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Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle / Car Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

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  • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

    Be in no doubt that any bank/branch that evidences it cannot control entry to its back office functions (and I'm not intending any double entendres) has serious security issues.

    Stealing money is the least of its problems. Who can say that the accounts used in ad frauds weren't set up by these fraudsters or other, as yet unidentified fraudsters through their access to the banking system, because simple theft of money is the most unsophisticated aim of anyone gaining access to bank systems ? There's a myriad of alternative and potentially far more lucrative things a criminal can do. I won't give a list or even provide examples, just take it as read.

    Who can tell you if you aren't the victim of this or a similar security failure ? Barclays won't tell you and the Financial Ombudsman stands square behind Barclays in refusing even to investigate.

    If you get scammed by a Barclays customer you have no recourse to anyone.


    • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

      Another scam victim

      Originally posted by Cazzaberry2010
      Re: ebay/Barclays scam
      Hi we have recently been scammed by a seller on ebay claiming to have a camper for sale and obviously hasn't. I gave them the money and got emailed saying they hadn't received it and told be to contact my bank as I did they informed me it was a scam. The account paid into was a Barclays account and all the same or similar to the other posts.
      There was someone saying that they had set up a legal battle using Edwin co solicitors. Is there any chance we can be added to the list of people as the police, Barclays and all other resources have just fobbed us off with no way of getting out money back. As you can imagine it is a substantial amount and left us struggling for money!
      The account paid into was:
      xxxnamexxxxx (I have these details not sure if putting them up here is a good idea though)
      Barclays account number xxxxx
      Sort code xxx

      Any help would be appreciated!!

      Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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      • Re: Barclays and vehicle scam via ebay and gumtree

        Thread on ebay community site where someone does seem to have fallen for the adverts http://community.ebay.com/t5/The-Fro.../td-p/17429293

        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

        Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


        • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

          seems like the fools are lining up out there?


          • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

            What you say is true wales01man. However, stupidity isn't isolated only to the customers' of banks, as recent events have demonstrated, but what does concern me is that banks are allowed to act as judge and sole arbiter in deciding who is at fault, which is a poor situation for banking and the law.

            It's also rather galling that one of the person's arrested is being described as a 'criminal mastermind' and 'Mr Big" and yet he has apparently not got away with any money, whereas it's well known that a gang is operating much more effectively using bank accounts for fraud. Has Action Fraud not even alerted the police ?

            To my knowledge what the criminal attempted to do would never be successful.

            In support of victims, and to evidence that they aren't uniquely stupid I give below two links, one of many that evidence that local government are losing much greater sums of money to these fraudulent accounts - our money.


            10 November 2011
            Councils 'lose £7m in false bank account scam'

            08 July 2013
            Conwy County Borough Council has foiled an attempted £2.6m theft after a fraudster attempted to divert funds owed to a contractor to another bank account.
            Whether you fall for the scam or not, if they hit your local council, they're still managing to steal your money. In truth most scammers aren't very bright and most successes are down to luck, but by making it easy for them, they'll find the perfect means to extract money simply by trial and error. They'll work it out simply because they're being allowed plenty of opportunity to try their luck. Scam adverts are merely one way to utilise these accounts. There are much more effective ways.


            • Re: Barclays and vehicle scam via ebay and gumtree

              Originally posted by celestine View Post
              Would any of the 'victims' posting on this thread like to share their experiences with a talented BBC journalist who has noticed this scam?

              If so please PM me your contact details and brief summary of events and I shall pass your details onto this journalist.
              Hi Celestine, I would love to bring national coverage if possible!! My friend an I have experienced this scam and my friend lost £4400... all the call-signs of all these reported deceptions.. were located in the west country. we have Lots of facts, locations, address, Barclay's bank details, sales invoices and a growing intelligence. from cars eBay live eBay accounts the list is growing every day were close to catching these scum bags.. please get in contact asap if your still interested in this particular eBay/gumtree scam..

