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No win, no fee.... up to no good

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  • No win, no fee.... up to no good

    No win, no fee ..up to no good

    Compo pledges are a £500K con


    Lee Wilson (Pic:Andrew Price)

    Lee Wilson's face grinning from newspaper adverts persuaded thousands of people that he was a man to trust.
    His company Stanley Porters offered to chase compensation for mis-sold endowments, payment protection insurance and unfair bank charges on a no win, no fee basis.
    Hopeful, Ann Smith paid a £350 deposit to seek compensation for her endowment.
    "This was refundable in the event that they failed to uphold my complaint," explained Ann, who now lives in France

    "They took all my details and proceeded with the application. I've heard nothing from them for more than a year."
    There's a good reason for that. Stanley Porters went into liquidation last summer owing more than £500,000.
    Creditors included more than 1,300 people who'd paid deposits in excess of £300.
    Asked if deposits were in danger Wilson, 33, said: "Are they heck!"
    But the company's liquidator has found zero assets.
    Customers aren't the only ones to lose out.
    Last March, Wilson sacked four staff in his Chester office by text.
    "Due to the lack of professionalism and poor overall performance of the Chester office, I hav no option but to let u go," Wilson wrote. "Ur pay wil be calculated and paid on pay day. U are not required to go into the office. All belongings wil be sent to u."
    So far, just a sorry story of a business collapse.
    But there's another ambulance-chasing compensation specialist on the block.
    Carter Miller & Co, incorporated in Scotland, offers to "give back control of your finances to you".
    It also claims that: "To date we have 100 per cent success rates on claims for your bank charges, mis-sold endowments, Serps pension claims and PPI insurance protection claims.
    "We've helped literally hundreds of people so far to take back money that is theirs by law from the greedy banks and institutions with their runaway charging schemes and cash-grabbing scams."
    And who's behind Carter Miller, scourge of cash-grabbing scams? None other than Lee Wilson.
    Carter Miller was set up one month before Stanley Porters went into liquidation.
    Wilson appears to have left his house in Chester and may be living in Manchester.
    When we rang Carter Miller, all "claims handlers" were busy and we left a message.
    We haven't heard back. Says it all.

  • #2
    Re: No win, no fee.... up to no good

    Why on earth do the authorites license these people :crythat's assuming they are licensed!


    • #3
      Re: No win, no fee.... up to no good

      Neither of his companies are registered here

      CMR: Claims Management Regulation

      so, no real surprise there then. Unbelievable that people will hand money over to complete cowboys when it takes only 2 minutes to check if they are kosher.

      Maybe the rules are different in Scotland?

      Contacting Carter Miller & Co Scotland Ltd Scotland Ltd.

      You can contact us directly by phone or email or use the simple message form here.
      Carter Miller and Co Scotland. Ltd
      73 Holburn Street
      Aberdeen AB10 6DN
      AB10 6D

      New Customers:
      Carter Miller and Co Scotland. Ltd
      272 Bath Street
      G2 4JR

      Phone: 0122 467 6915

      Email: info@carter-miller.co.uk


      It's Time to Fight Against Over Inflated Bank Charges!

      Have you ever been charged by your bank for slipping into the red, going over your overdraft limit or having a direct debit or a cheque returned?
      Carter Miller & Co Scotland Ltd. Have 100% Success Rate in Upholding Bank Charge Claims for Victims!
      How can British banks charge so much for such a small procedure? For example: you can be charged anywhere up to £50 for accidentally going £1 overdrawn, with no warning.
      Such high charges are unjustified and are not legally enforceable.
      The Office Of Fair Trading is also considering the fact that these high penalty charges may be unjustified and are expected to rule on the matter in due course.
      The banks, building societies and credit card companies have been getting away with unfairly charging their loyal customers for far too long, now it's time to fight back. Carter Miller & Co Scotland Ltd. Can Help.

