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Families must accept partial blame for recession?

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  • #31
    Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

    Originally posted by wales01man View Post
    First time ive read this thread interesting replies but never fear i will take all the blame for the countries money problems might as well, itried in business started to succeed borowed money to grow started growing the business as appens then bang reccession business fails both of them not the reccessions fault mine for having ambition so let me take the blame not the rest of the country cant get worse for my debt situation although im not bitter it would have been great to have been a success ive seen others who started the same type of businesses become rich not me maybe everthing else thats good in my life may have gone wrong or worse but its sods law ?
    PMSL! Excellent, I'm glad we've someone to blame, it always makes one feel better. Shame on you having ambition and wanting to earn a living and do your bit! I shall be writing to the National Press forthwith to apportion the blame for the recession in the correct place. We should have known all along! :beagle:


    • #32
      Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

      Having a look at the Swift situation, I feel even more agrieved at what this minister said. I forgot to add these companies continually put interest rates up, never down. I had loans attached to my mortgage in the past but this didn't happen then, it was all above board and transparent in terms of interest and the agreement you were going into. So although yes, we took the loan, the worst we can be accused of is ignorance about the way things had become. It was a strategy that we had no knowledge of that we were brought into because if they didn't get you one way with the charges, their continual increase of interest rates got you in the end.

      No, the only blame I accept is that I didn't know enough. But then the regulatory bodies didn't even pick up on these things, how were we meant to. Does the minister even to this day know how it all goes? I'm of two minds - they knew it was going to happen and were helping out a few banks or they were caught out by it too, either way I'm not impressed.


      • #33
        Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

        Oh, I've just read that its Walesman's fault - how very dare you bring this upon us. But then you have got Tom Jones (a god among men), free prescriptions and about 2,000 people in a choir that won Britain's Got Talent. So I'd say, all in all, you may not have any money and have caused all of us not to have any money, but interms of Wales plc, you're doing pretty good.


        • #34
          Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

          I no longer live in wales had to flee when they found out what i had done to the uk
          and im not welsh only half on my mothers side where i am now they dont know im the reason the countries in the ****e please keep it quiet i dont want to leave here next stop is exile like napolean?


          • #35
            Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

            Gwlad y gân wedi dod i lawr y DU PLC!


            • #36
              Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

              I can understand as Labman says, someone who has worked and has had to leave work due to ill health, or a school leaver looking for work getting benefit and help but.. and this is when Puff has a mega rant.

              I worked at Fenchurch Street Station and one night i witnessed 3 friends have bottles smashed over their heads by drunks. I had an elbow in the eye and from then on have worn glasses. It was the night of the Anti Capitalist Riots. Yes, the police did get involved, but the courts decided that we werent due compensation.
              I left work due to my PTSD coming back with a vengence, i couldnt stand with people behind me you name it, I applied for JSA as I was lookin for work and was told you left, come back in 8 weeks time. Luckily I got another job fast.
              On the other hand I have a "friend" who is 3 years younger than me, she has 5 kids by 2 men (fair enough relationships go sour), but whenever the job centre tells her the baby is old enough for her to work, she has another kid. She messaged me screaming about the 3 kid cut off with her money, shes never worked a day to earn entitlements. She sent me photos from Benidorm.. BENIDORM?? i can just about afford bognor! and my hubby works!

              In this sense I agree with the minister, families do need to take responibilty. They need to realise that the money they are harping on about needs earning somewhere. I dont work atm, mainly cos I cant find a job, but I worked until I was 5 months pregnant with my daughter, then as soon and no 1 son hit school age.
              The society that has encouraged families to not work, have kids, and not care about the consequences are is to blame for our current problems, in my opinion.


              • #37
                Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

                what also really gets me is that nowadays when even looking for a job its not what you know, its what you owe, These private companies have used the FSA rulings to cherry pick leaving people who do have debt unable to get work to clear the debts. People who are more than qualified to do the job more efficiantly than a fresh 16 year old they can employ for less and get rid of quicky because they cannot do the job right. We cannot clear debts as constantly refused work therefore putting us in a more and more procarious predicament of not being able to work or clear debts opening us up to alsorts of horrid consequences Liability orders, CCJ's Bailiifs ETC and for what reason Someone with debt cannot be trusted, unworthy and could commit fraud, theft etc. YET YES YET (sorry ranty) the Government and top bosses at the large companies can go around fiddling us out of millions and get away with it.

