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Change to Working Tax Credits

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  • Change to Working Tax Credits

    More than 200,000 families will lose tax credits worth almost £4,000 a year unless they significantly increase their working hours, according to figures highlighted by Labour.
    Under changes due to come into effect on April 6, couples with children will have to work a total of 24 hours a week to qualify for Working Tax Credit, rather than 16 hours as at present.
    Official figures obtained by Labour's Treasury spokeswoman Cathy Jamieson showed that 212,000 households, including 470,000 children, could lose the £3,870-a-year credit as a result of the change.
    In a speech to shopworkers' union Usdaw, shadow chief secretary to the Treasury Rachel Reeves will describe it as a "tax credits bombshell" which will hit "parents in the squeezed middle who are working and trying to do the right thing".
    Ms Reeves is expected to say: "This is a deeply unfair change from a Government that is increasingly out of touch with parents feeling the squeeze and struggling to juggle work and family life. Raising taxes and cutting spending too far and too fast has seen unemployment rise and the economy go into reverse, and many employers are cutting people's hours.
    "In this climate, very few people in part-time work will be able to increase their hours by up to 50% at the moment. And for a couple with children losing around £4,000 a year, or £75 a week, from this change could mean going out to work makes no sense."
    She added: "This tax credits bombshell is now just a few weeks away. For thousands of families it means going out to work won't pay and they'll be better off on benefits. That makes no economic sense at all. The Government urgently needs to think again."
    At present, anyone responsible for at least one child and working at least 16 hours a week can get Working Tax Credit.
    But from April, couples will be eligible for the credit only if their combined working week amounts to more than 24 hours, with one partner working 16 hours or more. The change will not apply to over-60s, the disabled or couples where one partner is ill, in hospital or in prison.
    Figures compiled by the House of Commons Library show that the region with the most households likely to be affected is London (46,205, including 111,190 children) followed by the North West (26,845), West Midlands (22,675) and Yorkshire and the Humber (20,225).

    Families 'set to lose tax credit' - Yahoo!
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  • #2
    Re: Change to Working Tax Credits

    Apart from the fact working hours are more likely to be cut than upped then what a blow for them relying on this benefit.
    Secondly they have barely got stage one of this farcical benefit (IMHO) gawd knows what mistakes will be made now.


    • #3
      Re: Change to Working Tax Credits

      It says 'couples', I'm wondering if it will apply to Single parents also ? We have a single mum working for us and she was saying that she can't afford to earn over xxx as it affects her tax credits.
      All very confusing to me.


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