              We look forward to working with you.
              V Gates.



              • Re: Barclays and vehicle scam via ebay and gumtree

                Originally posted by vester gates View Post
                Hi Celestine, I would love to bring national coverage if possible!! My friend an I have experienced this scam and my friend lost £4400... all the call-signs of all these reported deceptions.. were located in the west country. we have Lots of facts, locations, address, Barclay's bank details, sales invoices and a growing intelligence. from cars eBay live eBay accounts the list is growing every day were close to catching these scum bags.. please get in contact asap if your still interested in this particular eBay/gumtree scam..

                We look forward to working with you.
                V Gates.

                It certainly sounds like you've had a lot of experience of this scam.

                If you can provide the details here, we can all take a look and report them. Obviously when it comes to scam accounts time is of the essence, the sooner they're reported the less money gets lost. Also, Google will index this page and if anyone tries searching for the account numbers, email addresses, etc. they'll see this page.


                • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts


                  Would love this to be highlighted with a journalist, just contact me and will give you/them my story.
                  I am in process of suing Barclays Bank, not quite sure how it will end up!!!
                  Originally posted by celestine View Post
                  Sorry just catching up again with this thread:

                  Can whomever is now co-ordinating this complaint please drop me a PM to update on progress? Do we have a list of the Barclays account numbers being used? I have a useful contact who is investigating this matter and may be able to get direct assistance?


                  • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                    The fundamental problem is that you cannot operate a viable banking system, floating on an unlimited supply of fraudulently opened bank accounts set up to be used in fraud.

                    Even if banks, CIFAS, the police, Action Fraud and the FCA are content to pretend that there isn't a problem, because I haven't seen any of them mention it (for very obvious reasons), I warned that the accounts would be used against banks themselves and so it appears to be happening, though still the fraudsters have barely scratched the surface of what can be achieved. First we had two banks reported to have been accessed by 'computer geniuses' attempting to gain access to bank computer systems, something that is actually quite ridiculous from the details given to the newspapers and the perpetrators sound more like buffoons than geniuses, because there are much easier means to access computer systems that are very vulnerable. Without a reliable means to dispose of the funds this is pointless wherever access if gained.

                    The 'obvious reasons' I mentioned in the paragraph above are UK money laundering legislation and the role the FCA is supposed to play in ensuring that banks comply. The FCA appears to have inherited the inert role previously fulfilled by its predecessor - the FSA.

                    Anyone watching the Watchdog programme on BBC last night may have noted that a payday loan company was reported to be allegedly charging people over loans they had not set up. Some may recall that the last payday loan company who did this went bust and was shut down, not necessarily in that order. The simple flaw in their operating procedure is that the loan is being paid to one account and the repayments from another. With the inherent flaws in the banking system and an unlimited raft of fraudulently opened accounts, this is easy money for criminals.

                    UK banks and financial institutions, and more worryingly their regulators, appear not to understand fraud and risk, in much the same way that the Captain of the Titanic seemed not to have understood icebergs. Anyone removing money from my account without my specific authority is thieving and I will demand that the police prosecute the offender. Apparently the PDLC have pledged to return money within 48 hours. My response to that is that I don't do deals with people who take money off my account without authority.

                    Fiddling with pc's in banks won't achieve much and scamming PDLC's won't make a fortune, but as long as criminals have access to a seemingly unlimited supply of fraudulently opened accounts, they'll hit the jackpot sooner or later, if only by trial and error.

                    Reassurances from banks are all well and good, but when stories like this are reported, you have to question if they are reliable, and this is not an isolated instance



                    • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                      I regret that I don't hold out much hope of success with a legal approach to the problem, However, a concerted approach by victims to their MP's is likely to carry much more weight. I have offered to assist a victim on another forum of which I'm a member but this will take a concerted effort by all victims to have an effect. I'm not a victim myself but I do know the background, how the scammers operate and what they're doing and I know what banks should be doing, and the procedures they should be following. As well as that I can point out the risks and flaws in the system that are allowing this to happen and how this cannot be allowed to continue. The Labour MP Stella Creasey is also someone who could be contacted as she has a special interest in matters banking.

