Just received this from PC
Urgent news letter
Test case to be held behind closed doors! Well almost
The OFT/BANKS test case is now due to start on the 16th January. As the Judge has requested two days as reading days. In addition the case It is now to be held in at the International Dispute Resolution Centre at 70 Fleet Street, EC4Y1EU and not at the High Court.
There are only 11 places for press and public. Entry is going to be on a first come first serve basis but it will be divided equally between the public and press.
Passes will be issued separately for morning and afternoon sessions. This will mean that it is going to be impossible for one person whether public or press to get the full picture of the case.
A spokesman from the OFT is alleged to have said that he 'did not realise' the room was only big enough for very few members of the public.
For those who didn't know the test case is taking place to decide whether banks charges are unlawful. If the OFT's case is successful it will result in the bank having to repay billions to millions of there customers.
And remember this all began because Abbey national refused to refunded me £64.00 glad I not in their shoes.
Back to business
Today I have had a meeting with my local MP Mr Gary Street he agrees that the lack of seating for members of the public and the press is a disgrace. He will be raising a motion in parliament on Monday. We ask that all members contact their local MP's A.S.A.P (tonight & tomorrow email them phone them fax them) ask that they support MP Mr Gary Street in his motion.
It is obvious that the OFT/bank are hoping that the case will receive little media attention and that it will just go away we must make sure that this doesn't happen the fight for fair banking may soon be over!!
For information on the room details at the International Dispute Resolution Centre tel: 02079367000
Stephen Hone
I think we should act on Stephen's suggestion
Urgent news letter
Test case to be held behind closed doors! Well almost
The OFT/BANKS test case is now due to start on the 16th January. As the Judge has requested two days as reading days. In addition the case It is now to be held in at the International Dispute Resolution Centre at 70 Fleet Street, EC4Y1EU and not at the High Court.
There are only 11 places for press and public. Entry is going to be on a first come first serve basis but it will be divided equally between the public and press.
Passes will be issued separately for morning and afternoon sessions. This will mean that it is going to be impossible for one person whether public or press to get the full picture of the case.
A spokesman from the OFT is alleged to have said that he 'did not realise' the room was only big enough for very few members of the public.
For those who didn't know the test case is taking place to decide whether banks charges are unlawful. If the OFT's case is successful it will result in the bank having to repay billions to millions of there customers.
And remember this all began because Abbey national refused to refunded me £64.00 glad I not in their shoes.
Back to business
Today I have had a meeting with my local MP Mr Gary Street he agrees that the lack of seating for members of the public and the press is a disgrace. He will be raising a motion in parliament on Monday. We ask that all members contact their local MP's A.S.A.P (tonight & tomorrow email them phone them fax them) ask that they support MP Mr Gary Street in his motion.
It is obvious that the OFT/bank are hoping that the case will receive little media attention and that it will just go away we must make sure that this doesn't happen the fight for fair banking may soon be over!!
For information on the room details at the International Dispute Resolution Centre tel: 02079367000
Stephen Hone
I think we should act on Stephen's suggestion