Hi there I am brand new to this forum so I'm looking for advice in regards to a matter that I have currently ongoing. Back in 2012 after I had gone overseas for a funeral, by my own admission I had forgotten to turn off the data on my phone so this at the time ran the bill I had with orange up to nearly £700 at the time. At first orange were willing to comprise and set up an agreement to get my phone back up but after telling me that I would need to pay nearly £500 just to get my phone back on, I refused as I couldn't afford that at the time and it made no financial sense so me an orange eventually parted ways and I never heard from them for the rest of 2012 apart from the disconnection letter. Then from 2013 to about the beginning of this year I received around 7/8 letter in total from what I can count that were in relation to this matter but from different debt companies such as BDO Collections and eventually on to Lowell.
From around June this year though, Lowell have been trying to get this matter to court pursuing me for the debt. They sent me a letter from Bryan Carter Solicitors saying they were looking to go to court over the matter and I replied back saying that because I have never had a debt with Lowell that they should not be pursuing me for this debt. Since then I got a letter from the Small Court Claim and Northampton Crown Court. I replied back to both letter saying I have never had a debt with Lowell directly and that I should not be going to court over a debt I am unaware of. Lowell have even gone to the lenghts of putting a default on my Credit Report (See Below), even though I have a default with Orange so it looks as if they are trying to give me a default on the same debt, which Im sure they cannot do.
Other accountsLENDER
Orange Brought To You By Ee
Nwb Current Accounts
Up to date
Shop Direct Finance Company LTD
Up to date
O2 Uk Limited
Up to date
Now I have received a letter this week saying that I have a hearing on the 8th October at County Court at Birmingham Civil Justice Centre, The Priory Courts. I am here for some advice in terms of what to do. I have been looking on numurous forums such as these and it seems what Lowell are doing is illegal in terms of trying to enforce a debt with people when the debt is not with them directly. Is there any good advice that you can give me in terms of going forward. Ideally I dont want to pay Lowell at all and think they are pretty much con artists when it comes to this. I have been told about mediation as well. Also will they be able to apply for an AOE from me if this goes all the way. I only thought that would apply in Child support cases and cases with a bank etc.
I look forward to hearing your responses.
Kind Regards in Advance.
From around June this year though, Lowell have been trying to get this matter to court pursuing me for the debt. They sent me a letter from Bryan Carter Solicitors saying they were looking to go to court over the matter and I replied back saying that because I have never had a debt with Lowell that they should not be pursuing me for this debt. Since then I got a letter from the Small Court Claim and Northampton Crown Court. I replied back to both letter saying I have never had a debt with Lowell directly and that I should not be going to court over a debt I am unaware of. Lowell have even gone to the lenghts of putting a default on my Credit Report (See Below), even though I have a default with Orange so it looks as if they are trying to give me a default on the same debt, which Im sure they cannot do.
Other accountsLENDER
Orange Brought To You By Ee
£ 952
Nwb Current Accounts
£ 0
Up to date
Shop Direct Finance Company LTD
£ 1,395
Up to date
O2 Uk Limited
£ 0
Up to date
£ 1,403
Now I have received a letter this week saying that I have a hearing on the 8th October at County Court at Birmingham Civil Justice Centre, The Priory Courts. I am here for some advice in terms of what to do. I have been looking on numurous forums such as these and it seems what Lowell are doing is illegal in terms of trying to enforce a debt with people when the debt is not with them directly. Is there any good advice that you can give me in terms of going forward. Ideally I dont want to pay Lowell at all and think they are pretty much con artists when it comes to this. I have been told about mediation as well. Also will they be able to apply for an AOE from me if this goes all the way. I only thought that would apply in Child support cases and cases with a bank etc.
I look forward to hearing your responses.
Kind Regards in Advance.