                      One person or a handful won't make a difference, but together, with an election on the horizon, a concerted approach by victims acting together can do something without cost.

                      I have no desire to lead any such action but I can add my knowledge to any such approach.


                      • Re: Barclays and vehicle scam via ebay and gumtree

                        There are many scammers using gumtree to swindle innocent people out of their hard earned cash.

                        An example is you see an item for sale and reply to it, he will offer to post it and ask yo to send payment to his account by transfer.
                        he is a gumtree scammer and swindled many gumtree users out of money, promising to send items he puts on sale, but never sends anything or replied after you send him money.

                        his name is A Kenny
                        Account number 63940470
                        Sort code 202020


                        • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                          most common folk use there bank account to receive there wages etc...... and pay bills and use are bank account on a regular weekly or monthly basis were there is a clear pattern of our transactions. if an account holder (double e) opens a bank account and has no payments like wages or no payments made on that account to say for example british gas or bt or any other monthly bills then suddenly receives say maybe 1 2 3 4 5 transfer payments (STOLEN MONEY) goes in and withdrawn. as i am sure it will emerge that every account used by the fraudsters was inactive BEFORE the money was even withdrawn !!


                          • Re: Barclays and vehicle scam via ebay and gumtree

                            Originally posted by sophie1111 View Post
                            There are many scammers using gumtree to swindle innocent people out of their hard earned cash.
                            his name is A Kenny
                            Account number 63940470
                            Sort code 202020
                            That's an interesting one. 20-20-20 is listed as Barclays Universal Banking 1, whether that's reserved for online banking or something, I don't know.


                            • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                              The only option for victims is to contact your MP, raising your own circumstances, and pointing out the scale of fraud going on and demanding action. The current situation is deplorable. It's quite insane to operate a banking system in such a lax manner. We all know what happened last time we tried the 'anything goes' option. These bank accounts should not be operating and there's no excuse for it happening. The FCA should be investigating any bank that is peculiarly out of line with the 'norm' and taking action. That is its role as regulator but to my knowledge they don't even acknowledge the problem. In that case the FCA should be investigated as to why they are unaware of problems arising with the banking business. It is their statutory duty to know.

                              The only option is to pressure the FCA and banks through your MP to fulfil their statutory obligations.

                              Interestingly I noticed this news story yesterday


                              Concern over closure of ethnic minority accounts
                              I know from my own experience in banking that shutting an account is the last option, and banks are blind as to the race or colour of their customer. If a bank closes an account for suspicious transactions then they normally know that the account is receiving fraudulent payments but don't have the proof to support a prosecution. It's nice to know that banks are belatedly closing accounts, but, if they happen to be those of ethnic minorities, then that is an irrelevance. I am very critical of banks but to accuse them of making decisions based on the ethnicity of their customers isn't a valid complaint in my experience.

                              UK banks have a lot of fraudulent accounts to close and there'll be a lot of howling and I hope that the authorities won't allow themselves to be coerced in to easing up on taking action against what has become a criminal organised crime. The ethnicity of those involved is irrelevant.


                              • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                                if this fraud was being carried out by uk criminals ONLY they would have to provide photo id ( a passport or driving licencse) to open /withdraw money to do this. If a none uk person wants to open a bank account in the uk they provide the bank with an id card?? which is probably forged and a lot easier to tamper with compared to a passport , were you are I would provide a recent utility bill or letter as proof of who we are and were we live, non uk account holders can supply the bank with a id card and a tenancy agreement which anybody can buy from wh smith!!. If these accounts were ONLY opened to rob people out of there hard earned money and NO NORMAL ACTIVITY OR TRANSACTIONS were generated before large amounts went in and quickly drawn out!!!!!!then surley the said bank BARCLAYS BANK PLC are liable???


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