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Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle / Car Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

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  • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

    Originally posted by Rod Jones View Post
    I saw that news article on the BBC website, if it was open for comments I'd have suggested Barclays as they're not fussy.
    Barclays were certainly happy to trade with white, apartheid South Efrica.


    • Re: Barclays and vehicle scam via ebay and gumtree

      Hi i have experienced the same situation on the 13.8.13 regarding gumtree,barclays.They have took me for £3000 prentending to have an official GUMTREE sales team
      The vehicle is still up for sale on gumtree as i type this from a diffent location!!!!!!!!?????????????? Ive tried to obtain help from police,action fraud,barclays ,my own bank etc etc etc. Any help support or guidance in this area is well appreciated.Reading all these posts/threads is making me aware that i am not alone in this situation SO WE SHOULD ALL JOIN FORCES IN THIS MATTER,



      • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts



        • Re: Barclays and vehicle scam via ebay and gumtree

          Hi...i just found out name ...address everything about the romanian !!!! who scammed me.....i have issued court proceedings against Barclays but the romanian ...and there is a few of them living at one address .....well cant say on site but will be getting my money back!

          Originally posted by dixie2013 View Post
          Hi i have experienced the same situation on the 13.8.13 regarding gumtree,barclays.They have took me for £3000 prentending to have an official GUMTREE sales team
          The vehicle is still up for sale on gumtree as i type this from a diffent location!!!!!!!!?????????????? Ive tried to obtain help from police,action fraud,barclays ,my own bank etc etc etc. Any help support or guidance in this area is well appreciated.Reading all these posts/threads is making me aware that i am not alone in this situation SO WE SHOULD ALL JOIN FORCES IN THIS MATTER,



          • Re: Barclays and vehicle scam via ebay and gumtree

            What was the vehicle ? looking on gumtree now[

            QUOTE=dixie2013;366889]Hi i have experienced the same situation on the 13.8.13 regarding gumtree,barclays.They have took me for £3000 prentending to have an official GUMTREE sales team
            The vehicle is still up for sale on gumtree as i type this from a diffent location!!!!!!!!?????????????? Ive tried to obtain help from police,action fraud,barclays ,my own bank etc etc etc. Any help support or guidance in this area is well appreciated.Reading all these posts/threads is making me aware that i am not alone in this situation SO WE SHOULD ALL JOIN FORCES IN THIS MATTER,



            • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

              Clearly there is something fundamentally amiss with the banking system when you have major organised fraud gangs setting up hundreds of bank accounts against fake ID's and the FSA, the police and banks don't recognise the problem and fail to even record the crimes.

              Slyly the banks have managed more and more to make fraud the responsibility and loss of the customer, going as far as to protect the fraudster whose account they hold. The only time they take action is when the loss is unavoidably going to be suffered by them. The two issues they don't appear to have taken account of is that they suffer serious harm to their reputation, as no one would wish to bank with a bank who are known to harbour fraudsters and, the most attractive target of any fraudster is the bank itself. A third issue is that if banks are known to already recognised as operating insecure systems, the likelihood of customers taking up their new funky mobile phone payment systems is less likely. A mobile phone is fundamentally and inherently less secure than any other system being portable and, of necessity because it broadcasts your details to all and sundry.

              The greater concern is that the attitude of the banks and the authorities suggests to me that they have neither the will nor the ability to do anything about this problem. Their only priority appears to be to to ensure that consumers bear the losses created by banks opening fraudulent accounts and, as long as the crimes aren't recorded, the authorities can claim they're reducing crime. As I've previously mentioned, banks only record crimes where they lose money so that. as long as your bear the loss, to them no crime has been committed.

              The gangs operating these accounts are quite sophisticated, well organised and well-resourced and they have barely exploited all the possibilities open to them. All they need is a facility enabling them to originate direct debits and they have a licence to print money and, if they don't want to put in the effort to set one up, taking one over is well within their abilities. You simply cannot run a banking system with the fundamental basis on which you open accounts debased and insecure.

