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Summer Budget 2015

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  • #16
    Re: Summer Budget 2015

    Okay on this, which I think might well become a bug bear
    earning over Ł30k will have to pay market rate on social housing rents ( ouch) - Ł40k in London.
    The government believes that those on higher incomes should not be subsidised through social rents. Therefore, social housing tenants with household incomes of Ł40,000 and above in London, and Ł30,000 and above in the rest of England, will be required to “Pay to Stay”, by paying a market or near market rent for their accommodation. This will ensure they pay a fair level of rent, or make way for those whose need is greater. Local Authorities will repay the rent subsidy that they recover from high income tenants to the Exchequer, contributing to deficit reduction. Housing Associations will be able to use the rent subsidy that they recover to reinvest in new housing. This could raise up to hundreds of millions of pounds in additional rental income for Housing Associations. The government will consult and set out the detail of this reform in due course.

    The government will review the use of lifetime tenancies in social housing to limit their use and ensure that households are offered tenancies that match their needs, and ensure the best use is made of the social housing stock.
    This is a report from Shelter back in 2012 when Gov were consulting on pay to stay ( consultation https://www.gov.uk/government/consul...ts-pay-to-stay ) ... the thresholds being considered were Ł80k/Ł100k ... Shelter thought it was a shockingly bad idea .

    and summary of responses to that consultation https://www.gov.uk/government/upload...ay_to_stay.pdf
    Attached Files

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    • #17
      Re: Summer Budget 2015

      SHELTER ( today)

      Increasing Social Rents

      Whilst some in social housing will see their rents reduced, others will see the opposite – substantial hikes. Those households earning over Ł40,000 in the capital and Ł30,000 elsewhere will now have to start paying market or near market level rates. These thresholds seem incredibly low at a time when rents are so high – so low in fact that households could now find they need housing benefit after years of paying their rent independently. Instead of bringing social renters in line with private tenants they should really focus on building affordable homes we desperately need.

      There was also a worrying little nugget on reviewing life tenancies for social homes – much more detail will be needed but this risks losing one of the great benefits of social housing – the security its gives families. Without the necessary investment in new social homes, the risks forcing low income households into an unfair game of musical chairs chasing the few genuinely affordable social tenancies.
      I think this will be explored much much further.

      The level is too low. Ł30k household income is not 'high income' - the average salary is something around Ł27k for goodness sake.

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      • #18
        Re: Summer Budget 2015

        I thought that the life tenancies of social housing were already a thing of the past or was that another thing that the Lib Dems had managed to stop Camoron introducing


        • #19
          Re: Summer Budget 2015

          Unfortunately, people have themselves to blame.

          In May, we had a clear choice but yet a larger part of the nation voted for Cameron.

          I am not saying that Miliband was any better but there were other options too.

          Clearly, some people won't survive this government!


          • #20
            Re: Summer Budget 2015

            It could have been worse (just) UKIP could have won many seats


            • #21
              Re: Summer Budget 2015

              Originally posted by jon1965 View Post
              It could have been worse (just) UKIP could have won many seats
              I'm not sure if UKIP would be any worse. A former LB site team member was standing as a candidate - she came second!


              • #22
                Re: Summer Budget 2015

                I have a lifetime tenancy - we got in just before they stopped them. I'm wondering if they mean they are looking at removing lifetime tenancies from people who already have them as they already stopped giving them to new tenants ?

                I know it's a tough budget and I try not to do politics on here because I don't like the arguments but sometimes it's tough to keep out of it. Just want to suss out exactly what the changes mean, for who, and how/when they will take effect.

                I'm not sure how increasing rent for social housing for people who earn over Ł30k is any encouragement for people to work and improve. If you're in the average job on Ł27k then really what's the point in working to get a payrise to tip you over Ł30k to lose it all and more in additional rent. Should have been set at Ł60k minimum.

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                • #23
                  Re: Summer Budget 2015

                  Rather than whingeing I am outlining my ideal budget.