      Bank Charges

      Bank penalty charges have been well publicised and are potentially unlawful charges levied on bank clients. There has been a tremendous amount of resentment concerning these charges, which range from excess fees through to returned cheque fees and unauthorised borrowing interest.
      According to research one in three people with a bank account overdraft facility end up paying an extra £100 a year in unfair penalty charges.
      They are charged around £25 up to four times a year because they exceed their agreed overdraft limit on their current account. Some banks then scandalously charge up to £35 for each transaction after a customer goes into the red.
      Research shows that many people simply lose track of how much money they have in their account. A report commissioned by the online bank Egg found that the majority of account holders 'have an extremely poor understanding of the financial status of their current account'. The report found that more than 60% do not know how much money is in their account at any one time. With a raft of direct debits coming out at different times of the month, many people understandably slip beyond their overdraft limit without even realising.
      The majority of people just simply forget about direct debits and/or pending cheques etc, but no matter how genuine the account holders excuse, the banks and building societies continue to add penalty charges to their loyal customers' accounts. The resulting charges reap the financial institutions approximately £3 to £5 billion each year by way of penalty charges.
      Banks have taken considerable abuse in the media following the publicity surrounding this matter, and with just cause. If the banks and building societies seriously believe these penalty charges to be fair and legal then why are they agreeing, following our involvement to refund these charges if they are correctly taken and are legally binding?
      We can help you recover your bank charges over the last six years (five years in Scotland). If you are unsure exactly how many charges you have paid, we can find out at no cost to you.
      Carter Miller & Co Scotland Ltd. will: Contact your bank to obtain a full refund of your penalty charges, recover your bank charge information if you do not have it available, negotiate on your behalf throughout the claims process until finalised, issue court papers (if necessary) on your behalf, pay any court fees to issue proceedings (upon the claim being successful this fee will be repaid by your bank in addition to the claim and in turn will be payable to ourselves) and act as your representative in county court if the bank defends the action, in the unlikely event we lose, this will be at no cost to you.


      Please find below, the answers to our most frequently asked questions:
      Q: How far back can you claim?
      A: 6 years in England and Wales (5 in scotland).
      Q: How long will my claim take?
      A: 8 weeks should be sufficient time; however the length of any claim depends on the response from the company involved.
      Q: How much of the charge amount can you claim?
      A: At the moment you can claim the full amount of your penalty charges; however it is expected that penalty charges are soon going to be capped (limited at a maximum amount). The Office Of Fair Trading (OFT) is yet to rule on the matter ; Once a capped rate is announced, we expect to recover 100% of any monies over the capped amount.
      Q: Will I need to supply all my bank statements?
      A: No, we will arrange for all of your statements to be provided to us in order for us to calculate exactly how many charges you have incured on your account(s).
      Q: Are there lots of forms to complete?
      A: No, our state of the art systems and unrivalled knowlede of the industry helps make a complicated and lengthy legal process, quick and painless for the client. We take away all the hassle and handle all the tricky discussions and correspondence with the banks or building societies involved.
      Q: Will my account be closed?
      A: It is possible for the banks and building societies to close their customer accounts therefore we must advice that you open a parachute account; however we do not know of any client of ours that have had an account closed due to claiming back their penalty charges.
      Q: Who are Carter Miller & Co Scotland Ltd.?
      A: Carter Miller & Co Scotland Ltd. are a specialist team of financial claims advisors and experts in claims management. Our vision is to provide independant professional help and representation with regard to financial redress.
      Q: How sucessful are Carter Miller & Co Scotland Ltd.?
      A: Carter Miller & Co Scotland Ltd. have so far been 100% sucessful in claiming back charges for penalty charge victims.

      I am sooo tempted to ring up and ask if the test case will cause delay, also see if they demand any money up front.
      "Although scalar fields are Lorentz scalars, they may transform nontrivially under other symmetries, such as flavour or isospin. For example, the pion is invariant under the restricted Lorentz group, but is an isospin triplet (meaning it transforms like a three component vector under the SU(2) isospin symmetry). Furthermore, it picks up a negative phase under parity inversion, so it transforms nontrivially under the full Lorentz group; such particles are called pseudoscalar rather than scalar. Most mesons are pseudoscalar particles." (finally explained to a captivated Celestine by Professor Brian Cox on Wednesday 27th June 2012 )

      I am proud to have co-founded LegalBeagles in 2007

      If we have helped you we'd appreciate it if you can leave a review on our Trust Pilot page

      If you wish to book an appointment with me to discuss your credit agreement, please email kate@legalbeaglesgroup. com


      • #4
        Re: No win, no fee.... up to no good

        LOL at 8 weeks.


        • #5
          Re: No win, no fee.... up to no good

          we will arrange for all of your statements to be provided to us in order for us to calculate exactly how many charges you have incured on your account(s).
          Oh I would not let complete strangers see my bank statements!!!! In fact, I wouldn't want people I know to see my bank statements!:tinysmile_aha_t:
          You can't scare me, I have children.


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