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Labour slump to rock bottom in the polls - 26 per cent behind the Tories and at their

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  • Labour slump to rock bottom in the polls - 26 per cent behind the Tories and at their

    Labour last night slumped to its lowest point in the opinion polls since records began in the 1930s as the problems continued to pile up for Gordon Brown. A devastating poll put the Tories on 49 per cent to Labour's 23 per cent


  • #2
    Re: Labour slump to rock bottom in the polls - 26 per cent behind the Tories and at t

    it's a pity. the conservatives sucked last time, and they have a slimeball leader I wouldn't trust with the school tuckshop receipts, let alone the government. Still, it looks like our current political choice is between dumb, dumber, and the Liberal Democrappic Party.


    • #3
      Re: Labour slump to rock bottom in the polls - 26 per cent behind the Tories and at t

      The labour party deserved to slump this low. They have turned into the Tories without changing their name. Firstly Gordon (no charisma) Brown has taken charge, just as the ***** hits the fan from all of Blairs failing policies begins to hit the working classes. It has taken them 10 years to realise that we need tighter border controls after letting every terrorist and bandit into the country. Now the population has boomed again they notice the infrastructure can no longer cope. Prisons are overflowing so certain crimes are downgraded rather than building more prisons. More people should mean more hospitals, oh no care in the community. More people should mean more schools, no lets have bigger class sizes. Oh we need more house to cope with the growing population, lets build towns of farmland and put the price of food up because we can no longer feed the people of this country with what we produce. Oh why we are at it lets award ourselves a 200% pay rise and let the peasents pay to furnish our second and third homes. They keep sending our young soldiers out to fight a war against an army unrecognisable from the good guys.

      When oh when will they realise that they have failed and step down, well never because the backbone of the country is so weak nobody has the power to stand up and tell them to step down, because we are not allowed to protest. They made it a law along with all of the other laws that have damaged this nation.

      I am sorry to say I voted them in and I can't see anybody on the horizon who can take their place and do any better or any worst.
      Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


      • #4
        Re: Labour slump to rock bottom in the polls - 26 per cent behind the Tories and at t

        This from Peter Hitchens in the Daily Mail. I cannot say I agree with all of it, but it does make sense.

        The Tories are still quite capable of losing the next General Election. Even if they do manage to win it, they will govern almost exactly as Gordon Brown.

        Nothing will change except the face and the accent.

        Something very similar happened in 1997. Millions were persuaded by conformist media coverage to vote against John Major because he was ghastly and boring and Anthony Blair was pretty and charming.

        And when it was all over, the Government was almost exactly the same – high taxes, slovenly services, hundreds of thousands of people in baseball caps living off the State, feeble police and courts, mass immigration. You know the sort of thing.

        Real changes in British politics don't come at elections, where we increasingly do as we are told and elect whatever is put in front of us.

        They come in the form of establishment palace revolutions, helped by the media.

        The biggest was the merciless public knifing of Margaret Thatcher in 1990, when she realised the true nature of the EU and began to oppose it.

        But around the same time was the orchestrated takeover of the Labour Party by the constitutional, cultural and sexual revolutionaries who now run it – and who are good friends and neighbours of the people who now run the Tories.

        Then there was the extraordinary destruction of Iain Duncan Smith as Tory leader and his replacement by Michael Howard, who proceeded to act as a sort of dictator, sacking Right-wing candidates whose views embarrassed him.

        The Left-wing media were once again deeply involved in what was an establishment effort to save the Tory Party from collapse.

        Why did the Left suddenly fall in love with Mr Howard, whom they used to loathe? Why did they want to save the Tory Party?

        Because they feared that, if it collapsed, a proper pro-British Party might rise from the ruins, a possibility they dread.

        And finally there was the media-led coronation of David Cameron as Tory leader, another Establishment intervention to make sure that the Conservative Party stayed firmly in what they call "the centre" – ie pro-EU, anti-education, pro-immigration, committed to high spending and high taxes and a monstrous welfare state, useless to any decent, hard-working person.

        The Establishment know that Labour are unpopular, as of course they should be. They are unpopular because their policies are stupid and wrong.

        But the Establishment want to keep the policies. So at the next Election they aim to provide a safety valve for angry voters – a chance to choose different faces, but the same awful Government.

        Then, after a bit of that, it will be back to Labour again.


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