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Petrol Shortage Due To Blockades

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  • #16
    Re: Petrol Shortage Due To Blockades

    The main point I was making was re the car tax dodgers as it would save millions. I know gas guzzlers pay more - I run a motorhome!

    We can all see lots of areas in which the government waste money. As many of you know from previous posts my brother is right at the top, one of the Executive Directors of the DWP. He has just spent two weeks going round sacking 25000 people from posts no longer considered necessary. He even had to sack his own wife! He also still has not by any means finished.

    It would be interesting to hear what other areas members feel are a waste of money which have not been identified for cut backs already.


    • #17
      Re: Petrol Shortage Due To Blockades

      Here's a novel idea; why does the Government not simply spend less?
      That is a good point as far too much is given to other countries in financial aid that has to be cut.
      If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



      • #18
        Re: Petrol Shortage Due To Blockades

        Originally posted by Caspar View Post
        He even had to sack his own wife! He also still has not by any means finished.
        Why did he employ his wife in the first place? A fair few MPs got into trouble for doing just this.


        • #19
          Re: Petrol Shortage Due To Blockades

          He didn't. His wife had had the job from before they even met working two days a week. The post was felt no longer needed. She was the one in it, so he had to sack her.

          Nothing underhand!


          • #20
            Re: Petrol Shortage Due To Blockades

            Ref tax dodgers. There are thousands of foreign cars being driven daily on our roads by migrant workers/immigrants who do not pay road tax!! I asked a policeman about it and his reply was symptomatic of the country as a whole - nothing to do with use - speak to the DVLA.
            Darkness is only the absence of light; ignorance is only the absence of knowledge.


            • #21
              Re: Petrol Shortage Due To Blockades

              Originally posted by Caspar View Post
              It would be interesting to hear what other areas members feel are a waste of money which have not been identified for cut backs already.
              The bloody CSA!!!!!!
              They are the biggest cost to the tax payer. They tell lies about the amount of money they collect, the amount of money they are owed and then they have the nerve to tell people that they are 'solving child poverty'.

              How can a government agency that is more than happy to make a Non Resident Parent (NRP) and his 'new' family homeless just to fund some lazy good for nothing who uses their children like a cash machine!

              Look what you did now Caspar, you got me started!!!


              • #22
                Re: Petrol Shortage Due To Blockades

                Methinks that one was from the heart Ben! Agree though given the difficulties you're experiencing with them.


                • #23
                  Re: Petrol Shortage Due To Blockades

                  Its not just me though!
                  There are literally thousands on NRP's in the same or worse situation as were in.

                  Someone i know has just been evicted from their own home because the CSA are a law unto themselves. They fabricated thousands of pounds of arrears (even thought they have been paying the CSA for years), then took them to court and managed to get a judge to seize their house and sell it. By the way they are a family like us with 3 kids living with them, they both work full time while the 'ex' gets over £2000 per month (yes you read it right). How is putting a family of 5 on the streets 'solving child poverty' as the CSA like to spout????

                  Its time this agency was shut down for good and maintenance handed back to the courts to decide based on individual circumstances of each case rather than some BS the government made up!!!

                  My current situation is SSP £300 per month, CSA deducting £175 per month because they decided that my protected income is £125 per month so they take the rest. How is that right, fair or just?
                  Oh and 1 more thing, Even though I have given CSA proof that we were paying my ex via standing order they still take notice of the Parent With Care (PWC) when she says i'm lying. Funny how that even though you prove something to the CSA they ONLY believe the PWC.

                  Sorry for the rant guys but they really do make my blood boil


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