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Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

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  • Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

    A terminally ill man has announced the date of his death on LinkedIn, just days before he plans to travel to Switzerland in order to end his life surrounded by his family.Simon Binner, 57, from Surrey, said he plans to die in the Eternal Spirit clinic in Basel on Monday following his diagnosis of Motor... Read more »
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  • #2
    Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn


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    • #3
      Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

      This is so wrong on all counts

      His family will probably be prosecuted for unlawful homicide in aiding the unlawful death

      Even though he has made that decision everyone has the right to life

      If you do not like the law then change it, do not break it


      • #4
        Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

        They aren't aiding him, he has chosen himself and booked his own tickets and organised things in Switzerland himself. He is campaigning to change the law, and highlighting the issues, however it will not come soon enough (if ever) to help him end his life in the way he actually would prefer, at home.

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        • #5
          Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

          I have the utmost respect to Christopher Reeve on this issue and his awful accident

          Stem Cell reserch was very much in its infency then but he was passionate these stem cells could breach the damaged neurons in his neck enabling him to walk again. He held that belief until he died.

          It has reached a stage now where actual body organs are being grown from stem cells and a break through is being made every day. They already use it for people with Parkinsons disease

          Once you are dead you are dead

          I am very much against eugenics and survival of the fittest with Human Beings

          I suppose the Government can give ATOS the current Euthanasia Wing of the DWP the contract now it is withdrawing from that DWP contract if such a policy was ever passed into law
          Last edited by judgemental24; 17th October 2015, 12:46:PM.


          • #6
            Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

            As long as he is able to travel unaided his family will not be prosecuted

            I can not see the connection between eugenics and this terminally ill man making the decision that now is the right time to die. It is terrible that he feels he has to end his life early to protect those people around him who he loves.

            Medical ethics are a subject that can provoke very passionate debate and walk a very very narrow line with eugenics on one side and the advancement of care on the other.

            Judgemental, what is it that makes you believe so strongly that suicide is wrong?

            My only concern is that it should be informed consent with no pressure from anyone else, in this case there does seem to be pressure from the state to follow that course i.e if it could be done here legally he would not be doing it now.

            Doctors help people on there way every day although they do not set out to kill people they are giving pain relief but it is a fact that increased pain relief can shorten life.


            • #7
              Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

              I am an ATHEIST but i believe all life to be sacred

              YOU ONLY GET IT ONCE

              i still remember the Liverpool Pathway experiment where people were condemned to die by the NHS on a cost basis but make a full recovery


              • #8
                Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

                Originally posted by judgemental24 View Post
                Once you are dead you are dead

                Exactly, and if you consider you are dead before you actually stop breathing why linger and bring more misery to yourself and your nearest and dearests ?


                • #9
                  Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

                  Originally posted by judgemental24 View Post
                  I am an ATHEIST but i believe all life to be sacred

                  YOU ONLY GET IT ONCE

                  i still remember the Liverpool Pathway experiment where people were condemned to die by the NHS on a cost basis but make a full recovery

                  My dad went on the Liverpool pathway, it was not on a cost basis like his actual care before his death was, (something which still upsets and angers me to no end) it was because Alzheimer's took all his muscle function in the end he could not even swallow. I read up on this before it was done and believe me in my dads case it was not an experiment but a blessing.
                  I am certainly not saying this is right for all but we think it was for our dad no matter what others think


                  • #10
                    Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

                    If he could legally ask to die here, he could wait until a point where his illness is far more progressed than it is now, and possibly see a last Christmas with his family. He is going to die, it is going to be f*cking horrible, and he , and he alone, should be able to chose whether he puts himself and his family through this. Living with progressed MND - is it living ? or existing ? Don't forget that Simon Binner was only diagnosed in January and is only 57. He is forced into a position of going to Switzerland to die before he is unable to do it unaided or express his wishes. There is no cure, and there won't be in time to make any difference to his quality of life going forwards. It's not like he can write a note saying I'd like to die in three months please when I'm unable to communicate if that is still my wish to those who may doubt it. He hasn't been condemed to die, or written off, or any such like, it is his choice based on his condition and his wishes and he should be free to make that choice.

                    He could after all just go out on Monday, jump off a bridge, and bugger the consequences, instead. Is that what would be preferred ?

