removed cos it was sarcastic.
                            Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                            • #15
                              Re: Simple easy to do recipies !!!!!!

                              edited just venting........
                              Last edited by mistie; 24th August 2007, 23:33:PM.


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