Hi everyone new hear and looking at some of the posts i am still learning and can see that some of you members on her are up to date so i keep it as brief as possible this was an historic fine from 2002 for non payment of a tv licence
Fortnightly payments were being taken for he fine back in the day from the benefit awarded and my x wife then got a job and for got about moneys due
she received a letter unsealed from Marstons saying she owed 90.00 and wanted payment to avoid arrest my X partner contacted contacted Marstons and explained sho only had 50.00 and could come back Friday for the rest
This was said to not be good enough and when he called on Friday would take goods
Knowing least a few rules had been to say some what broken by Marstons certified bailiff I dicided i would attend my x wife on the friday and have tea with my young girl of 12 years
However He did not show DAME
over the last week over the school holiday my Girl was at the home of my x wife Alone when a bang on the door was
She opened the window above the door to see who it was it was a man she said in a suit and was told can you come and open the door I need to talk to your mum
when she Took the dog and slightly opend the door she was grilled about where is mum what time will she be back where does she wor etc she was told that if her mum did not contact him before 8pm he would return with police and have her arrested And also handing her a note saying just that so she did not for get this was on headed Marstons papers
she was in tears and contacted me at work i collected her and went to mk Magistrates who issued the arrest warrent apparently this court had no clue as to a form 4 complaint lol
so i applied to the county for an injunction order under child protection
and after an immediate appeal and i eventually got a listing and a form 4 complaint at the headed date looking for any advice with proved horror storys to present to judge for my young girls complaint or come to court but might be closed to public child protection
Fortnightly payments were being taken for he fine back in the day from the benefit awarded and my x wife then got a job and for got about moneys due
she received a letter unsealed from Marstons saying she owed 90.00 and wanted payment to avoid arrest my X partner contacted contacted Marstons and explained sho only had 50.00 and could come back Friday for the rest
This was said to not be good enough and when he called on Friday would take goods
Knowing least a few rules had been to say some what broken by Marstons certified bailiff I dicided i would attend my x wife on the friday and have tea with my young girl of 12 years
However He did not show DAME
over the last week over the school holiday my Girl was at the home of my x wife Alone when a bang on the door was
She opened the window above the door to see who it was it was a man she said in a suit and was told can you come and open the door I need to talk to your mum
when she Took the dog and slightly opend the door she was grilled about where is mum what time will she be back where does she wor etc she was told that if her mum did not contact him before 8pm he would return with police and have her arrested And also handing her a note saying just that so she did not for get this was on headed Marstons papers
she was in tears and contacted me at work i collected her and went to mk Magistrates who issued the arrest warrent apparently this court had no clue as to a form 4 complaint lol
so i applied to the county for an injunction order under child protection
and after an immediate appeal and i eventually got a listing and a form 4 complaint at the headed date looking for any advice with proved horror storys to present to judge for my young girls complaint or come to court but might be closed to public child protection