THis is a worrying trend occurring right under the nose of the OFT and they may turn their back on everything while the bank take back the lead over customers that they lost when consumer gained them.
NatWest will change Unarranged Borrowing Fee to Matinenance Fee soon which seems to be the beginning of the service argument. We will not punish you for breaching the agreement but we will change the term so YOU think we will look at your account.
Abbey National seem to be changing their terms and conditions so that if you miscalculate your budget they will treat it as an overdraft request and charge you for possibly doing nothing.
While the OFT slept the Banks worked out that the way to beat the consumer was to change the terms and conditions that would justify high penalty charges. It was worth to them almost 1 billion pounds in refunds and further costs for solicitors and legal expenses.
NatWest will change Unarranged Borrowing Fee to Matinenance Fee soon which seems to be the beginning of the service argument. We will not punish you for breaching the agreement but we will change the term so YOU think we will look at your account.
Abbey National seem to be changing their terms and conditions so that if you miscalculate your budget they will treat it as an overdraft request and charge you for possibly doing nothing.
While the OFT slept the Banks worked out that the way to beat the consumer was to change the terms and conditions that would justify high penalty charges. It was worth to them almost 1 billion pounds in refunds and further costs for solicitors and legal expenses.