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Britain's most dangerous inmate says prisons have gone 'soft'

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  • Britain's most dangerous inmate says prisons have gone 'soft'

    Britain's most dangerous inmate, Charles Bronson, has confirmed what many suspect - prisons have gone 'soft'.


  • #2
    Re: Britain's most dangerous inmate says prisons have gone 'soft'

    Not getting his kicks anymore from holding staff to ransom and then getting solitary confinement.


    • #3
      Re: Britain's most dangerous inmate says prisons have gone 'soft'

      Says it all really.

      40,000 prisoners snub chance of early release because jails are so 'cushy' | Mail Online


      • #4
        Re: Britain's most dangerous inmate says prisons have gone 'soft'

        you keep reading that paper, Amy, when will you learn that it is not a good paper to read for FACTS......


        • #5
          Re: Britain's most dangerous inmate says prisons have gone 'soft'

          I don't pay for any of the papers, I read online.


          • #6
            Re: Britain's most dangerous inmate says prisons have gone 'soft'

            Try poking your eyes out then to stop you doing it. I know you read online but try a better newspaper like the Times, Guardian or even maybe The Sun


            • #7
              Re: Britain's most dangerous inmate says prisons have gone 'soft'

              and moot point......when did I say you paid for The M***? Is the M*** clouding your vision of what I am writing? pmsl. It will make you blind even though you are a woman.


              • #8
                Re: Britain's most dangerous inmate says prisons have gone 'soft'

                Why? They tell me what I already know.


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