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Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k custs

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  • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

    My blood is beginning to boil after seeing some of the reporting. Everybody seems to be pushing the blackmail and intimidation side of this. If the truth was known the idea for these fake letters was probably bourne from the feeling of "why do I need to pay a legal firm £40 for this letter when I can set up a template on my computer to print one and have the £40 for myself, in fact I can still charge the £40 so I will make £40 for doing so". The intimidation angle was probably a secondary thought that maybe the legal department saw. Lets not dress this up as one thing when it really is a few things and the inancial gain made would surely be the point that throws it more into the general fraud category,


    • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

      That letter from Barker & Lowe chasing for Wonga has a Wonga.com t/a barker & Lowe....

      Paul Lewis was just on Breakfast BBC and mentioned a number of criminal offences but did not mention whether the name was on Wonga.com's CCA Licence....needs to be checked as that would also be a Criminal Offence.

      Seek your own legal advice, I am not trained in legal matters, just give my opinion from my own personal experience.

      I am an original Cabot Fan Club member and proud of it.


      • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

        bit crap but can just read it....

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        • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

          First thing that jumps out is that £50 should be a REFUND not compensation !

          Compensation should be for the additional stress caused and would be a flat rate compensation paid now, on which basis I was okay with the £50.

          However this is a fee added to the account of £50 in 2010 - so should be refunded, plus all interest that fee attracted (contractual interest!), plus 8% simple stat interest per annum.

          and that refund should be as well as compensation.

          They don't say solicitors, but they use words like instructed and our client etc which is a clear effort to intimate they are solicitors.

          (I missed BBC breakfast so sorryif I'm just repeating what was said on there)

          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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          • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

            lost the plot lol
            Last edited by enaid; 29th June 2014, 04:55:AM.


            • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

              I think DG might fall into the same category...

              This firm is the practising name of solicitors employed by the HSBC Group

              But BOS doesn't because it is a legal entity in its own right.... just owned by BOS (lol)

              Blair Oliver & Scott Ltd is a wholly owned subsidary of Bank of Scotland Plc

              Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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              • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

                And Hamptons / Red Debt / Lowell do make it very clear they are departments of the same company ?

                Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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                • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

                  Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
                  And Hamptons / Red Debt / Lowell do make it very clear they are departments of the same company ?
                  Not so much in this one. Apart from the very small print at the bottom.

                  The tone and content is designed to make the not clued up think it is a law firm.

                  Even have an email address of @hamptons.co.uk


                  • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu


                    Interesting thread

                    I had to laugh when a lady rep from Wonga was interviewed on the TV a few days ago

                    Stomach churning stuff

                    Typical evasive rubbish



                    • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

                      Also Smith Lawson Company for Student Loans Company

                      definately a trading as.... don't know if it was a legal entity

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                      • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

                        Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
                        Also Smith Lawson Company for Student Loans Company

                        definately a trading as.... don't know if it was a legal entity

                        That is one I want to check out.

                        references to "our client" and "have been instructed by"


                        • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

                          Originally posted by Nibbler View Post
                          Not so much in this one. Apart from the very small print at the bottom.

                          The tone and content is designed to make the not clued up think it is a law firm.

                          Even have an email address of @hamptons.co.uk
                          ahem yes that's definitely misleading

                          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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                          • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

                            I've tweeted a few ....

                            Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                            Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                            • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

                              PL tweeted a higher res image now.



                              • Re: Wonga to pay redress for unfair debt collection practices – FCA - £2.6m to 45k cu

                                lol, except its smaller

                                Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                                Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


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