I would be too, and to be honest I wouldnt want to see the charges set at a very low level as they do have to act as some kind of deterrent to constantly overdrawing your account and spending money you don't have, and a £3/4 charge wouldnt have that effect.
So a sensible level charge which covers costs, gives banks profits (cause they are a business), and acts as a deterrent to people just basically mismanaging their finances.
However, I think the banks should look at whats happening on peoples accounts more - not be charging per transcation, whacking £90 charges in a day on, and to be honest I would prefer to see where transactions that go over the agreed overdraft limit if there is one set are just declined. Whether they are for £1 or £400 - by debit card, direct debit, cheque or standing order....or cash withdrawals.
That way if someone realises a transaction that is due to go through will bounce they can contact the bank and make arrangements to increase the overdraft temporarily (and pay a fee for doing so like £25 cause there is work involved and it puts people off doing it but they have choice to do it or not), or pay funds in in cash to cover it.
A non payment of a transaction shouldnt be considered a service (I think thats what the Judge said at one point) and thus it shouldnt be charged for.
This allows people to sort things out if they get in a pickle and dont have enough to cover the mortgage, they can either chose to pay a fee and increase OD accordingly temporarily, or they can sort it out themselves through other means at a later date. Not end up being charged by mortgage co and bank and being in same position the next month cause of one cock up.
Hope that makes a modicum of sense.
Originally posted by argie
So a sensible level charge which covers costs, gives banks profits (cause they are a business), and acts as a deterrent to people just basically mismanaging their finances.
However, I think the banks should look at whats happening on peoples accounts more - not be charging per transcation, whacking £90 charges in a day on, and to be honest I would prefer to see where transactions that go over the agreed overdraft limit if there is one set are just declined. Whether they are for £1 or £400 - by debit card, direct debit, cheque or standing order....or cash withdrawals.
That way if someone realises a transaction that is due to go through will bounce they can contact the bank and make arrangements to increase the overdraft temporarily (and pay a fee for doing so like £25 cause there is work involved and it puts people off doing it but they have choice to do it or not), or pay funds in in cash to cover it.
A non payment of a transaction shouldnt be considered a service (I think thats what the Judge said at one point) and thus it shouldnt be charged for.
This allows people to sort things out if they get in a pickle and dont have enough to cover the mortgage, they can either chose to pay a fee and increase OD accordingly temporarily, or they can sort it out themselves through other means at a later date. Not end up being charged by mortgage co and bank and being in same position the next month cause of one cock up.
Hope that makes a modicum of sense.