              As long as the FSA doesn't take money laundering seriously the banks have nothing to worry about. It isn't a 'victimless' crime. It's a 'perpetratorless' crime as you are barred from being able to obtain redress by the actions of the banks and the police. Under the current situation this crime is going to mushroom exponentially.


              • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                Scams and fraud are an area of interest to me and I check and track what's going on online and the fraudsters have to adapt and change as potential victims 'wise up'.

                In the USA people are more familiar with using escrow companies as trusted intermediaries in large value purchases and this has become an area the fraudsters are attempting to exploit by setting up bogus escrow websites. The aspect that interests me is that they still use bank accounts to collect stolen money and they advertise that the accounts are in Canada and the UK. The target audience are US victims and the forewarning of their use of foreign bank accounts is understandable, but this indicates to me that the scammers still have a large reservoir of fraudulent bank accounts at their disposal in the UK, and confidence that they can get new ones any time they are needed.

                Considering the worth of a scam account, the fraudsters would be prepared to pay a helpful bank clerk for each account set up and, as banks set targets for staff on opening accounts, it is an obvious vulnerability. With losses being borne by victims there isn't any incentive to tighten up procedures as everyone makes money out of the situation - except the victim. Though I have no evidence for this, the simple fact is that fraudsters have the confidence to advertise that UK bank accounts are their prime choice through which to launder stolen money, suggesting that money laundering procedures are slack.


                • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                  Is there anyone registered with this site is a 'Solicitor' who may be able to help a few of us issue proceedings against Barclays Bank PLC, have issued a claim form to them but am sure they will defend the case.?? Please reply thanks


                  • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                    Previously in this thread reference is made to a class action law suit being taken against a London bank by a number of Australians who have fallen victim to a holiday property rental scam and wired millions of dollars to hundreds of false bank accounts in London with ......yes you've guessed it Barclays. The article is here http://www.smh.com.au/national/scamm...420-2i6xe.html My point is they've enlisted London-based law firm Edwin Coe to pursue the class action. It's a long shot but I wonder if Edwin Coe might be interested in the additional cases here that all involve money ending up in Barclays accounts!!!

                    The other point I would make is that the action I am taking is against my bank, the sending bank. There are previous FOS decisions which found in favour of the customer which state that a clear and prominent message must be shown to the customer making a payment that it is allocated by sort code and account number only and that there is no check against the account name. This is considered to represent industry best practice as it alerts the customer to the caution needed when completing account details. My sending bank shows no such message on their online payment transaction, other banks do.


                    • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                      Hello to all who find ourselves all in the same unfortunate situation!!, i joined this group on sat 17th after being DUPED the previous tuesday 13th aug via gumtree/barclays.I too think my bank(the sender) has a case to answer, like everyone else here i was sent payment details from the fraudsters, like prob many others on here i printed it out to take to the bank to buy a vehicle, i gave to what turned out to be THE MANAGER OF MY BANK!! who was working at the cashiers desk at the time, ihanded the document over to him and he then proceeded to input the details of the company GUMTREE UK LTD/and what i believe to be a mans polish name after the / along with sort code and ac number, after the MANAGER OF THE BANK!! entered the details i got a receipt confirmation which said i had payed GUMTREE UK not GUMTREE UK LTD/male easterern european name.So the banks confirmation does not tally up to the details provided by the SUPPOSEDATELY GENUINE BARCLAYS BANK ACCOUNT RECEIVER THE SELLER AKA THE FRAUDSTER.I have also joined another website thread called scamwarners.com were a fraudsters female name has popped up which could be linked to my case. this issue is still very raw with me as it only happened to me last week but i'm under the impression from what i read on here and on scamwarners.com that the best chance of us honest hardworking folk receiving our money back is to target the banks using the ombudsman as a group and action fraud and barclays bank plc as a group and the fca all of us together in my opinion will make the difference. All we need is for a sympethetic/confident on winning our case (or even poss a victim of this fraud) solicitor to write to us all requesting fraudsters names/bank details and amount STOLEN am sure we can fix this together, if you have a look on scamwarners a firm of solicitors in london have taken a case of massive deposits for holidays was paid into fraudsters BARCLAYS accounts in uk/london area, hope to hear from anyone thoughts very soon thanks dixie


