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Guardian interview Wonga CEO

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  • Guardian interview Wonga CEO

    Video of the Guardian interveiwing Wonga Chief Executive Errol Damelin who, somehow, see's his outfit as futhering the greater good of society.

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  • #2
    Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

    I guess that Errol ("mine's a large one") Damien (did I spel that rite ?) considers that furthering the good of just ONE member of society makes Wonga worthwhile. I'm just not too sure that I'd be happy to be a member of that particular society - wherever it is.

    I just LUUUURVE his accent, though. Why are such nice people so persecuted ?



    • #3
      Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

      I see they managed to airbrush his dorsal fin out. Lol!
      Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


      • #4
        Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

        someone take his shovel off him before he ends up in Australia!

        We go out of our way to make peoples lives better..

        YEEEEEEEAH!! by lending grannies money then sending in MMF when they cant pay, Quelle Surprise!!


        • #5
          Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO


          I just LUUUURVE his accent, though. Why are such nice people so persecuted ?

          Hes from about Cape Town im guessing.. not harsh enough to be Joberg.. not soft enough to be Durban..

          im a bit of an expert on this I lived with a south african for about a year and a half


          • #6
            Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

            OMG, Puff. I really am sorry if I caused any offence.

            I'm also sorry if you devoted 18 months of your life to such a person.


            • #7
              Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

              its ok hun you havent caused offence, more like happy memories of being in a pub with 40 to 50 saffas singing that stupid song!

              they actually found it funny.

              Actually he was a really nice guy, nothing but nice things to say about the man, and hes more a brother to me now. He taught me a new language, to be confident and see good things in myself, couldnt have wished for a nicer man. We broke up as best friends, so dont be sorry, be glad i have such a nice friend

              thanks for worrying hun, but honest there is no reason to in the slightest, I didnt see the link till today, when i sat and howled laughing. Im a firm believer in the sins of the father not being the sins of the son, and as Cliff is nothing like what the songs about, no need for me to take offence at all



              • #8
                Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

                I found this very difficult to watch, just wanted to punch him in the mouth.
                They apparently are still learning and that is why they are making mistakes like lending to people who haven't a hope of being able to pay the money back, and creating cash cows that they can milk for default charges indefinably.

                Still learning my backside, they have it down to a fine art, it was perfected 6 years ago when they started the business in Canada, they got wise to it and regulated the **** out of them now its our turn.

                "We think that people who are financially excluded should not be deprived of access to financial services" what a load of bollcocks, being given access to F.S. does not mean that they are fair game to be exploited , going to have a large brandy now and try and calm down.
                Blqqdy berk

                Last edited by davyb; 2nd August 2012, 21:56:PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

                  is the same guy who after I complained about them taking the loan out in drips and drabs then same day the full amount again dispite telling them to wait 2 days until the cash had gone in so it was paid off. they paid eventually for thier sins, bank charges reversed, small compensation direct into my account and a funny surprise, knock at the door, man standing there (not damlin lol) with a hoog bunch of flowers bottle of plonk, chocolates (the expensive m&s ones) and a personal apology letter I nealrly fainted LOL the guy is a total wimp when cornered


                  • #10
                    Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

                    Originally posted by davyb View Post
                    I fund this very difficult to watch, just wanted to punch him in the mouth.
                    They apparently are still learning and that is why they are making mistakes like lending to people who haven't a hope of being able to pay the money back, and creating cash cows that they can milk for default charges indefinably.

                    Still learning my backside, they have it down to a fine art, it was perfected 6 years ago when they started the business in Canada, they got wise to it and regulated the **** out of them now its our turn.

                    "We think that people who are financially excluded should not be deprived of access to financial services" what a load of bollcocks, being given aces to F.S. does not mean that they are fair game to be exploited , going to have a large brandy now and try and calm down.
                    Blqqdy berk

                    Try Valium - it's quicker. Lol!
                    Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                    • #11
                      Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

                      Originally posted by messimoo View Post
                      is the same guy who after I complained about them taking the loan out in drips and drabs then same day the full amount again dispite telling them to wait 2 days until the cash had gone in so it was paid off. they paid eventually for thier sins, bank charges reversed, small compensation direct into my account and a funny surprise, knock at the door, man standing there (not damlin lol) with a hoog bunch of flowers bottle of plonk, chocolates (the expensive m&s ones) and a personal apology letter I nealrly fainted LOL the guy is a total wimp when cornered
                      I expect he saw his company's credit licence in danger of being restricted or pulled altogether and that's why he tried to crawl up a certain bodily orifice.
                      Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                      • #12
                        Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

                        Originally posted by davyb View Post
                        ...going to have a large brandy now and try and calm down.
                        Blqqdy berk
                        Just the one, now Davy, mind. Just the one !!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO

                          If they're 'payday' loans why do they use OAP's in their ads? Would a pensioner actually collect enough pension to pay back his ridiculous interest rates? I wish Wonga 'nothing but failure' in a get rich scheme that involves 'taking too much money from the vulnerable'. Lower than low.


                          • #14
                            Re: Guardian interview Wonga CEO


                            Yes and if they are targeted at the financially stable why are they advertising on the debt forum over the road.



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