                Ok rant over I'll go back and hide behind the sofa


                • #38
                  Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

                  I have to agre with puff, where I "work" is a bit of a known rough spot, and the baby boom round there alone is huge, I find it hard to believe anyone would actually really really want more than 3 children, yet I know of some people round there, one I know is expecting number 6, if you were to ask her who the fathers were, she would probably have to go into a mental institute as it would set off a chain reaction in what little brain cells she has left, and she is only 23, I dont want to start a war, but should you require more than 3 children then I feel there should be something in place to assess whether you can comfortably have them, I will openly admit that should someone fall pregnant and have quads or more then that is a different matter, but to have children just to exploit the system is wrong, if you have been on benefits and are just exploiting the system I am sure that it would probably be cheaper for the government to coerce the individual into some form of more substantial contraceptive


                  • #39
                    Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

                    Why always blame the people its the system thats wrong unless your disabled and unable to work you should wirk but only if there are jobs available you can do refusal should mean lose of some benfits leaving them with only whats needed to live on until you work but before this we need to see jobs for all i worked for 40 years only out of work and claiming dole for 4 weeks in the 80s i got 36 per week for 3 kids 2 under 3 now im retired and looking after my severly disabled wife i get 55 odd quid jobseekers allowance and a small pension i used to work 7 days a week 70 hours plus to keep us i dont like to see anyone screw the system but some will while others need it most remember the rich screw it for all they can get so some of the peasants will.
                    Sorry for the rant but i hate to see so much hatred for those less fortunate than others we must be tolerant but fair Create jobs save benefits BUT WHEN????


                    • #40
                      Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

                      I meant no disrespect to genuine cases, what annoys me the most is that they are trying to get more people back to work, however these have been setup to help the 19-24 year olds mostly, not that this helps regular folk like myself and my good lady wife, so yeah, make the youngsters work while the remainder of us have to stay on benefits looking for jobs that they push onto the youth of today, half of whom probably dont even want or know how to do the job


                      • #41
                        Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

                        im speaking to my best friend as i type, she is a single mum of twins, unemployed (shes a domestic violence survivor). She is on tuesday traveling almost an hour to a course to help her "gain confidence and sell yourself better". they gave her homework, yes a 38 year old woman homework, it was to write a business plan for a non exisitant business, with a non existant 400k, and set up mission statements, rotas, staffing levels.. shes got no interest in being self employed, she wants a part time job near home so if the kids get ill she can get home on time.
                        and the best part of this is.. we are all paying for this course!!
                        Nothing she has done so far is anything to do with getting back to work.. so thats god knows how many thousands down the drain.. what we really need is investment in our own industries, help for our own companies and losing all the grand ideas, mission statements (whats a mission statement?!?) and red tape. Chiltern Railways were crying out for new rolling stock, they needed new security cameras and other things but didnt have the money.. however the spent £100,000 on sending 4 directors to the Hilton Hotel London, fully paid, so they could add the word Reliable to our charter.. so it read Comfortable, Affordable RELIABLE, Easy, Safe. (CARES).

                        we need to get our priorities right i think!


                        • #42
                          Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

                          What we need is someone with plain, down to earth, common sense who's willing to stand up to the pillocks. Forget your snobby, up your own ar5e public school folk (ashamed to admit I'm one of them, but I've stayed relatively 'normal' despite it) and get someone who understands the real world.

                          The problem is, anyone like that has not got a hope in hell of making it anywhere as the entire system is loaded against them.


                          • #43
                            Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

                            Agreed Labman, so they find the way available to them and then it goes on and on. The benefit culture is a different subject to the original statement of the minister. I spoke about his comment, I have never been out of work but have ended up screwed by the financiers. I'm not keen on benefit bashing for many reasons - one being that ministers like the one that issued this statement would love to see his comments disappear into an ether of argument that blames people on benefit. Like I said I'm not one, never have been, known people who genuinely needed it and the abuse of it is a whole other subject than getting your house repossessed by the likes of Swift but thank goodness we have a benefit system if the minsters allow the banks to profit at the cost of people's homes.


                            • #44
                              Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

                              Speaking as a small business owner, we have advertised for over a month now for lots of people to go out selling for our business, we are offerring a small weekly retainer plus commission, with a promise of a permanant full time position with a good salary/car etc for anyone who proves themselves, how many replies have we had....... two, amazing eh considering there are so many people out there unemployed.
                              Another thing is we were considering taking on another person in our office, but we are loath to take on anyone of 'breeding' age because of the minefield of maternity/paternity benefits etc.
                              So all in all pretty successfull eh, can't get people to work doing our sales because everyone is better off on benefits it seems, otherwise we would have had shed loads of applications and we don't want anyone who's likely to go off and have kids.


                              • #45
                                Re: Families must accept partial blame for recession?

                                you're not by any chance branching out to include Northamptonshire in your business venture, I would sure love a job


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