                      • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                        hi wewalkincircles,

                        maybe i read your thread sorry mentioning the solicitors but there are very similar threads on scamwarners.com forum too, there's a thread on there that mentions barclays could be breaking money laundering rules and staff not asking for the correct id required to identify yourself as the person you SAY YOU ARE....... .I am obviousley very interested in your second comment regarding the conduct of your bank, either way i intend on receiving my money back asap thanks dixie


                        • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts


                          For those of you who may be interested....
                          I have contacted David Green at the Solicitors - EDWIN COE, and await a call back.
                          I have mentioned all the cases on legal beagles and then its down to you guys whether you want to take it further.

                          maybe i read your thread sorry mentioning the solicitors but there are very similar threads on scamwarners.com forum too, there's a thread on there that mentions barclays could be breaking money laundering rules and staff not asking for the correct id required to identify yourself as the person you SAY YOU ARE....... .I am obviousley very interested in your second comment regarding the conduct of your bank, either way i intend on receiving my money back asap thanks dixie[/QUOTE]


                          • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                            UPDATE for those interested in getting your monies back!!!

                            Spoken to David Greene @ Edwin Coe Solicitors in London....he is interested in helping us out and taking on our cases v Barclays etc
                            Head it Gumtree/E Bay v BARCLAYS fraudlent accounts.


                            • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                              I believe it is not well known to the ordinary-Joe, like myself, that the account payee's name is not used at all or checked by the banks when a payment is made. I believe it is known to the fraudsters and I believe they are exploiting this weakness in our use of the Faster Payment Service. Basically it allows the fraudster to use any account payees name to suit the particular scam. So in my case the name of the legitimate beneficiary was used but in other cases described here the fraudster has obviously used a Gumtree UK Ltd name to add credibility to the scam.

                              The banks only use the sort code and account number to action the payment instruction from their customer. The payment successful notification is simply repeating the information you've given to the bank, they do not know the name of the account holder to which payment has been made. When you discover the payment has ended up in a fraudsters account your bank will quickly tell you they've made no error as their procedures do not require them to make a name check. They will tell you it is your responsibility to make sure the account details are correct.

                              Where previous FOS decisions have found in favour of the customer is when the sending bank has failed to show a clear and prominent warning that there is no check against an account name. This is because it is only when the customer is so informed that the risks of the payment method can be truly appreciated and it is reasonable to assume the customer might have taken more care. So my bank includes an on-screen warning which says "Check the payment details below to make sure they're correct and avoid lost payments." whereas Lloyds says "Please check you have entered the sort code and account number correctly to avoid lost payments. Our payment systems use both of these details and they are not checked against the name." So the full warning (such as it is) has been given. There is another FOS decision also in favour of the customer (DRN1077398) which found NS&I had not followed good industry practice which was to provide a warning on payment forms.

                              I believe much more needs to be done by the banks to make it very clear to customers that the name is not used and the risks involved. At best the current system is misleading customers and at worst it is enabling the success of this type of fraud. The Payments Council is looking at the area of payments to wrong accounts and I would encourage people to fill out their on-line questionnaire here http://www.paymentscouncil.org.uk/cu...wrong_account/ it may not help with our specific cases but it may encourage much-needed improvements in the system and it will help to identify how big the problem is.

                              Apologies for the long post but it may help some people. Please understand I do not have anything to do with the banking industry. My posts here are based purely on the research I've done since being scammed. The other thing I would point out is the FOS considers each case on its individual merits.


                              • Re: Ebay & Gumtree Vehicle Scam. Barclays provide Fraudsters Accounts

                                Originally posted by lspeakman View Post
                                UPDATE for those interested in getting your monies back!!!

                                Spoken to David Greene @ Edwin Coe Solicitors in London....he is interested in helping us out and taking on our cases v Barclays etc
                                Head it Gumtree/E Bay v BARCLAYS fraudlent accounts.
                                Thanks for this I will contact them too.


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