Hey all xxx
I hope everyone is doing okay, following the advice as much as possible and keeping themselves and their loved ones safe xxx It is all a bit shit atm and will be for a fair while, but we will get through the other side, maybe not unscathed, but it'll be okay xxx
Sorry I'm not around a great deal - I've been working for my local MP as his caseworker... it was meant to be part time but well, then this all happened... so back working from home and just trying to help people locally as much as I can.
Looks like you've managed to keep on top of things anyway, we've got some law students on board who will be pitching in over the next few months which should take some pressure off Don't forget to look after yourselves as well as others !
Love Sharon xxx
( and I am sorry about the*'s - I simply don't know how to fix them !)*
I hope everyone is doing okay, following the advice as much as possible and keeping themselves and their loved ones safe xxx It is all a bit shit atm and will be for a fair while, but we will get through the other side, maybe not unscathed, but it'll be okay xxx
Sorry I'm not around a great deal - I've been working for my local MP as his caseworker... it was meant to be part time but well, then this all happened... so back working from home and just trying to help people locally as much as I can.
Looks like you've managed to keep on top of things anyway, we've got some law students on board who will be pitching in over the next few months which should take some pressure off Don't forget to look after yourselves as well as others !
Love Sharon xxx
( and I am sorry about the*'s - I simply don't know how to fix them !)*