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Gas prices may rise by 70%

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  • Gas prices may rise by 70%

    Gas prices are likely to soar, then remain high, it is reported.

    Channel Four News said it had seen an internal report for the company Centrica which suggested gas prices could rise by 70%.
    Jake Ulrich, managing director of Centrica Energy, told the programme: "I think it is going to hit people hard."
    He admitted that gas price rises were likely to lead to a "potentially significant" rise in the number of people in fuel poverty.
    And he predicted people would have to change their habits to deal with higher prices.
    "I do think we will see people change their behaviour, I think people will use less energy and I hate to go back to the Jimmy Carter days in the US but maybe it's two jumpers instead of one.
    "I think people will change the temperature they keep the house, they'll be more cognisant of energy waste, they'll buy better appliances."
    Gas prices are likely to remain high in the foreseeable future, he said. "The pressure is going to be upwards on prices for some time."
    And he added: "We're part of a world economy and I don't think we can rely on UK production or cheap gas, cheap energy of any sort any more.

  • #2
    Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

    'they'll buy better appliances''

    like they could afford them now !

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    • #3
      Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

      Originally posted by enaid View Post
      Gas prices are likely to soar, then remain high, it is reported.

      Channel Four News said it had seen an internal report for the company Centrica which suggested gas prices could rise by 70%.
      Jake Ulrich, managing director of Centrica Energy, told the programme: "I think it is going to hit people hard."Of course it going to hit people hard, where do they get these numpties from?
      He admitted that gas price rises were likely to lead to a "potentially significant" rise in the number of people in fuel poverty. people are already struggling, this is going to make it impossible for some.
      And he predicted people would have to change their habits to deal with higher prices.
      "I do think we will see people change their behaviour, I think people will use less energy and I hate to go back to the Jimmy Carter days in the US but maybe it's two jumpers instead of one.
      "I think people will change the temperature they keep the house, they'll be more cognisant of energy waste, they'll buy better appliances."If they cannot afford the fuel bill how on earth are they meant to be able to afford new appliances?
      Gas prices are likely to remain high in the foreseeable future, he said. "The pressure is going to be upwards on prices for some time."
      And he added: "We're part of a world economy and I don't think we can rely on UK production or cheap gas, cheap energy of any sort any more.
      Sorry rant over just made my blood boil.
      Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


      • #4
        Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

        Just going off topic for a mo, but still on about the cost of living.
        Our Gordon the Moron was on TV yesterday saying that the figure for inflation is different from what consumers are feeling because, wait for this.........
        "Food and fuel have gone up, clothes have come down in price" lol so therefore they average out to make the figures correct.
        So thats how it works folks it's all averages pmsl


        • #5
          Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

          Brent crude prices have actually fallen by $10 in the last week, wonder if they are behind the news, LOL.


          • #6
            Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

            Think most people would prefer to be able to afford Food and Fuel than new clothes.

            Ah foods expensive, never mind I'll get a new jumper, what a bargain.

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            • #7
              Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

              All governments massage the figures to make them look good. They always have done.

              Given how much fuel (gas, petrol etc) has risen, food has to go up due to transportation costs, interest rates go up etc etc ... none of which they include in their 'official' figures !!


              • #8
                Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

                yes but if you buy a new jumper you can wear it on top of the old one when you're freezing cos you can't afford to put the fire on:tinysmile_cry_t:
                Is no longer here


                • #9
                  Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

                  Well, you can always buy a new sleeping bag to keep you warm at night, and go out into the library by day, but what would people say if you didn't have the latest cashmere sweater?

                  As for food prices, most people in the UK are obese, and should eat less food than they do anyway.


                  • #10
                    Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

                    Originally posted by WendyB View Post
                    yes but if you buy a new jumper you can wear it on top of the old one when you're freezing cos you can't afford to put the fire on:tinysmile_cry_t:

                    Or better still, you now have an excuse to be cuddled up to your loved ones LOL


                    • #11
                      Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

                      oops thanked you tom for random post just made me crack up laughing for some reason sorry

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                      • #12
                        Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

                        Originally posted by tomterm8 View Post
                        As for food prices, most people in the UK are obese, and should eat less food than they do anyway.

                        Errrm....are you suggesting that my bum looks big in this ?


                        • #13
                          Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

                          Thanks for that Jester, I like your sense of humour and I needed a laugh:tinysmile_grin_t:
                          Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                          • #14
                            Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

                            Originally posted by tomterm8 View Post
                            As for food prices, most people in the UK are obese, and should eat less food than they do anyway.
                            Ere! I'll have you know I'm only 7stone 12! Must be cos i can't afford to eat, what with all those cashmere sweaters I keep buying to go to the library in. Which, incidentally, I can't do cos I'm banned, ever since my dog nibbled the cover of a Wilbur Smith novel years ago, and they wouldn't let me replace the book (which was on special offer in WH Smiths at the time for tenner). Said I'd got to give 'em 25 quid. So ever since then I go to obscure libraries where they don't know me and use my daughters library card. Which isn't too bad now, but when she was only 10 and lending all the thrillers and detective stuff they must have thought she was well weird lol.
                            Is no longer here


                            • #15
                              Re: Gas prices may rise by 70%

                              In respect of the energy crisis in general

                              I know all this is not the governments fault as such - but they must have been aware tis could happen - they are the peope who get the facts and figures and have global predictions and information. Ok they propose more wind turbines - but I read a report the other day that said this could be a mistake on catastrophic proprtions as they have not done their research properly. there is a newer and better alternative in the form of wave power for example

                              But could they not have a huge think tank website say connected to energy watch for ideas - as it will be our pensioners that are hardest hit - they can not always take the cold temperatures. The rest of us may adapt ( although its the thought of no hot water that worries me )

                              For example if they increased the grants on approved alternatives such as pellet stoves/ground source pumps and solar systems etc - those that could afford to would install them and demand for scarce resources would fall . In the case of solar power excess electricity could be sold back to the grid and then maybe somehow pensioners on benefits could be given proiority for the cheaper power.

                              Also take even the 5% tax off all essential fuel services and increase it on luxury items for example .

                              government think outside the box for once . Before all the foriegn energy companies take us all for a ride. ( and the foriegn banks for that matter)
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