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Your shout

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  • Your shout

    Time to have a reality cheque, Mr Platman | Sit it out and make the bank pay for the call | Warning: buy-to-let is bad for your health | Electric shocker over EDF online prices


  • #2
    Your shout: Letters

    I wouldn't bank on a change in morality | What's in a name? Not a lot when it's Aviva | Disgusted? Yes. But there is a solution | For better luck, fasten on to a Zipcar



    • #3

      It is time the Spanish built up confidence | Retirement cushion that's no soft option | Know of any dodgy tenants, too? | Calling the gullible - do your research | Seeing red over debt collection demands | Gazundering ... illegal, no. Immoral, yes



      • #4
        Your shout: Letters

        Use your loaf? Here's a real slice of life | When ill health makes you a 10p loser | Debt collecting ... a time to change tactics | Take my word for it, gazundering is illegal | Let's get the building societies on the hook | Clear case for calling time on our banks



        • #5
          Your shout: Letters on money matters

          More senior moments in the railcard debate | It's easy to fall for the high-pressure scam | Red light on bank's Green Flag cover



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