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Northern Rock nationalised in £100billion gamble but shareholders will get nothing

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  • #16
    Vince Cable on the decision to nationalise Northern Rock

    Vince Cable, Treasury spokesman for the Liberal Democrats, on the decision to nationalise the failed bank Northern Rock



    • #17
      Northern Rock nationalised in £100bn gamble but shareholders will get nothing

      Northern Rock shares were suspended from trading on the London Stock Exchange today after the Government's decision to nationalise the crisis-hit lender. The move has severely dented Labour's reputation for economic competence and leaves taxpayers responsible for the crippled bank's £100bn in mortgage debts



      • #18
        Northern Rock nationalised in £100billion gamble but shareholders will get nothing

        Northern Rock shares were suspended from trading today after the Government's decision to nationalise the crisis-hit lender. The move has severely dented Labour's reputation for economic competence and leaves taxpayers responsible for the bank's £100bn in mortgage debts



        • #19
          Northern Rock nationalised with £100bn taxpayers money but shareholders will get noth

          Northern Rock shares were suspended from trading today after the Government's decision to nationalise the crisis-hit lender. The move has severely dented Labour's reputation for economic competence and leaves taxpayers responsible for the bank's £100bn in mortgage debts



          • #20
            Northern Rock nationalised with £100bn taxpayers' money - but nothing for shareholder

            Northern Rock shares were suspended from trading today after the Government's decision to nationalise the crisis-hit lender. The move has severely dented Labour's reputation for economic competence and leaves taxpayers responsible for the bank's £100bn in mortgage debts



            • #21
              Northern Rock nationalised with £100bn taxpayers' money - but nothing for shareholder

              Shareholders 'robbed' by Government's move to nationalise Northern Rock are looking to lawyers to recoup their losses. Shares in the bank were suspended today and emergency legislation to nationalise will be put before Parliament later



              • #22
                Northern Rock nationalised with £100bn taxpayers' money - but nothing for shareholder

                Shareholders 'robbed' by Government's move to nationalise Northern Rock are looking to lawyers to recoup their losses as Gordon Brown insists the decision was the right one for the taxpayer



                • #23
                  Bank public ownership in interest of taxpayer, says Brown

                  Gordon Brown today defended the Government's decision to nationalise the stricken Northern Rock bank.



                  • #24
                    Brown backs Darling's £100bn Northern Rock gamble - but shareholders will get nothing

                    Gordon Brown insisted nationalisation of Northern Rock was the right decision for the taxpayer today and stood by Alistair Darling as shareholders reeling from the move are left contemplating legal action to recoup their losses



                    • #25
                      Philip Inman on the nationalising of Northern Rock

                      Business correspondent Phillip Inman tells Andy Duckworth that the decision to nationalise Northern Rock was the obvious conclusion to the failed bank's affairs



                      • #26
                        Northern Rock tells bidders thanks but no thanks as the bank is nationalised

                        Despite there being a great deal of criticism about the Government's delayed decision to nationali...



                        • #27
                          Tories call for Darling to be sacked over Labour's £100bn Northern Rock gamble

                          David Cameron called on GordonBrown today to sack Chancellor AlistairDarling. Making the first official call as Oppositionleader, he said the Chancellorhad lost credibility and become a liability



                          • #28
                            Tories call for Darling to be sacked over Labour's £100bn Northern Rock gamble

                            David Cameron called on Gordon Brown today to sack Chancellor Alistair Darling. Making the first official call as Opposition leader, he said the Chancellor had lost credibility and become a liability



                            • #29
                              Government could be lumbered with Northern Rock 'for years'

                              David Cameron has called on Gordon Brown to sack Chancellor Alistair Darling. Making the first official call as Opposition leader, he said the Chancellor had lost credibility and become a liability



                              • #30
                                Government could be lumbered with Northern Rock 'for years'

                                David Cameron has called on Gordon Brown to sack Chancellor Alistair Darling, claiming that he cannot continue in the post after the nationalisation of Northern Rock. Mr Darling insists public ownership is only a short-term solution but the man hired to right the Rock, Ron Sandler, believes it could take years



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