''Consumers who are in very difficult financial circumstances - 'hardship cases'
Banks and building societies will have to conduct a filtering process to ensure that cases of genuine hardship are still dealt with during the waiver period. Cases of hardship would still be entitled to be referred to, and dealt with by, the FOS.''
Directions to Banks -
''(3) The FSA encourages the firm to take steps to assess who it is charging, why and
when, and thus what more it can do to help account holders avoid incurring
unauthorised overdraft charges in the first place (whether or not they have
complained). The firm is reminded of the commitment relating to financial
hardship in the Banking Code.''
FSA define hardship as s.14 banking code
(anyone got this bit stick it in)
Lloyds: No stated policy on hardship claims
Abbey: The bank with the heart of granite. - what do you think their policy is?
HBOS: Call centre 'still waiting to hear from head office'
RBOS: Refusing to deal with hardship claims
Norwich & Pererbrough: Refusing to deal with hardship claims
Barclays: Total silence regarding hardship.
''Consumers who are in very difficult financial circumstances - 'hardship cases'
Banks and building societies will have to conduct a filtering process to ensure that cases of genuine hardship are still dealt with during the waiver period. Cases of hardship would still be entitled to be referred to, and dealt with by, the FOS.''
Directions to Banks -
''(3) The FSA encourages the firm to take steps to assess who it is charging, why and
when, and thus what more it can do to help account holders avoid incurring
unauthorised overdraft charges in the first place (whether or not they have
complained). The firm is reminded of the commitment relating to financial
hardship in the Banking Code.''
FSA define hardship as s.14 banking code
(anyone got this bit stick it in)
Lloyds: No stated policy on hardship claims
Abbey: The bank with the heart of granite. - what do you think their policy is?
HBOS: Call centre 'still waiting to hear from head office'
RBOS: Refusing to deal with hardship claims
Norwich & Pererbrough: Refusing to deal with hardship claims
Barclays: Total silence regarding hardship.