                  State benefits to increase in line with inflation. Ł26 benefit cap.

                  45% top income tax rate to remain, no threshold rises for now.

                  Cigarette tax to increase 25% each year. Alcohol tax unchanged.

                  Council tax to be part of income tax, related to earnings, not properties. Local authorities free to set rates within agreed limits.

                  Regional rates for a minimum wage, Ł6.50 per hour being the minimum for adults.

                  Free bus travel for pensioners to become mean tested, related to agreed earnings, not property values.

                  No change in inheritance tax.

                  No tax payable on earnings below Ł11k per year. National insurance to be incorporated into income tax, along with the council tax.

                  Non-domicile status to be abolished immediately.

                  Interest rate to rise by at least 0.25% each year until the end of the parliament to end property bubble.

                  What about that?


                  • #24
                    Re: Summer Budget 2015

                    Originally posted by Mr $quandaŁot View Post
                    I'm not sure if UKIP would be any worse. A former LB site team member was standing as a candidate - she came second!
                    Well with all the respect that is due to that former site team member I rest my case

                    There seem to be so many regressive elements within the budget that hurt those most vulnerable , I am not sure what the meaning of social housing rents reducing means but I doubt it will help anyone . Even the long overdue movement to a living wage is a fudge because of the decrease in corporation tax , on top of that it is all well and good paying Ł9 per hour but you need to have the contracted hours to make that work. I really do not see any benefit for those most in need but substantial benefits for the better off. Why not make wealthier pensioners pay , link the winter fuel payments and TV licences to receipt of pension credit although I am against means testing as it is so very expensive


                    • #25
                      Re: Summer Budget 2015

                      Guessing you don't smoke but like a tipple then xx

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                      • #26
                        Re: Summer Budget 2015

                        Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
                        Guessing you don't smoke but like a tipple then xx
                        Never smoked. Not a single cigarette.

                        Sugar tax could be considered to tackle childhood obesity


                        • #27
                          Re: Summer Budget 2015

                          Alcohol tax unchanged.
                          Strange one, I wonder why? Alcohol costs the NHS a huge amount of money, not to mention police, criminal damage, emotional upset

                          - - - Updated - - -

                          Imposing a sugar tax would hurt the poorest disproportionally as cheap processed food is full of the stuff


                          • #28
                            Re: Summer Budget 2015

                            Whether a former site team member or not, I think we'd need some ordinary people in the parliament, hence top marks for her (or anyone else who's not a professional politician) efforts.

                            Perhaps Amethyst could get involved, at least at a local level?


                            • #29
                              Re: Summer Budget 2015

                              Originally posted by jon1965 View Post

                              Strange one, I wonder why? Alcohol costs the NHS a huge amount of money, not to mention police, criminal damage, emotional upset

                              - - - Updated - - -

                              Imposing a sugar tax would hurt the poorest disproportionally as cheap processed food is full of the stuff
                              Increasing alcohol tax would punish the responsible majority for mistakes by relatively few. Strong cider and beer (typically enjoyed by trouble makers):could have a much higher tax, though.

                              You can buy cheap, plain porridge and veggies so no need to have a high sugar diet whatever your income.


                              • #30
                                Re: Summer Budget 2015

                                Awww thank you, I don't have the confidence, and I'm not sure you'd like my policies all that much.

                                On the sugar thing - fresh veg is cheaper than processed crap. I'd be quite happy to price processed crap out of the market and increase education in that respect. I've just been to the shops to get some bits for one of my daughter's cooking lesson - now to me, cooking lessons should include budgeting. Not a list of ingredients with a threat of detention if you don't take them in. Cost me almost Ł10 to get the stuff for her to make a single pizza. Okay I now have some of the left over ingredients I can use at home, and we might get a half eaten soggy pizza crushed in a tub when she gets home for tea... Not the point though - that should be thought about and maybe a bit of co-op'ing going on with other students through the lesson. But that's a bit off topic.

                                Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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