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'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

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  • 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

    A criminal barrister viciously beat up a woman bar manager who asked her to leave because she was drunk, a court heard.
    Tammy McNally, 33, was told she had consumed too much alcohol to stay at Ye Olde London Pub close to the Old Bailey.
    McNally then launched herself at bar manager Beata Sniezek, punching her in the head and grabbing her hair.


    This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

    You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
    Cohen, Herb

    There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
    gets his brain a-going.
    Phelps, C. C.

    "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
    The last words of John Sedgwick
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

    Perhaps she should become a bailiff instead?


    • #3
      Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

      Oh no, there's no legal mafia, not at all ...


      • #4
        Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

        From what i have read on LB Bailiffs dont need drink to violent and abusive just a piece of paper and a vulnerable debtor,have we ever read of a bailiff abusing a 20 stone body builder?


        • #5
          Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

          For the avoidance of doubt, if she had taken a swing at me, I would have pulled her wig off, dragged her behind the bar and washed her head and mouth in the sink in front of everyone in the pub.
          And yes I would have claimed self defence and yes I would have claimed it to be reasonable force, if anyone doubts that then please go into my old pub and ask any of the older customers what would happen to them if they played up or indeed when one person did actually have the front to take a swing at me.


          • #6
            Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

            Originally posted by enquirer View Post
            Oh no, there's no legal mafia, not at all ...
            No there isn't. This is a person who clearly has a serious alcohol problem, and who, as a result of this, faces losing their employment because of their actions under the influence of alcohol. Their job has nothing to do with it. Would there have been a story in "drunken binman hits bar manager" - I doubt it. Alcoholism and alcohol dependency are not respecters of profession...


            • #7
              Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

              My brother was a so called alcoholic strange that when he had no money to buy drink he had no problem?
              if this barrister has a so called problem they can get help easily either free or paid for, drink is used as an excuse for someones behaviour to often,before anyone calls it a disease remember Cancer is a disease but you dont but cancer by the bottle or pint,
              I get really worked up when i read of people with addictions there is help available for all get it before its to late
              Last edited by wales01man; 30th June 2013, 09:18:AM. Reason: spelling


              • #8
                Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

                Doesn't matter wether you're male/female.. gay/straight. black/white/green/polka dot purple rich/poor..educated or pig thick ignorant...alcoholism (and every other addiction) can and will affect anyone.It's the universal leveller..we are all susceptible to it. Most of us don't get caught up in the cycle..lots do..
                There is no excuse for what this woman did BUT she did it when her judgement was impaired because noone in their right mind would risk everything for a moment of pure anger + stupidity.
                People who are impaired do bad reckless things.


                • #9
                  Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

                  Clearly, she didnt have time to apply any make up, either!


                  • #10
                    Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

                    That pub is exactly opposite where I used to work in the city and went over to that pub many a time for a drink with the boss. The women barrister was very stupid to get that drunk - she will now probably not be able to do the job she qualified for.......silly lady.
                    Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
                    A criminal barrister viciously beat up a woman bar manager who asked her to leave because she was drunk, a court heard.
                    Tammy McNally, 33, was told she had consumed too much alcohol to stay at Ye Olde London Pub close to the Old Bailey.
                    McNally then launched herself at bar manager Beata Sniezek, punching her in the head and grabbing her hair.



                    • #11
                      Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

                      Tutts,,,do you reckon the story would have had so much publicity if she wasn't a Barrister?? I don't think it would.:tinysmile_hmm_t2:


                      • #12
                        Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

                        I agree with you entirely Inca, my old boss when I worked in the city constantly got extremely drunk in that same pub whenever he could when either he had in a rep or his girl friend arrived and he could drink for England they never stopped him from drinking once, his money was good so they kept on pouring them out. So I guess she must have been very rude or was annoying other people.
                        Originally posted by Inca View Post
                        Tutts,,,do you reckon the story would have had so much publicity if she wasn't a Barrister?? I don't think it would.:tinysmile_hmm_t2:


                        • #13
                          Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

                          will she be De - Barred from her job? excuse the pun!:tinysmile_hmm_t2:


                          • #14
                            Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

                            Originally posted by Eloise01 View Post
                            No there isn't. This is a person who clearly has a serious alcohol problem, and who, as a result of this, faces losing their employment because of their actions under the influence of alcohol. Their job has nothing to do with it. Would there have been a story in "drunken binman hits bar manager" - I doubt it. Alcoholism and alcohol dependency are not respecters of profession...
                            "Oi, are you rubbishing us binmen?
                            Right, that's it - I'm on the blower to that nice Bob Shilling - e'll put one of them gigging thingys on yer, you see if he don't!!!"

                            Seriously though, I've always assumed (yes, I know) that barristers were 'above' that kind of behaviour, especially in public.
                            It just goes to show that *we're all imperfect humans, with our personal problems taking their toll.

                            (*Well, not me, I'm an honorary member of the 'Stone-chucking club'.........& if you believe that, I've got this nice motor for sale, immaculate condition, previous owner was a nun who only used it to go to church; cor, would you Adam & Eve it, she's only gone & left her bible on the back seat. I've had to go up to Scotland on business, but here's what we can do...............................:grin
                            CAVEAT LECTOR

                            This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                            You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                            Cohen, Herb

                            There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                            gets his brain a-going.
                            Phelps, C. C.

                            "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                            The last words of John Sedgwick


                            • #15
                              Re: 'Extremely drunk' barrister punched and grabbed hair of bar manager...

                              Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
                              Seriously though, I've always assumed (yes, I know) that barristers were 'above' that kind of behaviour, especially in public.
                              It just goes to show that *we're all imperfect humans, with our personal problems taking their toll.
                              I am certainly not defending her actions, but barristers have no immunity to the same things that everyone else experiences. They can be prey to addictions, to work related stress (18 hour days and no weekends do that to anyone!), mental and physical ill health..... and anything else, good or bad, that life throws at you.

                              What is perhaps more interesting than the story is the fact that we assume all the facts to be full and correct and presented in a fair and coherent manner so that we can pass comment on what we "know" about this person and the incident. Funny that - I never noticed much credence given to the same publications headlines when they consist of "unemployed scroungers to be made to work for benefits" or "too many fraudsters claiming disability".


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