Do you live in the UK? Please take the Big Advice Survey!
The Big Advice Survey is a national survey conducted at a local level. It looks at how people deal with problems in their lives and where advice fits in. It also explores different ways the voluntary advice sector might deliver essential services whilst working under significantly increased financial pressures and coping with cuts to funding. If you live in the UK please take a few minutes and complete the survey, it's much appreciated:
Please take five minutes to complete the Big Advice Survey to help improve accessibility of advice services in the UK. If we have helped you please mention LegalBEAGLES and other free online, anonymous, forums when you complete the survey. Let's help make things better !
The Big Advice Survey is a national survey conducted at a local level. It looks at how we deal with problems in our daily lives and where advice fits in. It also explores the potential for alternative ways of delivering advice services as well as a range of other areas eg the relationship between advice and health and wellbeing
The Big Advice Survey is a national survey conducted at a local level. It looks at how people deal with problems in their lives and where advice fits in. It also explores different ways the voluntary advice sector might deliver essential services whilst working under significantly increased financial pressures and coping with cuts to funding. If you live in the UK please take a few minutes and complete the survey, it's much appreciated:
Please take five minutes to complete the Big Advice Survey to help improve accessibility of advice services in the UK. If we have helped you please mention LegalBEAGLES and other free online, anonymous, forums when you complete the survey. Let's help make things better !
The Big Advice Survey is a national survey conducted at a local level. It looks at how we deal with problems in our daily lives and where advice fits in. It also explores the potential for alternative ways of delivering advice services as well as a range of other areas eg the relationship between advice and health and wellbeing
Take the Big Advice Survey NOW
The Big Advice Survey is collaborative, created and promoted by individual Citizens Advice Bureaux and Law Centres and an incredibly diverse range of other organisations including solicitor firms, community groups, local businesses, foodbanks, housing associations, colleges and educational institutions. The Big Advice Survey went live on Monday 1st December 2014 and will run until the end of March 2015. It is the largest UK-wide front-line service collaboration for many years
via The Big Advice Survey | The big UK-wide survey looking at advice needs and, advice need.
The Big Advice Survey is collaborative, created and promoted by individual Citizens Advice Bureaux and Law Centres and an incredibly diverse range of other organisations including solicitor firms, community groups, local businesses, foodbanks, housing associations, colleges and educational institutions. The Big Advice Survey went live on Monday 1st December 2014 and will run until the end of March 2015. It is the largest UK-wide front-line service collaboration for many years
via The Big Advice Survey | The big UK-wide survey looking at advice needs and, advice need.