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Get it off your chest

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  • #31
    people that feel the need to pace up and down while chatting on their mobiles
    Thats why they are called mobiles. They dont work if you stand still.

    People that come in my shop and answer their mobiles and leave me standing there waiting to serve them like i have nothing else to do. AAAaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!



    • #32
      Originally posted by enaid View Post
      Queue pusher inners, can't stand them, sorry have to show them up the best way I can. Sometimes it's the elderly and usually men, I do have a little dicorum if that's what you call it with my seniors, as i have respect. I still however let them know they are in the wrong and let them go before me anyway:rolleyes:
      You are nicer than me!
      When I was about 18 there was a little old lady who would walk past an extremely long bus queue (no way she wasn't aware of it) to the front.
      If I was the first in the queue I never let her on before me! If she had asked, or even thanked those that did let her on, then I would've.

      Having worked in a shop, the older generaton are by far the rudest.

      Sally x
      P1ss on me if you like, but don't try and tell me it's rain!
      life is all the more precious when we remember it is a terminal state.

      If you need any help with addiction please feel free to PM or email me. I will help all I can
      Please don't drink and drive

      25th Aug SAR request ~11th Sep 1/2 back ~ 23rd Oct all back ~ 29th Oct prelim request ~ 11th Nov LBA ~ 20th Nov "Don't Be Silly" letter ~ 25th Nov I won!


      • #33
        You'll be like me then sally, are you always the last in the queue, does nobody seem to come behind you? When you have swapped queues in the supermarket to go to a smaller queue, is it the one that is shutting or has to change her till roll, or has no change. I can't wait to get old what a queue pusher inner i will make:crazy:


        • #34
          Mrs RLJ is only 5ft tall.. Why does she have to stand and wait for somone to come and reach her something off them high supermarket shelves if I am not with her. Hightism ASDA sort it.



          • #35
            Originally posted by crashbandicoot View Post
            Oh, and my personal favourite......bleepers that go off coz the shop assistant was too lazy to check each item for tags...only for you to be made to look like a fool.
            I love that. Only if it's the magnetic ones though.. If it's them I just keep walking

            Amount of times I've been stopped by security, only for me to tell them "If you think I've been shoplifting then phone the police, when they get here and escort me away, I'll then sue your company for wrongful arrest

            Never once has it happened . Oh.. I've always paid for stuff and never shoplifted, anything, ever.


            • #36
              Talking of security bleeps, I used to work at B&Q and we had a scanner that didn't deactive the security thingy. So one Saturday evening, it was pretty busy, and this really good looking young copper came in to buy a new door lock. Seems they had to break into some old dear's house, she was ok, but they needed to replace the lock.

              So he goes through my till, and yep, guess which one I was on! I had totally forgotten, and as he went through the gates the alarms went off, he sort of turned and looked at me and said 'is that me?', I don't know who was the redder, him or me!


              • #37
                ppl who take an overdose with every intention to die then phone 999, fecking time wasters

                if ya gonna do it, do it correctly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                RBS £2,336.31p *Settled* - RBS £104 *Settled* - Cap One *Settled by default* - A&L - In Progress

                `All advise offered by myself is from my own personnel experience and not from professional experience, if in doubt seek advise from a qualified professional!`

                `Emotions are like your mothers breasts, you know where they are but best left unfelt!`


                • #38
                  Advice & opinions of granby are offered informally, without prejudice & without liability
                  Use your own judgment. Seek advice of a qualified insured professional if you have any doubts


                  • #39

                    Pedestrians......... Grrrrrrrr

                    Dog owner who don't clean up their ****........Grrrrrrr

                    old people.......Grrrrrrrr

                    Young kids............. Grrrrrrrr

                    Noisey gits......... Grrrrrrrr

                    Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Happyolddog View Post
                      oyyy whats wrong with being drunk? pmsl
                      Advice & opinions of granby are offered informally, without prejudice & without liability
                      Use your own judgment. Seek advice of a qualified insured professional if you have any doubts


                      • #41
                        chavvy tarty child mothers that dress little 2 year old Brittney to look just like mum, in denim skirts that barely cover their knickers and footless tights, oh and the crop top. For feck sake its a child!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Delta View Post
                          chavvy tarty child mothers that dress little 2 year old Brittney to look just like mum, in denim skirts that barely cover their knickers and footless tights, oh and the crop top. For feck sake its a child!

                          mmmmmmm nice
                          the mum i mean lol
                          Advice & opinions of granby are offered informally, without prejudice & without liability
                          Use your own judgment. Seek advice of a qualified insured professional if you have any doubts


                          • #43
                            People who use large vans etc for work and insist on bringing them home with them, ok thats fine you say, yes it would be if they parked them outside the own house, but no, they park them in the road with the arse end hanging over the corner. One of these days someone will come hurtling round the corner and either, smash into a car going the other way or kill a kid/animal/adult whatever.
                            Fecking idiots.



                            • #44
                              people who speed around corners and smash into (badly) parked vans

                              and if they manage to avoid said van kill kid's/animals/etc

                              :banana: pmsl
                              (only messing):crazy:
                              Advice & opinions of granby are offered informally, without prejudice & without liability
                              Use your own judgment. Seek advice of a qualified insured professional if you have any doubts


                              • #45
                                Re: Get it off your chest

                                I hate those silly little signs in the back of cars saying "baby on board" or something like that.
                                I presume they are meant to ask people to not drive too close, but you have to drive close to read them!!! Having the opposite effect.
                                Besides, regardless of babies/children/dogs you shouldn't drive close anyway.

                                Sally x
                                P1ss on me if you like, but don't try and tell me it's rain!
                                life is all the more precious when we remember it is a terminal state.

                                If you need any help with addiction please feel free to PM or email me. I will help all I can
                                Please don't drink and drive

                                25th Aug SAR request ~11th Sep 1/2 back ~ 23rd Oct all back ~ 29th Oct prelim request ~ 11th Nov LBA ~ 20th Nov "Don't Be Silly" letter ~ 25th Nov I won!


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