HC 836 Annual Report and Resource Accounts 2007-08
The Office of Fair Trading Annual Report and Resource Accounts 2007-08 (pdf 893 kb) http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/ann...2007/HC836.pdf
Annexe A - Consumer law casework - April 2007 - March 2008 (pdf 73 kb)
Annexe B - Consumer credit statistics (pdf 107 kb)
Annexe C - Competition casework (pdf 51 kb)
Annexe D - UK mergers casework April 2007 - March 2008 (pdf 92 kb)
Annexe E - Local authority prosecutions (pdf 107 kb)
Annexe F - Complaints to Consumer Direct (pdf 105 kb)
Annexe G - Freedom of Information/Data Protection (pdf 61 kb)
Annexe H - Progress against Annual Plan Commitments 2007-08 (pdf 203 kb)
Annual Report and Resource Accounts 2007-08 - Annexe F of HC836
Complaints to Consumer Direct - 2007
Consumer Direct received over 1.5 million contacts* from 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008
Consumer Direct recorded 1,141,677 cases between 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2007
see below for key (numbers 1 to 18 are type of complaint) 16 is Access to Goods and Service. 2 is substandard services. 10 is terms and conditions.
All finance figures are on page 7 of Annexe F - Complaints to Consumer Direct (pdf 105 kb)
2001 figures are - http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/ann...01/annexee.pdf - total personal banking complaints were 2853.
(links only seem to work in IE for some weird reason unless thats just me)
The Office of Fair Trading Annual Report and Resource Accounts 2007-08 (pdf 893 kb) http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/ann...2007/HC836.pdf
Annexe A - Consumer law casework - April 2007 - March 2008 (pdf 73 kb)
Annexe B - Consumer credit statistics (pdf 107 kb)
Annexe C - Competition casework (pdf 51 kb)
Annexe D - UK mergers casework April 2007 - March 2008 (pdf 92 kb)
Annexe E - Local authority prosecutions (pdf 107 kb)
Annexe F - Complaints to Consumer Direct (pdf 105 kb)
Annexe G - Freedom of Information/Data Protection (pdf 61 kb)
Annexe H - Progress against Annual Plan Commitments 2007-08 (pdf 203 kb)
Annual Report and Resource Accounts 2007-08 - Annexe F of HC836
Complaints to Consumer Direct - 2007
Consumer Direct received over 1.5 million contacts* from 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008
Consumer Direct recorded 1,141,677 cases between 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2007
see below for key (numbers 1 to 18 are type of complaint) 16 is Access to Goods and Service. 2 is substandard services. 10 is terms and conditions.
All finance figures are on page 7 of Annexe F - Complaints to Consumer Direct (pdf 105 kb)
2001 figures are - http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/ann...01/annexee.pdf - total personal banking complaints were 2853.
(links only seem to work in IE for some weird reason unless thats just me)