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                    • #11
                      Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

                      Originally posted by enaid View Post
                      My dad went on the Liverpool pathway, it was not on a cost basis like his actual care before his death was, (something which still upsets and angers me to no end) it was because Alzheimer's took all his muscle function in the end he could not even swallow. I read up on this before it was done and believe me in my dads case it was not an experiment but a blessing.
                      I am certainly not saying this is right for all but we think it was for our dad no matter what others think
                      Two wrongs to not make a right though

                      There are plenty of documented case where the liverpool pathway basically drugged people up to he eye balls, then removed nourishment until they died. Only the intravention of relatives brought them back from the brink and they survived, some making a full recovery

                      NHS doctors were put under pressure to cart people off to these hospice centres due to pressures on bed blocking and no suitable care homes had vacancies

                      Doctors cannot make a decision on who lives and who dies (Do no harm)

                      What i am saying is every minute of life is special, no one has the right to take that away, not even yourself
                      Last edited by judgemental24; 17th October 2015, 14:27:PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

                        I've got to admit ... if I had to make the decisions this guy has had to make, I'd rather be in control of my own end so I could go while I still had the chance to choose how and when. At least this way he gets to say goodbye to his family (he wouldn't be able to later as MND would take that away from him)
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                        • #13
                          Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

                          This is not the same as ‘suicide’ – (Sorry, I refuse to accept this new loathsome term ‘self-murder’ that many now prefer) as we know it. When an otherwise healthy person considers taking their own life by committing suicide it is usually due to depression anxiety, or psychological issues caused by sudden trauma, isolated events, temporary or chronic mental health issues. These trigger issues are often surmountable but it is usually necessary for the person at risk to obtain practical help as well as counselling. Counselling be it by a professional, friend or family member will use the fact that the current crisis is temporary as a foundation or basis for recovery.
                          If a terminally ill person is contemplating suicide then none of the usual prescribed arguments or tactical methods will apply. In fact, assisted suicide supporters have always insisted a person must be not only terminally ill but of sound mind before they will be considered. Although the majority of physically fit people who contemplate or commit suicide are not suffering from a chronic mental health illness they are suffering from, shall we say a temporary loss of reason, and would therefore be considered ‘not of sound mind’.
                          Unfortunately many consider stem cell research is contrary to the belief that all life is sacred. I myself am a great believer in it, especially adult stem cell donation and am proud to say I was a bone marrow donor but the use of embryos has caused a huge storm of protest. This is where we face the argument of whether the life of the unborn takes precedence over the terminally ill.
                          I used to believe that euthanasia should be available in this country so that patients could die with dignity without having to travel abroad. They could even pass peacefully away in their own home surrounded by loved ones. I strongly supported the recent Assisted dying bill that was debated in parliament until I heard the arguments against and had to agree that the existence of such a ‘facility’ would oblige terminally ill patients to request assisted suicide assuming it was the ‘decent thing to do’. Too much of the argument ‘for’ laboured on the point that the deterioration of terminally ill patients caused distress to their loved ones and as a consequence many would feel they should end their life so as not to be a burden.
                          That said I do believe that if a person wants to end their life because they cannot face being dependant, incapacitated or a lingering deterioration then they should be allowed to do as they please. Pain, despite being constantly used as a point of argument is not necessarily an issue as adequate morphine based pain relief is administrated especially towards the end.
                          To be honest, I do not think any of us know what we would do if we were in this position. I do think that I would keep my decision private and not use it to influence or distress others.

                          An optimist is someone who falls off the Empire State Building, and after 50 floors says, 'So far so good'!
                          ~ Anonymous


                          • #14
                            Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

                            People with MND can be exceptional

                            The greatest mind since Albert Einstein has MND

                            Stephen Hawking


                            • #15
                              Re: Simon Binner: Terminally ill man announces death on LinkedIn

                              If anyone with capacity makes this decision it should be as legal as a LPA which is only and can only be made while having capacity.
                              Details of how and when, followed to the letter and with no come backs.
                              Like Ame said the suicide route, although may well be expected by the family and the only way out for the person themselves, it could be so life changing for many an innocent drawn into the situation by no fault of their own


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